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shops and wear.doc
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20. Sizes

  1. Have you a suit to fit me?

  2. What size do you wear?

  3. What’s your size?

  4. What size do you take in gloves?

  5. What’s your chest measurement?

  6. Allow me to measure you, madam?

  7. My size is ...

  8. I wear size 12.

  9. What size of collars do you wear?

  10. They are a size too small.

  11. It’s not my size.

  12. It doesn’t fit me in size.

  13. Give me another one, a size bigger

  14. Like the one you showed me just now, but rather smaller.

21. Matching

  1. I want a hat to match this dress.

  2. These colours don’t match.

  3. These colours clash, don’t they?

  4. These two colours contrast very well.

  5. I don’t think these gloves will match your dress.

  6. These shoes are not in tone with your dress.

  7. I never wear every thing of one colour, it has a monotonous effect.

  8. - What kind of suit do you need a tie for?

- I’ve got a new blue suit. What colour will suit it best?

- I should say something dark-blue with white stripes.

  1. I’m afraid the shoes won't go very well with this dress.

22. Fashion. Style

  1. What have you got of the latest thing in hats?

  2. What have you got of the latest designs (styles, fashion)?

  3. You haven’t got anything after that style, have you?

  4. This dress is quite up-to-date.

  5. This dress is too loud for me.

  6. It’s all the vogue.

  7. This came into fashion last spring.

  8. It’s the latest fad.

  9. It’s posh.

  10. I should like something quieter.

  11. I want something more stylish.

  12. No, I don’t like the cut and colour.

  13. This style doesn’t suit me.

  14. This suits are in fashion now.

  15. It has come into fashion recently.

  16. It has gone out of fashion.

23. Quality

  1. Is it durable?

  2. I should like to point out the quality.

  3. It is of the best quality.

  4. This dress is beyond comparison with those.

  5. The shoes are expensive, but, on the other hand, they will wear well.

  6. These shoes will wear out any kind of shoes.

  7. This coat will last (wear) for years.

  8. It’ll last a lifetime (my time).

  9. These shoes are long-wearing.

  10. They will stand a good deal of wear.

  11. The gloves could stand no wear.

  12. It wears well and it keeps shape.

  13. Have you nothing better?

  14. This seems to be poor stuff.

  15. This is worth nothing.

  16. It’ll wear out very soon.

  17. It’s of very bad quality.

  18. This material tears easily.

  19. Trousers of this material don’t keep their shape.

  20. The material is too coarse.

  21. It’ll be too thin for a coat.

  22. This material creases easily.

  23. It doesn’t crumple at all.

  24. It never needs ironing.

  25. This material holds a crease very long.

  26. It is crease/wrinkle-resistant

  27. Is it waterproof?

  28. It’s unshrinkable.

  29. This colour will stand for ever.

  30. It’s colour-fast. It won’t fade.

  31. It’ll never loose colour.

24. Buying footwear

  1. I should like a pair of black laced boots.

  2. Show me those high-heeled shoes.

  3. What make are these shoes?

  4. Have you no wider shoes?

  5. I would like to see what perforated shoes you have.

  6. Don’t pull at the lace so hard or it’ll snap.

  7. The shoe lace has burst (snapped, broken).

  8. Will they stretch by wearing?

  9. The shoe hurts me.

  10. - Does it pinch?

- Yes, it pinches my toes.

  1. - Where is it pressing?

- It’s pressing on my toe.

  1. I cannot pull the boot on.

  2. It’s a great pity I can’t get it on.

  3. I see they are rather tight.

  4. They are much too large.

  5. The instep is too tight.

  6. My feet feel comfortable in these shoes.

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