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The level of syntactic meanings

(ST) “Love is lawless”

(TT) «Махаббатта заң жоқ»

In the fourth type of equivalence, along with the three content components that are stored in the third type, in translation are reproduced significant part of ST syntactic structures. ST structural organization represents certain information as part of general content of the TT. The syntactic structure of utterances makes the use of words in it a certain type in a certain sequence and with certain connections between different words, but also largely determines the portion of the content, which comes to the fore in the act of communication. Therefore, the maximum possible preservation of the ST syntactic organization in the translation enhances the reproduction of the ST contents. In addition, the syntactic parallelism of the ST and the TT provides a basis for correlating individual elements of these texts, justifying their structural identification of the communicants.

The level of word semantics

(ST) “Calf love, half love

Old love, cold love”

(TT) «Алғашқы махаббат – жарты махаббат

Соңғы махаббат – суық махаббат»

(ST) “All that glitters is not gold”

(TT) «Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес»

The equivalence of the fifth type involves keeping in translation the ST stylistic characteristics. Perceiving a word in the languages evaluate it as a vehicle for more information about the appropriateness of using the word in a particular type of speech: spoken, a book or poetry. A significant number of words in any language are stylistically neutral, i.e. used in various types of speech. Neutral stylistic characteristic is also seen speaking as a component of connotative meaning, based on which word is appropriate or inappropriate in their respective statements. A special place in the relations between units of the ST and the TT of the fifth type of equivalence is intra-linguistic meaning of the word, due to its position in the linguistic system. Any word is in a complex and varied semantic relations with other words of the language, and these relations are reflected in its semantics.

I have given analogues when I have found Kazakh proverbs that are equivalent to the English in their meaning but differ completely of partially in their form. For example:

(ST) “So many countries, so many customs”

(TT) «Әр елдің салты басқа»

(TT) «Сколько стран, столько и обычаев»

(ST) “Beauty lies in lover’s eye”

(TT) «Сұлу сұлу емес, сүйген сұлу»

(TT) «Не по-хорошему мил, а по-милому хорош»

(ST) “Good clothes open all doors”

(TT) «Танитын жерде өң сыйлы, танымайтын жерде тон сыйлы»

(TT) «По одежке встречают, по уму провожают»

(ST) “No pains, no gains”

(TT) «Еңбегі аздың өнбегі аз»

(TT) «Без труда нет плода»

In cases when neither an equivalent nor an analogue is available in Kazakh I have used the method of calques or loan translation:

(ST) “An Englishman Italianate is a devil incarnate”

(TT) «Итальянданған ағылшын – адам болған сайтан»

(TT) «Англичанин, ставши Итальянцем – человек в облике чёрта»

(ST) “England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity”

(TT)«Англияның қиындығы – Ирландияның мүмкіндігі»

(TT) «Трудности Англии – возможности Ирланидии»

(ST) “The proof of the pudding is in its eating”

(TT) «Пуддингтің не екенін білу үшін пуддингті жеп көру керек»

(TT) «Чтобы узнать, что такое пудинг нужно его попробовать»

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