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    1. Communicate with your classmate about applying for a job, using active vocabulary:

a promotion – продвижение по службе

a responsibility - обязанность

an applicant – кандидат

an application – заявление

an application for a position of – заявление на должность

to apply for a new job – претендовать на какую – либо должность

resume – резюме

questionnaire – анкета

C.V. (curriculum vitae) – автобиография

to look for a new job (work, position) – искать новую работу

to employ – нанимать на работу

an employee – наемный рабочий

an employer – наймодатель

state – employed – госслужащий

white – collar worker – «белый воротничок» работник умственного труда

blue – collar worker – «синий воротничок» работник физического труда

skilled worker – квалифицированный рабочий

experienced worked – опытный работник

to be hired for a job – быть нанятым на короткий срок

a salary – зарплата, оклад

a bonus – премии

a trial period – испытательный срок

to earn – зарабатывать

to join the company – поступать на работу в компанию

to have extra work – подрабатывать

to work overtime – работать сверхурочно

to work in shifts – работать по сменам

work experience – опыт работы

to quit to leave one’s job – увольняться

to be fired – быть уволенным

to retire – уходить на пенсию

well – paid, prestigious job – высокооплачиваемая престижная работа

  1. How do you see your future profession? Please answer the following questions:

1) What kind of work are you interested in?

a) well paid ; b) interesting ; c) in a large and famous company ; d) quiet ;

e) in an industry which has a future ; f) prestigious

g) not to sit the whole day in the office ; h) to travel a lot …

2) What position would you like to have?

a) to manage people — manager

b) to work for someone else — an employee

c) to be your own boss — self-employed, businessman

d) be responsible for everything — top manager, director

e) to work for the state — state employee

  1. Read the text and translate it: Working His Way Up

Nick Minelli has been a bus boy at Blake's Steak House for six months. Working as a bus boy was a good beginning for Nick. By doing his job well, he knew he could get a promotion. He has done his job well and has shown that he is dependable and trustworthy.

Recently Nick's supervisor suggested that he started training as a waiter. That was great news because Nick suddenly felt closer to his real goal – becoming head chef. Through a combination of hard work, patience and determination Nick planned to work his way up the Ladder of success.

Waiting of tables gave Nick the opportunity to make more money. He made his best tips on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Making salads and baking bread will be Nick's responsibilities if he gets promoted to assistant chef.

Becoming head chef would be like a dream come true for Nick. He believes that hard work and determination will pay off.

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