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The Emperor's Club.doc
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  1. Watch the following sequence. Describe the contest, its organization and purpose. Use the phrases:

To be held …. year in ….. phases; to be a …… of quizzes; to narrow the … of competitors; to be a public tournament; to ….. the stage at St. Benedict’s hall; to answer questions about …. ….. ; to be ….. a winner; to be ….. Julius Caesar.

Home assignments:

  1. Study Vocabulary II: to procure, to estimate, undaunted, lean, to mold, to pledge, stake, to confine, to vouch, to commend, a moderator, a reprobate, veritable, stab, bid, to expose, kindling. Prepare the cards.

  2. Interpretation

Who said the following? On what occasion? What is the communicative intention of the speakers? What is the implication of the statements?

– Mr. Masoudi, could you define the word “path” for me?

–There are several definitions, I suppose.

– Would a ‘route’ along which someone or something moves be among them? Follow the path, Mr. Masoudi. Walk where the great men before you had walked.

– Yes, it’s better for the grass.

– It’s better for you.

Shutruk-Nuhhunte was utterly forgotten. His accomplishments cannot be found in any book of history. Why?

  • What’s the good of what you are teaching those boys?

  • The good?” Well, Senator, the Greeks and Romans provided a model of democracy which, I don’t need to tell you, the framers of our own Constitution used as their inspiration. But more to the point, I think when the boys read Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Julius Caesar even, they’re put in direct contact with the men who, in their own age, exemplify the highest standards of statesmanship, of civic virtue, of character and conviction.

  • Boy, that is a horse that can talk.

  • It’s my job to mold your son’s character.

  • Mould him? Jesus God in heaven, son! You’re not gonna mold him. Your job is to teach my son: teach him the time tables, who killed whom, where and why. I will mold him.

  • Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.

– How long have you been hard-of-hearing, Sedgewick?

– I thought you might have known.

– Who was that poor mercenary who was feeding you answers?

– Some graduate student. Gave him a hundred bucks and a warm meal. I trust you’ll keep this between us. As always.

– Do you mean: Am I going out there and expose you as a liar and a cheat? No, I’m a teacher. And I failed you as a teacher. But I’ll give you one last lecture, if I may. All of us, at some point, are forced to look at ourselves in the mirror and see who we really are. And when that day comes, I pity you, Sedgewick.

– Well, Mr. Hundert. Who gives the shit? What do you have to show for yourself? I live in the real world where people do what they need to get what they want. And if it’s lying or cheating, then so be it. So, I gonna out there and I’m going to win the elections, Mr. Hundert. And you will see me everywhere. And I will worry about my contribution later.

  1. What do the following episodes add to the message of the film?

How are the main personages portrayed?

  1. Mr. Hundert made an arrangement to meet with Sedgewick’s father. He had a “heart-to-heart” conversation with the Senator in his office.

  2. Mr. Hundert decided to show how the “old school” could play baseball.

He hit the ball through the window of the headmaster’s car and had to run away and hide together with his students.

  1. Mr. Hundert had to teach Sedgwick Bell, the CEO of the big corporation by now, his last lesson (in the men’s bathroom)

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