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Education in the contemporary world

Education today must be understood not only as a transfer and acquisition of systematized knowledge and abilities but as a realization by the individual of himself or herself and the surrounding environment and as transformation of the people's internal world and social realities./А real educational system is a cultural and educational space where education is in demand, where it receives priority attention and where an educated person can apply his developing abilities. In other words, education, in a contemporary interpretation, is viewed as a free, open and creative social arrangement for reproduction and extension of human forces and potentials in all areas of activity.

У Since the technological revolution of the last decades, the educational systems of all countries have been subject to intensive reform. Owing to different conceptual and ideological arrangements, political approaches, historical experience and pedagogical traditions, the reforms are different in depth and pace. At the same time, common tendencies in the development and improvement of educational systems have become clear. In the 21st century, the most substantial of these tendencies are:

  • the increasing significance of education in the society;

  • the formation of an integral and flexible continuous training and education system;

  • the renewal of content of education, modernization of the training and material base, application of modern techniques and methods of teaching;

  • mass professionalization based on a sufficiently high level of general education;

  • democratization and humanization of the organization and administration of education;

  • development of new pedagogical thinking;

  • activation of educational institutions as social and cultural centers.

While adapting themselves to the conditions of pluralistic societies and high- technology science and intensive production, the educational systems of industrial countries are characterized by:

  • flexible arrangements capable of adequate reactions to changing social and personal educational demands and requirements;

  • coordination of educational institutions of different types and levels;

  • a common "core" and a variety of optional courses to acquire knowledge, abilities and


  • application in pedagogical practice of new information processing technologies and effective teaching methodologies;

  • regional specification of education and training allowing for cultural, ethnic, social and individual needs of the students;

  • internationalization of the content and process of teaching to permit international equivalence of qualifications.

Such tendencies will ensure a transition to a qualitatively new stage in education that meets the requirements of the 21 st century.

Vocabulary notes:

contemporary - современный

transfer - передача

to acquire - приобретать

acquisition - приобретение

to apply - использовать, применять, прилагать

application - приложение, применение

arrangement - размещение, расположение, расстановка

arrangements – pl меры, мероприятия, приготовления

reproduction - воспроизведение

significance - значение

integral - существенный, полный, цельный

techniques - методы

sufficiently - достаточно

general education - общее (всеобщее) образование

adapting - приспосабливаясь

pluralistic societies - плюралистические (многонациональные) общества

a common "core" - обычное "ядро" (профилирующие дисциплины)

optional courses - дополнительные курсы (курсы по выбору)

equivalence - эквивалентность, соответствие to meet the requirements - отвечать (соответствовать) требованиям


  1. Do you think education is in demand in modern world? Why?

  2. What is the reason for you to get higher education?

  3. Is education of any significance in the village, small settlement, city?

  4. What are your personal educational demands and requirements?

  5. Did you attend any optional courses to acquire knowledge, abilities and skills at school?

  6. Were all your school teachers real professionals?

  7. Were new information processing technologies introduced in your school?

  8. Where can you apply your abilities at this University?

  9. What would you like to change in our system of education?