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Билеты 2 семестр основы алгоритмизации (англ).doc
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Some tests for your program:

Input data

Output data

6, -20, 3, -20, 8, 0, 12, 0

3, 8, 12

3, 30, 10, 1, 5, 4, 2, 100

There are no any zero-elements in the array

-2, -30, -8, 0, -3, 0, 0, -1

There are no any positive elements in the array

Преподаватель ___________________________

Санкт-Петербургский колледж информатизации и управления

(наименование среднего учебного заведения)

Рассмотрено предметной комиссией

“ “ ___________20 г.


Экзаменационный билет №__4_

По Основы алгоритмизации и____



Группа__341a___ Cеместр__VI______


Зам. директора по учебной работе


“ “_______20 г.

1. Integer and real types. Arithmetic operators.

  1. Problem (A). Read two input strings. Concatenate them and output the result string and its length on the form. Your application may have a user interface like that:

Problem (B). Read an input string. Determine the index of the first character ‘*’ in the string.

Some tests for your program:

Input data

Output data






There are no any asterisks in the string

Problem (C). Read an input integer two-dimensional array from the file, display it on the form using StringGrid component. Form one-dimensional array which contains the minimal elements of the corresponding input array’s rows. Display output array on the form and write it to the file. Your application may have a user interface like that:

On clicking the “read it from a file” button standard dialog box for selecting and opening files must appear (see Variant 1, Problem 3). On clicking the “write to a file” button standard dialog box for saving files must appear.

Преподаватель ___________________________

Санкт-Петербургский колледж информатизации и управления

(наименование среднего учебного заведения)

Рассмотрено предметной комиссией

“ “ ___________20 г.


Экзаменационный билет №__5_

По Основы алгоритмизации и____



Группа__341a___ Cеместр__VI______


Зам. директора по учебной работе


“ “_______20 г.

1. Boolean types, Boolean operators, relational operators.

  1. Problem (A). Declare a function which evaluates and returns the perimeter of the triangle. The function must take three input parameters – the sides of the triangle. Read the values of the triangle’s sides from the Edit components and evaluate triangle’s perimeter, using a call to the function.

Problem (B). Read an input string. Evaluate the number of the digits in the string.

Problem (C). Read an input integer two-dimensional array (square matrix) from the file, display it on the form using StringGrid component. Form one-dimensional array which contains input matrix’s even elements located over its secondary diagonal. Display output array on the form and write it to the file. (refer to Variant 3 Problem 3 and Variant 4 Problem 3 for the examples of possible user interface for your application).

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