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VI. Неопределенные местоимения some, any и отрицательное местоимение no и их производные.


некоторые, несколько

употребляются в утвердительных предложениях

We’ll discuss some problems at the conference. - На конференции мы обсудим некоторые проблемы.


перед числительным

There were some 200 at the conference. - На конференции было около 200 человек.


всякий, любой

перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе в утвердительном предложении

You can get this СD at any shop. - Ты можешь купить этот компакт диск в любом магазине.


существительным в вопросительном предложении

Is there any information from him? - От него есть какая-либо информация?


в отрицательных предложениях

He wasn’t asked any questions about his report. - Ему не было задано никаких вопросов о его докладе.


никакой, нет

никто из…

перед существительным в единственном и множественном числе

There is no information on this question. -По этому вопросу нет никакой информации.


None of…

употребляется взамен уже упоминавшегося существительного

Are there any programs on this problem? -No, there are none. - Есть какиенибудь программы по этой проблеме? - Нет.


употребляется в качестве подлежащего в неопределенно-личных предложениях и на русский язык не переводится

One can translate this text without help. – Можно перевести этот текст без помощи.

употребляется вместо ранее упомянутого существительного, чтобы избежать его повторения

You may take my mouse. - Thank you, I have one, the one that Peter gave me yesterday. - Ты можешь взять мою мышку. - Спасибо, у меня есть мышка, та, которую дал мне вчера Петя.

Производные слова от местоимений some, any, no, every



+body, one






















1. Take some books you like.

2. Could you give me some water?


всякий, любой








всякий, все

кто-то, кто-нибудь


1. везде

2. где-нибудь


1. +

2. ?

1. You can cash your money at any bank.

2. Do you have any English programs at home?

No, not any



not anything




not anybody



not anywhere

нигде, никуда + не


I have no information about this.










везде, повсюду

+ ?

I know everything about it.

Обратите внимание: характерно употребление следующих парных местоимений: eitheror –или…или, neithernor - ни…ни. Местоимения either, neither могут употребляться отдельно:

I know neither him, nor his professor. - Я не знаю ни его, ни его профессора. I don’t like this computer. - Neither do I. - Мне этот компьютер не нравится. Мне тоже.

Задание 1. Выберите подходящее по смыслу местоимение:

1. (We, us) all went with (their, them) to the dean’s office. 2. My friend came to see (I, me) last night. 3. Victor gave Peter and (I, me) new CD and we went to the library with (he, him) and his friend. 4. He told Mary and (me, I) to go with (he, him) and his sister. 5. They know all about my friend and (I, me). 6. An old man asked (we, us) to come and see (him, his). 7. Go with David and (her, she) to visit (they, them).

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями 1 или 2 типа.

1. I have studied all ___ programs; can I have one of ___? 2. Peter has lost ___ file. 3. Mr. Brown and Mr. Black and a friend of ___ are visited our conference. 4. We are going to Moscow to buy new hardware with a friend of ___. 5. I have made ___ report, and Mary has made ___, so come and make ___ now. 6. Susan wants to know if you have seen ___ file.

Задание 3. Выберите подходящее по смыслу местоимение:

1. They invited me to (them, their) lecture. 2. He couldn’t answer (his, he) professor. 3. They were (your, you) former students. 4. You are (us, our) colleagues. 5. This is (my, me) site. 6. Where is the dictionary? (He, it) is in (his, its) place on the table.

Задание 4. Выберите подходящее по смыслу местоимение:

1. Your motherboard is new, but (my, mine) is not. 2. She says that modem is (her, hers). 3. You can run program without my help, but not without (their, theirs.) 4. Will you help me to sort these discs? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (our, ours). 5. It is a keyboard of (my, mine). 6. Do you know (your, yours) lesson today? He does not know (him, his). 7. This is your notebook and this is his, but where is (her, hers)?

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски возвратными местоимениями:

1. I’ll give you the money to buy the trees, but you’ll have to plant them ___. 2. We’d like to make the shelves ___. 3. The work ___ isn’t difficult, but we simply haven’t the time to do it. 4. The tents ___ were small, but there was a big building where we could play or read when the weather is rainy. 5. Buy me some fruit and take some for ___. 6. The old man was walking up the street talking to ___. 7. I always draw the pictures for our wall newspaper ___. 8. How do you know the things? – Ann told me everything ___. 9. Nobody wants to go with me, so I’ll go

by ___. 10. I hear you are going to Paris. I hope you will enjoy ___.

Задание 6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление местоимения that:

1. That student studies in our group. 2. Do you know those girls? They are from our institute. 3. The professor that lectures on mechanics is the dean of our faculty. 4. That higher education in this country is excellent is known to everybody. 5. The program for the first-year students differs from that of the third-year students. 6. There are many interesting articles in this journal, read those of your specialty.

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Who wrote this article?

The specialist who wrote this article…


__________который ____________

Whose research is that?

The scientist whose research is given.

Who are these editors addressed to?

The users to whom these editors are addressed…

What is that?

Nobody knows what has happened.

What is a good text editor?

We don't know what editor to use.

What editor do you use?

I'll recommend you what you are interested in.

Which of the systems interests you most?

The system which you are interested in …

How is it used?

We don't know how to use it.

When was it developed?

It was developed when nobody believed, it was possible.

Задание 8. Вставьте вместо пропусков “some”, ”any”, ”no”:

1. Are there ___ students here from Japan? 2. There are ___ students here from Japan, but there are not ___ from India. 3. Is there ___ news? –Yes, there are ___ letters on the desk. 4. If ___ difficulties arise, let me know. 5. They have ___ really good friends. Have you got ___? 6. Can anybody of you help us? - ___ problem. 7. Would you like ___ ice cream, please? - ___ more, thank you, I’ve had ___. 8. I take ___ sugar with my tea, it fattens me. 9. He told us ___ strange story. 10. They haven’t got ___ conveniences in their country house but they are going to get ___.

Задание 9. Вставьте вместо пропусков “somebody”, ”anybody”, ”nobody”:

1. It is so dark here! Can you see ___ in front of us? 2. Do you know that ___ has broken the door to the laboratory? 3. Do you know ___ here? 4. She said she could recognize ___because of their painted faces. 5. Is there ___ at home? –No, there is ___ in. 6. I’m sure there is ___ inside, just knock louder! 7. If ___ comes, he will give you a call. 8. Are you waiting for ___? 9. Don’t be silly! There is ___ there.

Задание 10. Вставьте вместо пропусков “something”, ”anything”, ”nothing”:

1. I’m sure ___ can be done under the circumstances. 2. There is always ___ I don’t understand. 3. Is there ___ else you would like me to explain to you? 4. Nelly has got very important news. It’s ___ you would like to hear. 5. I don’t want ___ at all. 6. I think there is ___ strange about this man. 7. ___ ever interests him. 8. Shall we go anywhere for the weekend? – Sorry, we can’t we all have ___ to do. 9. Everybody thinks he should buy ___ for the party. 10. ___ serious can come out of this.

Задание 11. Переведите предложения с местоимением one в различных функциях:

1. One must study a lot to become an engineer. 2. We must write only one exercise now. 3. Engineer is one of the most important professions; it is the one that is taught at technical institutes. 4. One cannot translate such an article without a dictionary in the first year. 5. One must have a very good knowledge of general engineering subjects to become a good engineer. 6. One must pass all exams well to enter the institute. 7. Last summer I read many English technical articles, and my friend read some German ones. 8. This summer we shall spend in the country, the last one we spent in the city. 9. We translated many texts, but there is one more text to translate. 10. One can take this journal from the library.

Задание 14.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неопределенные местоимения и их производные:

1. There are some students in the room now. 2. Are there any students in the classroom now? 3. Everybody knows that one can find any book in the Lenin library. 4. There are no students in the classroom now. 5. I was looking for the new reference book on physics everywhere, but couldn’t find it. 6. I must have some paper, I can’t write anything. 7. This man knows something, but he doesn’t want to tell us. 8. I have seen you somewhere before. 9. No one said anything to us about it at the meeting. 10. In our institute library I always find everything I need. 11. We could find information nowhere. 12. They found nobody at home. Задание 15. Выполните тест.

  1. Mary has been shopping since morning, but she hasn’t bought _____.

A. any B. nothing C. something D. anything

2. I enjoyed ________ very much at Ann’s party.

A oneself B myself C self D me

3. There aren’t _______ easy ways of learning a foreign language.

A some B no C any D the

4. Jim asked me if he could borrow my book because he had lost ______.

A him B himself C he D his

5. When Anna got paid she bought ________ some new clothes.

A herself B hers C her D she

6. I’ve got two bicycles, so you can borrow one of ______ if you like.

A my B me C I D mine

7. There isn’t ________ in the garden.

A anybody B any people C some people D somebody

8. _____ children like to stay indoors in such good weather!

A no B not C no one D none

9. I’ll tell ______ about it, I promise to keep it as a secret.

A anybody B somebody C nobody D everybody

10. Is this coat ____?

A yours B your C you D the yours