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Методичні рекомендації щодо семінарсько-практичних занять

Теми практичних занять.

Модуль 1-2 (1 семестр)

Заняття 1-2.

Тема: Introduction. Вступ.


1. Тестування студентів на визначення рівня комунікативної компетенції в англомовному спілкуванні.

2. Відповіді на запитання за темою заняття.

3. Читання та переклад тексту за темою.

4. Запитання на закріплення теми заняття.


  1. What are three major viewpoints within the field of psychology?

  2. The three viewpoints are: 1) the biological viewpoint which places great emphasis on how the chemistry and electrical activity in your brain and the rest of your body control what you think and do; 2) the psychic viewpoint which focuses on what goes on inside your mind as determining what you think c and 3) the social/behavioral viewpoint places an emphasis on the importance of the environment in shaping human thoughts and behavior.

  3. What is the difference between an independent and a dependent variable?

  4. Explain the difference between being "subjective" and being "objective." Give an example of each.

  5. How did McConnell use the scientific method to objectively test whether or not the autistic girl could read her mother's mind?

  6. Develop your five essay questions below. Skim the chapter summary and develop five questions that you think your instructor is likely to ask on the exam.


Основна (обов’язкова):

  • James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.3-16.

Додаткова :

1. Full text of "Psychology Understanding Human Behavior"




  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKzJToO0FJw&feature=related

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TMXnh2wtUY&feature=related

  • Intro Psych: Scientific Method http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY7kligrphA&feature=related

Заняття 3.

Тема: Structure and function of the Brain. Структура і функції мозку.


  1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

  2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

  3. Висновки з теми.


  1. What role does the cortex play in the management of your bodily functions?

  2. The cerebral cortex is primarily responsible for conscious actions and decision-making functions. Automatic body functions are controlled by other centers.

  3. What is a dendrite, a soma, an axon?

  4. Describe the difference between resting potential and action potential.

  5. What is the function of the corpus callosum?

  6. What important discoveries about the brain were made by Sperry and Myers?

  7. Develop your five essay questions. Skim the chapter summary and develop five questions that you think your instructor is likely to ask on the exam.


Основна (обов’язкова):

  1. James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.18-44.

Додаткова :