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Глюкова Ю.Н. Пивень Е.И. Английский языкдля асп...doc
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II. Answer the questions in written form.

  1. Since what time has English become a world language?

  2. In what countries is English considered to be the official language?

  3. Where is English spoken as a second language?

  4. What languages were spoken by the people of Britain until the fifth century?

  5. What languages have influenced English since the 8th century?

  6. What is the role of Latin and Greek roots in the formation of the present-day vocabulary?

III. Translate in written form the 1st and the 2nd paragraphs of the text.

IV. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions.

  1. to colonize

  2. native speakers

  3. dialect

  4. ancestor

  5. to inhabit

V. Match the words from the box with the definitions below.

foreigner, invasion, to invent, tribe, to pronounce, language

  1. to make a sound of a letter, a word.

  2. a social group made up of people of the same race, beliefs, customs, language, living in a particular area often under the leadership of a chief.

  3. to make or produce a new or useful thing or idea for the first time.

  4. an attack in war when the enemy spreads into and tries to control a country, city.

  5. a person belonging to another place or country.

  6. the system of human expression by means of words.

VI. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the text:

  1. English is used as... in Canada.

  2. The Romans... England in the first century of our era.

  3. The Angles spoke... of the language which was... of present-day English.

  4. English was... both in its grammar and vocabulary by Norman French.

  5. He... a hundred reasons why he couldn’t go.

  6. Opening my letter was inexcusable... of the privacy.

  7. My... came from Spain.

  8. This man is from... which lives in the Amazonian jungle.

  9. When he speaks English I don’t understand him that is because of his bad....

  10. How many... can you speak?

VII. Give the plural of the following nouns:

Toe, city, hero, proof, bath, belief, life, shelf, berry, watch, mouse, woman, ox, boot, crisis, datum, child, goose, deer, sheep, room-mate, son-in-law, schoolgirl, thief.

VIII. Change the number of the noun in italic type where possible and make all other necessary changes:

  1. Put the box on the shelf.

  2. I have hurt my foot.

  3. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

  4. I saw a mouse in the kitchen.

  5. The child was bitterly crying over the broken toy.

  6. A very strange phenomenon was observed by scientists yesterday.

  7. Is this worker an Englishman or a German?

  8. Why don’t you eat this potato?

  9. Does your tooth still ache?

  10. The wolf has been shot.

IX. Translate into English:

  1. Я купил эти часы в Лондоне.

  2. Чьи это деньги? Я не знаю, кому они принадлежат.

  3. Его познания в математике оставляют желать лучшего.

  4. Зимние каникулы в школе длятся 2 недели.

  5. Он дал мне хороший совет.

  6. Экспорт этого товара увеличился в два раза.

X. Rewrite the sentences using genitive case where possible:

  1. The walls of the room are yellow.

  2. The birthday of my daughter Mary is in a week.

  3. In the book the author describes the life of the actress.

  4. This club is for women.

  5. I liked the dinner we had yesterday at the cafe belonging to Mike.

  6. I wanted to become a manager of the company.

XI. Translate into English:

  1. Дом моего брата находиться около стадиона.

  2. Учитель вернул тетради студентов.

  3. Мы получили недельный отпуск и решили путешествовать по Уэльсу пешком. Каждые десять километров мы делали часовой отдых.

  4. Студенты тренируются в тренажёрном зале и на спортивной площадке.

  5. Дверь гаража была закрыта.

  6. Я не знаю результата вчерашнего футбольного матча.

XII. Insert articles where necessary:

  1. This morning Mrs. Smith is going to... hairdresser’s to have her hair done.... hairdresser’s is in... Rose Avenue.

  2. Ann and I are going to... launderette to wash some clothes.

  3. At... twelve I’ll phone for a taxi. Last week we were late because... taxi was in... traffic jam.

  4. Mr. Boythorn lived in... pretty house with... lawn in front,... bright flower garden at... side and kitchen-garden in... rear, enclosed with... wall,... house was... real old house.

  5. We usually have... breakfast at eight.

  6. He arrived half... hour before dinner time, and went up to... schoolroom at... top of... house, to see... children.