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8.Complete the following sentences, using the phraseological units given in the list below. Translate them into Russian.

1.If I pay my rent, I won’t have any money to buy food. I’m between --. 2. It’s no use grumbling about your problems – we’re all --. 3. He’s sold his house and his business to go to Australia, so he’s really --. 4. She prefers not to rely on anyone else, she likes to --. 5. They didn’t know whether to get married or not, but they finally --. 6. You can’t expect everything to go right all the time, you must learn to --.

To take the rough with the smooth, between the devil and the deep sea, to take the plunge, in the same boat, to paddle one’s own canoe, to burn one’s boats.

9.Think of all the phraseological units that you can which contain the following words, use each phraseological unit in a sentence and explain the meaning of it: eye (s), nose, ears, mouth, teeth, head, finger, thumb, heart, leg, foot (feet), hand, hair.

10.Choose the idiom. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1.I really must go and lie down for a while; I’ve got a ... headache. a) cutting; b) splitting; c) ringing; d) cracking.

2.Stop ... about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.

a) rushing; b) beating c) hiding d) moving.

3.I usually buy my clothes... It's cheaper than going to a dressmaker. a) off the peg; b) on the house; c) in public; d) on the shelf.

4.If you want a flat in the centre of the city you have to pay through the ... for it.

a) teeth; b) back of your head; c) nose; d) arm.

5.I caught the last bus by the skin of my ... a) mouth; b) leg; c) neck; d) teeth.

6.Because the owner wanted a quick sale, the house went for ... ...only 30.000.

a) loose change; b) a song; c) a loaf of bread; d) a smile.

7.You didn't think I was being serious, did you, Brian! It was a joke! I was pulling your …, that's all!

a) thumb; b) hair; c) toe; d) leg.

8.The accident was caused by a taxi driver ... the traffic light.

a) rushing b) missing c) jumping d) beating.

9.Lend me 20, please, John. I'm ...at the moment.

a) broke; b) down the drain; c) stuck up; d) a bit thick.

10. Those second-hand Walkmans are selling like... If you want one, you'd better buy one now before they're all gone.

a) shooting stars; b) fresh bread; c) hot cakes; d) wildoats.

11.She would do anything for her youngest son. He was the … of her eye.

a) plum; b) centre; c) star; d) apple.

12. I always get... in my stomach before visiting the dentist a) worms; b) butterflies; c) crabs; d) hedgehogs.

11.Complete the paired phraseological units in the sentences below.

Choose from the following:

blood large shoulders sound take thumbs cons nail soul span thin tired

fast sweet

1. She was an outstanding student whose work was head and ... above the others in her class. 2. The lecture was just the way the stu­dents liked it - short and... 3. Although it has its faults,by and... Bri­tain is a pretty good country to live in. 4. Don't ask James to do any­thing practical; he's all fingers and ... 5. Pauline was so funny on Saturday. She really was the life and ... of the party. 6. Oh, thank hea­vens you're both safe and ...! I was so worried about you. 7. They promised to stand by each other through thick and ... 8. You can’t throw him out, surely? Not your brother, not your own flesh and …9.A certain amount of give and ... is essential in any relationship. 10.His flat was so spick and ... that it looked more like a well-kept museum than a home. 11. I'm afraid you'll have to wear a tie, sir. It's a hard and ... rule of the club. 12. They’re always fighting tooth and ... I'm surprised they don't get divorced. 13. The managing director outlined the pros and... of the proposed plan. 14.1 don't know about you, David, but I'm sick and ... of hearing about his fantastic children.