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Conditionals+Advanced points.doc
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  1. To test someone’s willingness, ask for help and co-operation

I’ll do the washing up if you’ll put the children to bed.


  1. Если ты приготовишь ужин, я вымою посуду.

  2. Если вы принесёте напитки и фрукты, я приготовлю закуску.

  3. Если ты будешь зарабатывать деньги, я буду убирать и готовить.

  4. Если ты разложишь вещи по местам, я буду пылесосить полы.

  5. Если ты поговоришь насчёт этого с отцом, я попробую уговорить маму.

1. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. The meaning of the sentences should stay the same.

  1. If you do have any time free, could you give me a ring?

  2. I won’t go away if the weather is bad.

  3. I didn’t have the money so I didn’t buy a new suit.

  4. I regret not studying hard last term.

  5. If you hurry up, you won’t be late.

  6. If they offered you the job would you accept?

  7. If you are in London by any chance, come and see me.

  8. Without you, I would have given up years ago.

  9. If you insist on doing everything yourself, of course you feel tired!

  10. Please take a seat, and I’ll inquire for you.

  11. Don’t take the job if you don’t really want to.

  12. I’m not tall enough to reach the shelf.

  13. I won’t sell the painting, not even for $100,000.

  14. If you should notice what’s on at the cinema, let me know.

  15. If you insist on smoking so much, of course you feel ill.

  16. But for Helen, the play would be a flop.

  17. You have no qualifications. You are extremely unlikely to have a good job.


















2. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. Working so much will make you tired.

If you work so much, you will get tired.

  1. I regret drinking so much last night!

If only ____________________________________ .

  1. What would you do if there was an earthquake?

Supposing _________________________________ .

  1. If you do the shopping, I’ll cook lunch.

You ______________________________________ .

  1. What would you do if you found some buried treasures?

If you were ________________________________ .

  1. It’s a pity your parents can’t be here too.

If only ____________________________________ .

  1. If you left out the chapter, you can’t really say you read the whole book.

Unless ___________________________________ .

  1. The audience will get the point of this scene, provided your voice is audible.

As long as the audience _____________________________ .

  1. If you refuse to stop eating pasta, you can’t expect to lose weight easily.

If you ____________________________________ .

  1. I don’t want Jack in.

I’m leaving if Jack _____________________________ .

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

  1. Oil (float) if you put it on water.

  2. If I (have) some spare time next weekend we’ll go fishing.

  3. If you (get) drunk every night, it’s not surprising you feel sick.

  4. If he’s working I (not/disturb) him.

  5. If my nose (be) a little shorter, I (be0 quite pretty.

  6. I don’t know what (happen) if Jane (can) speak Greek.

  7. If you asked me nicely, I (take) you out to lunch.

  8. If the illness (diagnose) a day earlier, it might have made all the difference.

  9. If you (come) this way, please.

  10. I (be) grateful if you (give) me a little help.

  11. If you (run) into Peter there, tell him he owes me a letter.

  12. If by any chance you (pass) a baker’s, pick me up a brown loaf, would you.

  13. If you (move) your chair a bit to the right, we could all sit down.

  14. But for his wife’s money, he (not/be).

  15. If it (not/be) for your help, I really don’t know what I’d have done.

  16. If only you (tell) Jackie what I said, everything (be) all right now.

  17. If only she (not/snore)!

  18. Supposing you (fall) in love with boss, what would you do?

  19. I haven’t got a tablecloth. Suppose we (use) a sheet?

  20. You can borrow my bike provided you (bring) it back tomorrow by 6:00.

  21. What if I (come) tomorrow instead of this afternoon?

  22. That was very clever, but what if you (slip)?

  23. I always have a carrier in my handbag in case I (have) time to do shopping.

  24. It’s high time we (get) down to business.

  25. I wish I (know) her home.

  26. I wish I (know) about it before.

  27. I’d rather you (be) truthful when you talked to your father.

  28. You look as if you (need) a cup of tea.

  29. You talk to me as if I (be) your servant.

  30. He sounded as if you (let) him down.

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