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UNIT 2 исправленный 12.12.2010.doc
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Active vocabulary

  1. to perform terror operations to make great panics on society

  2. to carry out hideously murderous activities

  3. To determine the targets in accordance with a leading role in the society

  4. To be considered in the context of psychological impacts and political consequences

  5. to attain to purpose /to achieve goals

  6. unpredictable despotism

  7. to be incapable of defending oneself against getting perished

  8. to be in favour of smb.

  9. to stand on the opposite side

  10. to involve brutal, barbarian methods and weapons

  11. only proven method for success

  12. to achieve a fair revenge in a manner of eye to eye, tooth to tooth

  13. to take into consideration the economic structure of the society

Comprehension check

I. Answer the following questions to check how carefully you have read the texts:

  1. In accordance with what do terrorists determine their targets?

  2. What context is terrorism usually considered in?

  3. What are the key characteristic features of terrorism?

  4. What reasons of terrorism can be defined as basic ones?

II. Now decide whether the statement is true or false; correct those that are wrong:

  1. Terrorists have never achieved to draw attention of public on to their claims and themselves, and managed to form an atmosphere of fear and violence.

  2. Terrorist emerges from a society and on behalf of that society carries out devastating activities against the society and the government it constitutes.

  3. It is essential that the economical and socio-cultural structure of the society should also be taken into consideration while the reasons of terror are explained.

Vocabulary exercises

  1. Consult the Topical Vocabulary and learn expressions with the word “ atrocity”, “assault”, “ assassination”. Learn them by heart and use in the sentences of your own.

II. Substitute the underlined words by their synonyms.

  1. There have been many definitions made regarding terror, but in the international arena, no common concept has been determined.

  2. Terror as the definition, is the act of threatening the purpose of which is to make people adopt certain points and behaviors in the means of intimidation.

  3. A person's being considered as a traitor, who committed offensive crimes on one side of the border, while being considered as a hero on the other side of the border.

  4. The aim of the terror, which is reflected in the society, seems to be subverting the political regime in the long run.

  5. Terrorist behaves indifferently to his victims.

III. Improve your translation skills by translating the following sentences into Ukrainian /Russian.

  1. Even though terror is a frequently used term for the actions in question today, there is no any other definition which is accepted and recognized widespread.

  2. The most significant characteristic of terror is that it chooses the target randomly.

  3. This random determination of victim causes the fear they try to achieve on the individuals in greater impacts.

  4. 'Terror is all kinds of activities that destroy the territorial integrity of the state, weaken, ruin the authority of the government, demolishes the rights and freedom.

  5. Terrorists try to cause reactions fitting their purposes.

  6. Occasionally, terror reveals to be a factor, which jeopardizes the integrity of the state and the peace providing contradictions among elements of society, which are asserted to have different ethnic structures.

  7. According to their point of view, in order to attain to this purpose, imperialism works with military and economic organizations like NATO and IMF, the World Bank

  8. On the other hand, when terrorism is used as a tool by some powers to get some political and economic advantages, the aim is revealed different.

  9. For the sake of this, terrorists consider themselves as the society's unknown warriors.

  10. Nevertheless, there should be some other aims in the short run.

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