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Ex.5 Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the cases of agreement in them

I. The committee have not agreed on many points. 2. The committee has been appointed for a second term. 3. After consulting, the jury reports its verdict. 4. The jury still disagree on many points. 5. The data is all in. (informal) 6. The data are all in. (formal) 7. The team need time to learn to cooperate with one another. 8. The team wearing black and red controls the ball. 9. The crew have divided the loot among themselves. 10. The crew is well-trained.

II. The director chose this cast because they had experience in the roles. 12. This cast consists of twenty actors. 13. The family of ducklings scatter when the cat approaches. 14. His family now is rather big. 15. All is clear. 16. All were happy. 17. The staff of this bank is very competent. 18. Our staff are visiting theatres, restaurants, different presentations from time to time. 19. The public stop and stare. 20. The council have been promising to mend the fences, doors and windows for years. 21. A huge fire broke out near a farm. The country fire department were called out. 22. The school were happily anticipating their Halloween feast. 23. The public have the right to know.

Ex.6 Choose the right verb form. Mind the ambiguous cases.

1. Visiting relatives (is, are) treacherous. 2. Flying planes (is, are) dangerous. 3. It (pains, plain) me to see so much misery in the world. 4. Walls of glass (characterizes, characterize) much modern architecture. 5. In many species, the male, as well as female, (cares, care) for the offspring. 6. A backpack, a canteen, and a rifle (was, were) issued to each recruit. 7. Drinking and driving (remains, remain) a major cause of highway fatalities. 8. Fried ham and grits (is, are) Diane's idea of a great breakfast. 9. His closest friend and political ally (was, were) his brother. 10. Laws, rules, or convention (governs, govern) most of our everyday decisions. 11. The football team (was, were) beginning to quarrel with one another when the manager arrived. 12. There (is, are) a table, four chairs, and a sofa in the room. 13. The committee (has, have) arranged a new series of programmes. 14. The jury (has, have) been unable to decide upon a verdict. 15. He inspected each of the cars which (was, were) in the garage. 16. Fiona, along with her friends, (is, are) planning a party. 17. Each generation (has, have) its own slang. 18. That generation (has, have) sold their souls for money. 19. The crew (was, were) experienced pilots. 20. This bunch (was, were) whispering excitedly.

Ex.7 Translate into English

1. Эта команда— призер чемпионата. 2. Команда мыла палубу. 3. Семья сидела за столом. 4. — А какая у него семья? — Они чудные люди. 5. Была образована комиссия для разработки нового проекта. 6. Комиссия придерживается мнения, что план может быть выполнен за два года. 7. Люди обычно любят, когда их хвалят. 8. Мой класс — 7Б. 9. Мой класс сегодня совершенно неуправляемый. 10. Жюри разделилось. Они были не в состоянии прийти к единому решению. 11. В моей семье все обожают шоколад (to be a chocoholic). 12. На площади была огромная толпа народа. 13. Труппа этого театра учит роли нового спектакля. 14. Наша школа закрывается на все лето. 15. Вся школа только и говорила об этом происшествии. 16. Совет состоит из одиннадцати чело­век. 17. Британский Совет работает со многими регионами Российской Федерации. 18. Сотрудники собираются в конференц-зале.

Ex.8 Say which of the following words agree with is and which with are

Clothes, money, customs, news, memoirs, pence, linen, leafage, glasses, advice, police, arms, information, scissors, weather, progress, knowledge, scales, jeans, furniture, work, equipment, pajamas, poultry, measles, cattle, mumps, the French, the rich, the mysterious.

Ex.9 Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Measles still (strike) many Americans. 2. A pair of jeans (be) what I need to buy. 3. These trousers (be) very good. 4. (Be) your glasses expensive? 5. There (be) a lot of news in the e-mail. 6. The customs (be) at the end of the terminal. 7. Where your linen (come) from? 8. (Be) furniture sold here? 9. The cattle (be) in the fields now. 10. Diabetes (be) an illness caused by too much sugar in the blood. 11. His earnings (be) quite good. 12. What (be) the weather like in London now? 13. Dice (be) used in many games. 14. Your progress (make) everybody happy. 15. Work (be) the best cure of all the problems. 16. Her clothes (be) chic and (cost) a fortune. 17. Martha's poultry (be) the best in the village. 18. How (be) the wounded? 19. The goods (be) checked regularly. 20. The contents of the contract (change) yesterday. 21. Dice (tell) us interesting things. 22. All the floor sweepings and potato peelings (be) carried away into this particular chute. 23. Your hair (grow) fast?

Ex.10 Read the sentences and comment on agreement in them.

1. Neither my roommate nor my parents are going to vote. 2. Neither you nor Maria was among the invited. 3. Either you or I am wrong. 4. Either the defendant or the witnesses are lying. 5. Of the two jobs, neither holds much appeal. 6. Neither Boris nor his sisters plan to enter University. 7. Either my mother or I make breakfast each morning. 8. Either of these buses goes past my college. 9. None of the projects was useful to use. 10. None of these books is (are) worth reading. 11. None of the cake is left. 12. None of the applicants was (were) competent enough.

Ex.11 Translate into English.

1. И тот, и другой вариант возможен. 2. Ни тот, ни другой ответ не является верным. 3. Либо управляющий, либо его помощники ответственны за поставки. 4. Ни дети, ни их мама не занимаются спортом. 5. Никто из нас не знает, было ли изменено содержание программы. 6. — Либо ты, либо он виноват. — Никто не виноват, просто не повезло. 7. Она примерила несколько пар обуви, но ни одна не пришлась ей по вкусу. 8. Ни одно из заданий не было достаточно трудным. 9. Здесь не говорят ни по-русски, ни по-немецки. 10. Ни одна из двух альтернатив меня не устраивает. 11. Было поздно, но ни один из детей еще не спал. 12. Ни один из симптомов этой болезни пока не проявился.

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