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Very quick in understanding the military principles which they explained

to him, and in learning evolutions of all kinds.

About this time it happened that an embassador was to be sent from

Denmark to Russia, and Le Fort, who had a great inclination to see the

world as well as to be a soldier, was seized with a strong desire to

accompany the expedition in the embassador's train. He already knew

something of the Russian language, and he set himself at work with all

diligence to study it more. He also obtained recommendations from those

who had known him--probably, among others, from the merchant in

Amsterdam, and he secured the influence in his favor of the officers in

Copenhagen with whom he had become acquainted. When these preliminary

steps had been taken, he made application for the post of interpreter to

the embassy; and after a proper examination had been made in respect to

his character and his qualifications, he received the appointment. Thus,

instead of going back to Amsterdam after his cargo was sold, he went to

Russia in the suite of the embassador.

The embassador soon formed a very strong friendship for his young

interpreter, and employed him confidentially, when he arrived in Moscow,

in many important services. The embassador himself soon acquired great

influence at Moscow, and was admitted to quite familiar intercourse, not

only with the leading Russian noblemen, but also with Peter himself. On

one occasion, when Peter was dining at the embassador's--as it seems he

was sometimes accustomed to do--he took notice of Le Fort, who was

present as one of the party, on account of his prepossessing appearance

and agreeable manners. He also observed that, for a foreigner, he spoke

the Russian language remarkably well. The emperor asked Le Fort some

questions concerning his origin and history, and, being very much pleased

with his answers, and with his general air and demeanor, he asked him

whether he should be willing to enter into his service. Le Fort replied

In a very respectful manner, "That, whatever ambition he might have to

serve so great a monarch, yet the duty and gratitude which he owed to his

present master, the embassador, would not allow him to promise any thing

without first asking his consent."

"Very well," replied the Czar; "_I_ will ask your master's consent."

"But I hope," said Le Fort, "that your majesty will make use of some

other interpreter than myself in asking the question."

Peter was very much pleased with both these answers of Le Fort--the one

showing his scrupulous fidelity to his engagements in not being willing

to leave one service for another, however advantageous to himself the

change might be, until he was honorably released by his first employer,

and the other marking the delicacy of mind which prompted him to wish not

to take any part in the conversation between the emperor and the

embassador respecting himself, as his office of interpreter would

naturally lead him to do, but to prefer that the communication should be

made through an indifferent person, in order that the embassador might be

perfectly free to express his real opinion without any reserve.

Accordingly, the Czar, taking another interpreter with him, went to the

embassador and began to ask him about Le Fort.

"He speaks very good Russian," said Peter.

"Yes, please your majesty," said the embassador, "he has a genius for

learning any thing that he pleases. When he came to me four months ago

he knew very little of German, but now he speaks it very well. I have

two German interpreters in my train, and he speaks the language as well

as either of them. He did not know a word of Russian when he came to my

country, but your majesty can judge yourself how well he speaks it now."

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