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8. The law of correlation (the formulated z.Kjuve):

In an organism as all its parts answer complete system one another both behind a structure, and behind functions. Change of one part will inevitably cause changes in others.

9. The law of maximization of energy (formulated both j.Odumami and the added m. Reymers):

In a competition to other systems that from them which the greatest assists receipt of energy and the information is kept and uses maximal their quantity more effectively. For this purpose such system, mostly, forms spends stores (storehouses) of high-quality energy, which part for maintenance of receipt of new energy, provides normal кругооборот substances and creates mechanisms of regulation, supports, stability of system, its abilities to adapt to changes, are adjusted with an exchange with other systems. Maximization is an increase of chances of a survival.

10. The law of a maximum of biogenic energy (V.I.Vernadsky's law. Bauer):

Any biological and "bioimperfect" system with what is in a condition « proof неравновесия » (dynamically mobile balance with an environment), increases, developing, the influence on environment.

During evolution of kinds, Vernadsky approved, what increase biogenic geochemical energy survive. In opinion Bauers, alive systems never are in a condition of balance and carry out due to the free energy useful work against balance of which is demanded with laws of physics and chemistry for existing external conditions.

Together with other fundamental positions the law of a maximum of biogenic energy forms a basis of development of strategy of wildlife management.

11. The law of a minimum (the formulated j.Libihom):

Stability of an organism is defined by the weakest part in a circuit of its ecological needs. If quantity and quality of ecological factors close to a necessary organism of a minimum, it survives, if smaller for this minimum, the organism perishes, ecological sistem а collapses.

Therefore during forecasting ecological conditions or performance of examinations is very important to define a weak part in a life of organisms.

12. The law of limitation of natural resources:

All natural resources in conditions of the Earth can be settled. The planet is naturally limited body, and on it there can not be infinite components.

13. The law of an optimality:

No system can be narrowed or extend to infinity. No complete organism can exceed the certain critical sizes which provide support of its power. These sizes depend on conditions of a feed and factors of existence.

The law of an optimality helps to find in wildlife management optimum from the point of view of productivity the sizes for sites of the fields, grown up animals, plants. Ignoring of the law - creation of the huge areas of monocultures, alignment of a landscape by mass buildings, etc. - has led to not natural monotony in greater territories and has caused infringement in functioning ecological sistems, ecological crisises.

14. The law of a pyramid energys (the formulated R.Lindemanom):

From one trophic level of an ecological pyramid to another passes on the average no more than 10 % of energy.

Under this law it is possible to carry out calculations of the ground areas, wood угодий with the purpose of maintenance the population the foodstuffs and other resources.

15. The law of equivalence of conditions of a life:

All natural conditions of the environment necessary for a life, play equivalent roles. Other law follows from it - cumulative action of ecological factors. This law is often ignored, though is of great importance.

16. The law of development of an environment:

Any natural system develops only due to use of is material-power and information opportunities of an environment. Absolutely isolated self-development is impossible is a conclusion from laws of thermodynamics.

Consequences of the law are very important.

1. Absolutely without waste manufacture impossible.

2. Any more organized highly biotichecal system in the development is potential threat for less organized systems. Therefore in biosphere of the Earth repeated origin of a life is impossible - it will be destroyed by already existing organisms.

3. Biosphere of the Earth as the system, develops due to internal and space resources.

17. The law of reduction feedbacks of energy in wildlife management:

During reception from natural systems of useful production eventually (in historical aspect) on its manufacturing it is on the average spent more and more than energy (power expenses for one person increase). So, nowadays expenses of energy for one person for a day almost in 60 times greater, than in days of our far ancestors (some thousand years to that). The increase in power expenses cannot occur infinitely, it it is possible and it is necessary to count, planning the attitudes with the nature with the purpose of their harmonization.

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