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1st year course 2012-2013.doc
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Useful words and expressions


to have confidence

иметь уверенность


to be confident

быть уверенным


to boost self-confidence

повышать уверенность в себе


to be determined

решительный, непреклонный





to inspire







пот, потение


to conform to smth



to be exhausted

быть измученным


to be bruised

иметь кровоподтёки





a masterpiece

произведение искусства


to score a goal

забить гол


to achieve a goal

достигуть цель





Ex. 1 Discuss the questions:

  1. What gadgets do you have? What is your favourite one? What do you like about it?

  2. Which gadgets do you think will exist in the future?

  3. Do you know anyone who is addicted to any form of technology? What are their symptoms?

  4. How often do you get a new mobile phone? What for?

  5. What are advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? Explain why.

  6. How much time do you spend on the Internet a week? What do you use it for?

  7. Do you have profile on a social networking site? What do you use it for?

Ex.2 Read the text and make 10 questions to it.

Technology has advanced at such a rapid rate during the last 25 years that it is hard to imagine that the World Wide Web only became available as recently as 1994. There are now about two billion users worldwide. The largest number of users is in Asia, which has almost double the number of users in Europe. Social networking sites began to develop a little later, at the end of 1990s. There are currently about 200 networking sites in existence although Facebook, launched in 2004, has become the largest and the most popular. Facebook was founded by a group of computer science students at Harvard University and has grown so rapidly that it now has about 500 active users.

The first call on a handheld mobile phone was made in 1973. Now, two-thirds of the world’s population uses mobile phones. The age at which young people receive their first mobile phone in the UK is now eight, and teenagers spend about £300 (nearly 400 euros) a year on their phones to download ringtones and games and to send messages. Some reports suggest that the average teenager in the UK sends about 10,000 text messages a year.

The latest developments in mobile technology are smartphones. These perform a variety of computing tasks. In addition to telephone services. Many of the tasks that can be performed on a PC can now also be performed on a mobile phone. You can check your e-mail, go online, chat with people all around the world, play mobile games and watch films on clear screens. Using the latest wireless network technology, it is also possible to watch live videos on a mobile and download media.

The latest development in computers is that computer hardware is getting more and more powerful. New software languages are also being developed to make website design more intricate.

Social networking, blogging, mass media and online shopping are just some of the areas that have seen improvements as a result of the latest developments in technology.

In television technology, we can view programmes on high-definition television sets. The pixel per frame density of some of the best of these is as high as two million, which allows us to see extremely clear picture quality. Developments in digital TV enable you to see TV shows of your choice on your TV or on your computer, too.

Ex. 3. Listen to the information“Technology refuseniks”. Who are they from your point of view? The interviewer asks two people the same three questions. What do they say?

  • Why haven’t you one?

  • What do your friends say?

  • What would you do if you had one?

Ex. 4. Listen to the information “What are advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones to society as a whole?” and answer the following questions:

  • What are the three arguments in favour of mobile phones?

  • What are the three arguments against?

  • Which point do you think the speaker feels most strongly about? Why?

  • What is his conclusion? Do you agree?

Ex. 5 Listen to a conversation between two students and answer the following questions:

  1. How many teenagers use their phones at least once a day?

  2. How many text messages are sent in the UK a month?

  3. What is the peak period for text messaging?

  4. Where would most British teenagers never carry their mobile phones?

  5. Which mobile phone functions will Mary talk about in the presentation?

  6. What does Michael use his phone for?

  7. Why did Cindy’s mother put a limit on her mobile and what is this limit?

Ex. 6 Add some of your own ideas to complete this information.

Computers : a blessing or a curse?

Almost every home, office or school has a computer of some kind these days. Many people feel that these machines are now essential part of our lives, but how necessary are they really?

One of the main advantages is ……………………………………………………………….

In addition to this, …………………………………………………………………………….

Furthermore, ………………………………………………………………………………….

However, .………………………………………………………………………………………

What is more, ………………………………………………………………………………….

To sum up, ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Ex. 7 Translate from Russian into English using the following words and expressions. What are your ideas about meeting through the Internet?

to be rejected, to make up one´s mind, in person, to be aware (of), to look like, to turn out

Общение по Интернету

За: Люди чувствуют себя свободнее, когда они общаются через компьютер. Они часто раскрываются. Это не общение лицом к лицу, когда они чувствуют, что могут быть отвергнуты, или когда люди собираются составить о них свое мнение. Люди желают говорить намного больше о себе, чем они сделали бы, если бы они встречались с кем - то лично.

Против: Я думаю, что люди должны знать, что, когда вы находитесь в Интернете, вы не знаете наверняка с кем вы беседуете. Все, что вы видите - слова. Вы не знаете , как выглядит другой человек. Это может быть также опасно, потому что люди иногда врут, и новый человек, которого вы считаете замечательным, может оказаться вашим братом или вашим боссом.

Ex. 8 Write a short essay (150 – 180 words) “Advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites?”

Useful words and expressions


a gadget

техническая новинка


to be addicted

быть зависимым о ч-л.





to advance

продвигаться, делать успехи


at a rapid rate

быстрыми темпами



сложный, запутанный


to improve






Ex. 1 Discuss the questions:

  1. Do you have any work experience? What did you did? Did you enjoy it? What have you learnt from this job?

  2. What three careers do you think are the most popular among young people nowadays? Why?

  3. What personal qualities does a person need to be a good boss?

  4. Would you prefer to work for an organisation or be self-employed? Why?

  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, rather than going to an office?

  6. Is higher education essential in finding a good job? Why?

  7. What are advantages and disadvantages of studying full-time and part-time?

  8. What is an ideal job for you?

Use these word and expressions to speak about the job you have or would like to have:

A job can be : interesting, boring, repetitive, satisfying, rewarding, challenging, stressful

To work long hours

Well-paid job

To get a company car

Paid holiday

A good salary

To get promoted

To do overtime

To work flexi-time

To get a regular pay rise

To move up the career ladder

To get a bonus

Ex. 2 Read these texts and learn the new words:

1. Infomania needs a SALES EXECUTIVE for its Data Services Division

We are looking for an IT-qualified person who is ………..

- imaginative – you must be able to bring your own ideas to the job

- enthusiastic – we want you to be excited about developing the business

- loyal – we want you to become an important part of our team on a long-term basis

This is a demanding job, involving hard work and long hours. In return, you will be well-paid (starting salary $ 35,000 per year) and will have immense job satisfaction.

2. “ I work for a large European car maker. I work on car design. In fact, I run the design department and I manage a team of designers: 20 people work under me. It’s very interesting. One of my main responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time. I deal with a lot of different people in the company. I am responsible for co-ordination between design and production: I work with managers at our manufacturing plants”.

3. Hi, I’m Frank. I work in a bank in New York City. I leave for work at 7.30 every morning. I go to work by train and subway. I get to/ arrive at work at about nine. I’m usually at work till six. Luckily, I don’t get ill very much so I am not often off work.

Ex. 3 Translate from Russian into English using the following words and expressions:

to cause dissatisfaction, demanding, lack of smth, outdated facilities, loss of morale, negotiation, a solution to problems, to meet requirements

Что сделать, когда работа не доставляет удовлетворение?

Много вещей могут вызвать неудовлетворенность работой. Заботы о деньгах, плохие условия работы, требовательный начальник, нехватка образования или командного духа, устаревшие средства производства, нехватка ответственности за вашу собственную работу - все это влияет на моральный дух работника.

Конечно, работник может, просто, оставить работу или его могут заменить, но из-за высоких затрат на поиск и обучение нового персонала, это - не в интересах работодателя. Может быть полезным сохранить существующий персонал, чтобы избежать ненужного прерывания работы и потери морального духа персонала.Уход, возможно, не лучшее средство и для работника. Переговоры между начальником и подчиненным могут привести к решению проблем. Босс, возможно, не всегда сможет удовлетворить требования работника, но некоторые соглашения возможно достичь.

Ex. 4 Read and translate the text. Learn the new words. Translate the questions from Russian into English and answer them.

A career ladder

When Paul left school he applied for a job in the accounts department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee. He didn’t earn much but they gave him a lot of training and sent him on training courses.

Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects looked good. After his first year he got a good pay-rise, and after two years he was promoted. After six years he was in charge of the accounts department with five employees under him.

By the time Paul was 30, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company (he quit the company) and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After some months he managed to find a job with an international company which involved a lot of foreign travel. At first he really enjoyed the traveling, but ….

After about six months, Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made friends in the company. Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked (fired, dismissed) a year later.

After he was unemployed for over a year and in the end he had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in the market. To his surprise, Paul liked the market. He made lots of friends and enjoyed working out in the open air. After two years he took over the stall. Two years later he opened the second stall, and after ten years he retired at the age of 55, being a rich man.

  1. Что делал Пол после окончания школы?

  2. Какая была его первая должность в компании?

  3. Он много зарабатывал?

  4. У него были хорошие перспективы?

  5. Когда он получил повышение зарплаты?

  6. Начальником какого отдела стал Пол, когда его повысили по службе?

  7. Сколько человек работало под его руководством?

  8. Почему он решил уволиться из компании?

  9. Какую работу он хотел?

  10. Почему его уволили несколько лет спустя?

  11. Как долго он был безработным?

  12. Какую работу он нашел?

  13. Почему ему понравилось работать на рынке?

  14. Сколько лет было Полу, когда он ушел на пенсию?

Ex. 5 Read and translate the text. Learn the new words.

Life in the office

I work in an office. We start at 9.00a.m. This should really mean 9 o’clock not 10 past or half past nine. We must be punctual. We have two 15-minute coffee breaks. Our lunch break is 30 minutes. We are paid for our time. We never sit idle or do nothing. You owe your boss your time, since he is paying for it.

In the office we must put away any unnecessary items. Papers should always be in neat piles or filed. The windows are always clean and lightly shaded by blinds. To make the room warm and friendly, you can hang a couple of pictures on the wall – photographs, reproductions, drawings or prints. We have got some pictures of modern artists. We also have some potted plants.

What kind of furniture do we have in our room?

We have three desks with several drawers, three swivel chairs at the desks, a sofa and three chairs for our customers, two filing cabinets, a notice board, a cupboard and two bookshelves for dictionaries and business writing handbooks.

To be really good and efficient in our work we have computers, internal and external telephone and a photocopier.

In my desk I have a lot of stationary supplies such as a stapler, a punch, folders, paper clips, scissors and a letter opener, envelops and stamps, pencils, ball-point pens and rulers.

I must know how to answer the phone, make long distance calls, send E-mail. I have to write a lot of correspondence – business letters, reports, memos, invitations, condolences, etc.

I have a very good boss. He respects subordinates but keeps relations business-like. He is open and honest with people and always keeps an even temper.

We work directly with customers and because people’s first impression is important, we must always be professional looking, our clothes should be immaculate, always fresh and clean. Our shoes should be well-polished, not worn or dirty. Our hair should be clean and neat. For women employees heavy make-up is not recommended. It’s best to wear simple jewelry – small earrings and rings and they should use just a little perfume. People’s ideas about the company are influenced by the staff’s appearance.

What characteristics are important for us?

I think that loyalty, responsibility, dedication to our company, initiative and professionalism.

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text.

Manager´s Role

Are there certain activities common to all managers? They have a responsibility to use the resources of their organization effectively and economically to achieve its objectives.

Can we define the task of a manager? A French industrialist, Henri Fayol, wrote in 1916 a classic definition of the manager’s role. He said that to manage is “to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control”. This definition is still accepted by many people today, though some writers on management have modified Fayol’s description. Instead of talking about command, they say a manager must motivate or direct and lead other workers.

Henri Fayol’s definition of a manager’s functions is useful. However, in most companies, the activities of a manager depend on the level at which he/she is working. Top managers, such as the chairman and directors, will be more involved in long range planning, policy making, and the relations of the company with the out side world. They will be making decisions on the future of the company, the sort of product lines it should develop, how it should face up to the competition, etc. These strategic decisions are part of the planning function mentioned by Fayol.

On the other hand, middle management and supervisors are generally making the day-to-day decisions which help an organization to run efficiently and smoothly. They must respond to the pressures of the job, which may mean dealing with an unhappy customer, chasing up supplies, meeting an urgent order or sorting out a technical problem. Managers at this level spend a great deal of time communicating, coordinating and making decisions affecting the daily operation of their organization.

An interesting modern view on managers is supplied by an American writer, Mr Peter Drucker. He has spelled out what managers do. In his opinion, managers perform five basic operations. Firstly, managers set objectives. They decide what these should be and how the organization can achieve them. For this task, they need analytical ability. Secondly, managers organize. They must decide how the resources of the company are to be used, how the work is to be classified and divided. Furthermore, they must select people for the jobs to be done. For this, they not only need analytical ability but also understanding of human beings.

Their third task is to motivate and communicate effectively. They must be able to get people to work as a team, and to be as productive as possible. To do this, they will be communicating effectively with all levels of the organization – their superiors, colleagues, and subordinate. To succeed in this task, managers need social skills. The fourth activity is measurement. Having set targets and standards, managers have to measure the performance of the organization, and of its staff, in relation to those targets. Measuring requires analytical ability. Finally, Peter Drucker says that managers develop people, including themselves. They help to make people more productive, and to grow as human beings. They make them bigger and richer persons.

In Peter Drucker’s view, successful managers are not necessarily people who are liked or who get on well with others. They are people who command the respect of workers, and who set high standards. Good managers need not be geniuses but must bring character to the job. They are people of integrity, who will look for that quality in others.

Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from the box below:

Managing director


Senior executive







  1. Valerie is an important person in our company. She is a member of the Board of …………… .

  2. Their ……………… is expanding rapidly. They now have over 5,000 employees.

  3. At least 50% of our ………………. have been with the company over ten years.

  4. …………….. in an organization generally have more benefits than lower-level managers.

  5. We are a small group. I get on well with all my ………………..

  6. I work under Mr Brown. He is my ………………….. .

  7. Sheila and Tom work under my authority. I am their boss and they are my ………………….. .

  8. I am responsible for …………. training and development.

  9. A ……………….. is a person of high rank in an organization, usually next in importance to the Chairman.

Ex. 7 Translate from Russian into English

Опытный руководитель говорит о своей работе:

Я - руководитель большой компании. Я имею дело с людьми и поступающей почтой. Контакт с людьми - одна из самых важных частей моей работы. Я нахожу это очень приятным. Я также работаю с Интернетом, пробуя найти полезные связи с другими фирмами. Я встречаю людей из нашей стране, со всего мира, и со всех слоев общества. Это - самая интересная часть моей работы. Люди могут быть очень хорошими. Я думаю, что хорошие превосходят численностью тех, кто раздражает меня. Моя работа ориентируется на людей. Это - общение, лично ли или по телефону, и это может быть интересно. Иногда у вас бывают проблемы, иногда вы не можете дозвониться, ваш компьютер зависает в самый неподходящий момент, но все это - часть работы.

Вы не часто сталкиваетесь с раздражающими людьми лицом к лицу. Вы больше сталкиваетесь с ними по телефону или получаете e-mail, который портит ваше настроение на пол дня, потому что люди считают, что они могут сказать по телефону или на бумаге то, что они, возможно, не сказали бы вам в лицо.

Мне нравится пробовать убедить людей, заставить их видеть вещи так, как вижу их я. И если вы преуспеваете в этом, вы испытываете своего рода победу, и вы чувствуете глубокое удовлетворение от вашей способности заниматься бизнесом.

Как руководитель, вы должны всегда выглядеть профессионально, ваша одежда должна быть безупречной. Лучше носить костюм или (если вы - женщина), юбки с соответствующими блузами. Ваша одежда должна быть свежей и чистой.

Женщинам лучше носить простые драгоценности - маленькие сережки, соответствующее ожерелье и кольца. Руки должны быть ухоженными, и женщины могут наносить белый или светлый лак для ногтей. Ваши волосы должны быть чистыми и опрятными. Тяжелый макияж не рекомендуется. Вы должны всегда выглядеть свежим, и использовать не много духов, не переусердствуйте с этим.

Как быть эффективным секретарем

1. Проверяйте электронную почту регулярно и отвечайте на все письма и факсы быстро, даже когда ответ отрицателен.

2. Если вы не владеете необходимой информацией, вы должны поблагодарить отправителя за запрос. Возможно, вы будете вести с ним бизнес позже.

3. Напишите короткое письмо, чтобы подтвердить то, о чем ваш босс договорился по телефону, например о встрече.

4. Подтверждайте все заказы быстро.

5. Если вы не можете послать подтверждение или информацию, относительно которой вас спрашивают, сразу же , вы должны уведомить другую сторону о задержке.

6.Работайте с жалобами и требованиями эффективно и без задержки. Если клиент удовлетворен, это может означать начало длительных деловых отношений.

7. Помните, что письмо со словами благодарности - одно из самых важных писем в бизнесе. Не откладывайте его написание. Оно должно быть написано в течение недели после возвращения из поездки или получения подарка.

8. Встречайте клиентов вашей компании с улыбкой и дружественными словами.

Если Вы хотите быть эффективным боссом, соблюдайте следующие семь правил:

1. Всегда давайте указания, объясняя желательный результат. Вместо "Позвоните ему", скажите, "Пожалуйста, позвоните ему, чтобы он знал, что я приезжаю".

2. Объясните вещи не раз, таким образом персонал будет четко знать, как сделать это с первого раза.

3. Люди не могут читать ваши мысли. Если Вы хотите проконсультироваться о чем-то, или вы ожидаете, что люди задержутся на работе, сообщите им об этом и объясните почему.

4. Держите себя в руках. Всегда общайтесь с персоналом и клиентам профессионально.

5. Быдьте открытыми и честными с людьми. Объясните им возможные варианты.

6. Уважайте подчиненных. Избегайте ситуаций, которые являются неэтичными. Сохраняйте отношения деловыми.

7. Двигайтесь - не сидите в вашей комнате. Дайте совет, если нужно, но не мешайте вашим подчиненным во время работы.

Ex. 8 Writing. Choose one of the following topics and write an essay using 120-180 words.

Use the marked words from the previous text.

  • My future occupation. Why did I decide to choose it?

  • An ideal job for me.

Useful words and expressions


to apply for a job

устраиваться на работу


to write an application

писать заявление на работу


a reference

рекомендательное письмо


a cover letter

сопроводительное письмо


to earn



to promote

продвигать по службе


to get a promotion/ to be promoted

получить продвижение по службе



вызов, трудная задача, испытание


to get a pay-rise

получить повышение зарплаты


to employ/ hire/ take on/ recruit




трудоустройство, найм








an employer



an employee



to resign from/ to quit

увольняться, уходить в отставку


to fire/ to sack/ to dismiss



to retire

уходить на пенсию


to take over

захватить, поглотить


to manage/ to run/ to be in charge of

руководить, управлять


to satisfy










приносящий удовлетворение


to be responsible for

быть ответственным за ч-л


a responsibility



to deal with

иметь дело с ч-л, к-л


a superior



a subordinate



to set objectives

ставить цели


to achieve objectives

достигать цели


to make a decision

принимать решение


to compete






a competitor






a customer



analytical ability

аналитические способности


social skills

навыки общения


to command a respect

вызывать уваженеи


to get on well with

ладить с к-л


Ex. 1. Discuss the questions:

  1. What do people spend most of their money for?

  2. What services do banks provide?

  3. How can people be characterised according to their attitude to money?

Ex. 2. Read and translate this text and then retell it. Learn the new words and expressions.


René Labouche was a young man with very little money, but very big dreams. He worked in a factory and earned only a few hundred francs a month. He owned almost nothing – some old furniture, some clothes and an old bicycle, but he dreamed of having a bid house and a big car.

Every day René purchased five lottery tickets for five francs each. He dreamed that one day he would win the big prize in the national lottery and become a millionaire. Then he could afford to buy whatever he wanted and would never have to work another day in his life.

One day as usual René opened the newspaper to check his numbers. He read the numbers slowly,

“6 - 11 – 31 – 32 – 47 - 49”.Those were his numbers! He had won the national lottery. He was a millionaire!

Suddenly everyone wanted to be René’s friend. Many people came to him and asked if they could borrow money. “Of course, we’ll pay back every centime”, they said. Others told him about their wonderful ideas for making money. “If you invest 500,000 francs in this project”, they said, “I promise in two years you will make a big profit and double your money”.

The money had come easily and René spent it easily. He lent 25,000 francs to this friend and 50,000 francs to that. He invested 500,000 franks here and 800,000 francs there. He made no effort to save anything.

When he bought something he never looked at the price. If something cost a thousand francs, he paid a thousand francs. He never worried about whether it was worth it or not. He bought cars, jewellery, and clothes. He also bought airline tickets. He flew first class to all the major cities of the world. He stayed at the best hotels, he ate at the best restaurants, and he bought the finest clothes.

Then one day, when he went to pay his bill at a hotel in Rio, the manager had to tell him that he didn’t have any money on his account.

René flew home. It was true he had no more money. He went back to the people who owed him money, but they were unable to repay him. The projects in which he had invested his money had all made losses. In six months René had spent ten million francs.

René now had no choice. He had to sell the cars, the watches and the clothes and he had to go back to work in the factory.

Ex. 3. Study the following information. New words and expressions are to be learned.


Personal finance

Sometimes in a shop they ask you: ”How do you want to pay?”

You can answer: “Cash/ By credit card/ By cheque.”

In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where you pay in your salary and then withdraw money to pay your everyday bills. The bank sends you a regular bank statement telling you how much money is in your account. You may also have a savings account where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take money out when you want to spend it on something special. You usually try to avoid having an overdraft or you end up paying a lot of interest. If your account is overdrawn, you can be said to be in the red (as opposed to in the black or in credit).

Sometimes the bank may lend you money – this is called a bank loan. If the bank (or building society) lends you money to buy a house, that money is called a mortgage.

When you buy (or, more formally, purchase) something in a shop, you usually pay for it outright but sometimes you buy on credit. Sometimes you may be offered a discount or a reduction on something you buy at a shop. This means that you get, say, £10 off perhaps because you are a student. You are often offered a discount if you buy in bulk. It is not usual to haggle about prices in a British shop, as it is in, say, a Turkish market. If you want to return something which you have bought to a shop, you may be given a refund, i.e. your money will be returned, provided you have a receipt.

The money that you pay for services, e.g. to a school or a lawyer, is usually called a fee or fees; the money paid for a journey is a fare.

If you buy something that you feel was very good value, it’s a bargain. If you feel that it is definitely not worth what you paid for it, then you can call it a rip-off (very colloquial).

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