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Unit 12


Texts: 1. Theatre. 2. Music.

Dialogues: 1. American and Russian Film Academy Awards. 2. Hollywood is the Centre of the US Film Industry. Grammar: The Conditional Sentences

Test 12

EXERCISE 1. Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) a stage, to stage. Performances are staged at the theatre.

2) a script. Theatre includes everything that is involved in production, such as the script, the stage, the performing company, and the audience.

3) a playwright. The theatre specialists include a playwright, perform­ers, a director, a scene designer, a costumier, a lighting designer, and various technicians.

4) makeup. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of produc­tion including scenery, costumes, makeup, lighting sound effects, music, and dancing.

5) a puppet, i<z puppet theatre. There are different kinds of theatres, such as drama theatres, musical theatres, puppet theatres, opera and ballet houses.

6) as soon as. People probably started singing as soon as language developed.

7) activities, social activities. People use music in personal and social activities.

8) to create. A famous playwright has created this play.

9) an awe, to awe. People use music in religious services to create a state of awe.

10) repertory. This theatre operates a repertory system and use a regu­lar company.

11) major. They have become major centers as well.

12) to nickname. It was nicknamed Oscar.

13) to announce the nominees. They announced the nominees for these awards.

14) an award. This film won several awards.

15) mood. Music helps set mood.

16) to refer. The word "theatre" refers to the space where performances are staged.

17) the performing company. The performing company leaves for London.

18) to require. Theatre requires many kinds of artists.

19) to integrate. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of production.

20) attractive. In typical Hollywood film there are a lot of attractive actors.

EXERCISE 2. Read the international words:

'theatre, pro'duction, 'company, 'human, 'culture, 'drama, 'literatui form, 'tragedy, melo'drama, 'comedy, 'complex, 'specialist, di'rectc de'signer, cos'tumier, com'poser, mu'sician, chore'ographer, 'aspect, 'cc tume, effect, 'music, 'opera, 'ballet, 'centre, 'repertory, 'system profession, start, re'ligion, 'ceremony, 'symphony, jazz, film, 'person 'distance, 'instrument, e'motion, a'cademy, 'figure, 'student, 'type.

EXERCISE 3. a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes and divide them into two groups: nouns and adjectives:

performance, production, audience, addition, human, culture, ancient, different, serious, artist, creation, specialist, performer, director, designer, costumier, composer, choreographer, creator, musical, successful, theatrical, experience, royal, national, professional, language, religious, classical, orchestral, dancer, important, personal, social, distance, satisfaction, enjoyable, attractive;

b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

inter- perform -ance

in- chance -er

perform -ent

change -ist

differ -ion

art -or

creat(e) -al

design -ful







c) The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentenc­es should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:

1. These words are used ... CHANGE.

2. This ... was a success PERFORM.

3. Theatre involves different kinds of... ART.

4. Margaret Mitchell is a ... from Atlanta JOURNAL.

5. This actress was very ... in her career SUCCESS.

EXERCISE 4. a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:


1. Greek a) theatre

2. ancient b) sense

3. literary c) event

4. broad d) service

5. human e) culture

6. classical f) times

7. religious g) part

8. theatrical h) centre

9. major i) music

10. musical j) word

b) Decide which of the Verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

1. to refer to...

2. to need...

3. to integrate...

4. to include...

5. to visit...

6. to use ...

7. to play...

8. to provide...

9. to announce

10. to express...

a) a role

b) people

c) the space

d) a choreographer

e) aspects

f) emotions

g) a theatre

h) nominees

i) scenery

j) music

EXERCISE 5. Translate the following word combinations; pay atten­tion to the prepositions:

comes from a Greek word, a place for seeing, in this sense, refers to the space, in a broad sense, in production, in addition, a part of human culture, in ancient times, forms of drama, for its creation, a director of the theatre, all aspects of production, different kinds of theatres, a lot of theatres, around the world, in Russia, one of the oldest arts, in religious ceremonies, dates from about 2500 В. С, in other arts, other forms of dancing, in all cultures, in ceremonies, in work, a state of mystery, a feeling of distance from the daily world, for their own satisfaction, in a choir, in a band, provides with.

EXERCISE 6. a) Translate the following definitions of the words:

1. A stage is the raised floor on which plays are performed in a theatre.

2. A script is a written form of a play.

3. A playwright is a writer of plays.

4. A puppet is a toy like figure of a person or animal that is made to move by someone pulling wires or strings at a theatre performance

5. A mystery is something, which cannot be explained or understood

b) The following words also appear in the texts and dialogue match each one with its correct definition:

awe, mood, an award, make up, nominee

1. powder, paint on the face for improving one's appearance;

2. a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder;

3. a prize or money, given as the result of an official decision;

4. a state of the feeling at a particular time;

5. a person who has been suggested or named officially for a position, office, etc.

EXERCISE 7. Read and translate the sentences; memorize the use the conditional sentences:

1. If he phoned me, I would tell him about it. 2. If you had told me about it yesterday, I would not have done it. 3. If I had time, I could visit this performance. 4. If I had had time last week, I could have visited his performance. 5. If you visited him, you would see his sister.

EXERCISE 8. Transform these sentences according to the model to practice the use of the conditional sentences:

Model: If I saw this film, I would tell you about it.

If I had seen this film, I would have told you about it.

1. If you chose this room, you would watch TV. 2. If you investigate this problem, you would answer this question. 3. If he measured the temperature, he would explain this phenomenon. 4. If they unified the fact

they would prove the fact. 5. If they processed the data, they would have the results.

EXERCISE 9. Fill in the blanks to practice the use of the conditional sentences:

1. If I were you I ... this lecture. 2. If you visited the library you ... some more information about it. 3. If you saw this performance we ... it. 4. If he ... last week he would have told me about it. 5. If they went there they... about it.

EXERCISE 10. a) Read the text and try to focus on its essential facts. Choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph:

1) What is Theatre? 2) Theatres around the World 3) Theatre and Drama 4) Different Theatre Specialists 5) Different Kinds of Theatres

b) Make a précis of the text, using the following phrases:

1) The title of the text is... 2) The text is about... The text deals with... 3) The text covers such points as... 4) It should be underlined that... 5) In conclusion, I may say that... 6) To my mind... In my opinion...

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