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Detailed description of the project for the RYF...docx
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Chapter 3. Appendix

    1. Summary


The main idea of the project is to create resource for young generation, where they can find information about new work places in St. Petersburg and Moscow.


  • Specialized search of jobs for young people: more interesting, ambitious and successful vacancies in different companies; internships in selected and closed organizations; work abroad – real and feasible workplaces (interview with our friends, who tries to live and work abroad).

  • Quick and easy web-site for users

  • Less expensive ad places of vacancies for employers


Web-site of the “Fresh hand” has 5 sections – work with no experience, internships, start-up, volunteering and work abroad. Journalists are not just advert a new interesting workplace, they try to be objective, they come to the company, which offers a job, they meet with collective of the company, they learn a history of the company. So “Fresh hand” is not a web-site, which offers new vacancies, “Fresh hand” tries to employ well-educated young people to successful companies.


“Fresh hand” offer specialized set of jobs for users. They respect resource, which gives them objective and full information about future workplace.

The efficiency can be verified by your own: open web-site every week and if you see new vacancies, then employers give them, then it is dependence between FHemployersemployees.

“Fresh hand” is achievable and socially-effective project. We work with modern, young, ambitious and enterprising people. We are not infantile or irresponsible. We are totally prepared to all complications. And we still want to realize our idea because it will help thousands of our contemporaries find interesting and promising job.

    1. Estimate


Topic and task set


Design, programming and make-up of the web-page

  1. Designer chooses colors and main elements of the web-site.

  2. Programmer makes a CMS-version of web-site.

  3. Programmer begins to make-up a page.

  4. We need a logotype for “Fresh hand”. Artist is ready to draw a graphic logo.

  1. 50 $

  2. 60$

  3. 100$

  4. 30$

Editor work. Search for vacancies.

Each member of “Fresh hand” is responsible for each section

  1. Popular places – Valeria Pystinnikova

  2. Work in start-up projects – Anastasia Komarova

  3. Traineeships – Anastasia Bogachkova, Nikita Mychin

  4. Volunteers – Alexander Lukoshkov

  5. Companies abroad – Varya Kroz

All of members begin on free basis.

After half-year we expect to make profit. So the first wage for all members will be about 200$.

Advertising and PR

  1. We understand that financial part of project is too small, so we plan to make stickers or label brochures and distribute them in popular places for youth – bars, cafes, metro stations, bus stations, art centers and etc.

  2. We also need a visual range, so we will make a T-shirts with logotype. We are young people and we go to popular places, so everyone can see our self-advertising.

  1. We need 2 meters of stickers, so it will cost 30$

  2. T-Shirts is too expensive, so the first part will consist only from 6 T-Shirts. It will cost 100$.

Registration of legal entity

  1. Collect documents

  2. Give them to UCD

  3. Pay a governmental duty

  4. Have a consultation with a lawyer

  5. Prepare documents - specialist

United center of Documents takes 500$ for duty, lawyer and preparation.

In total: 2000$

    1. More than 15% of the budget will be covered on our own. That is original investments to the project. As I already told all members are working just for initiative. We expect that something can be achieved from advert and vacancy places, but we announced for companies that a half-year vacancy-ad place is free. Small organizations like something for free, and we can make a good ad by their appearance on site. So it is bilaterally beneficial cooperation. It is chance to be sighted by users of social networks. Personal contribution cannot be count, but in a cruder indication of clout, hours will be nearly 15 hours a week for each other. Back to the beginning of the report – still actual slogan – “We will work for your work”.

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