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Law and Science.doc
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2. Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. What is forensic science used for?

  2. What do forensic scientists examine?

  3. What does the analysis of the scene of crime or accident involve?

  4. Is it possible to perform most forensic analysis at the scene of crime?

  5. What do the presence of more people at the scene of crime and multi-handling of a piece of evidence require?

  6. What affects the ability of the prosecution to prove their case during a trial?

  7. What do forensic scientists who gather evidence of mass destruction collect?

  8. How are biological traces collected?

  9. Where is DNA analysis method used?

  10. Where do biological traces come from?

  11. What is the main idea of the text?

3. Fill in the chart with appropriate information from the text and retell it.

4. Act as interpreter:

Forensic Scientist Interview

Michael Howard Job Title: Forensic Scientist (Criminalist), Self-employed Years in Field: 29 years

Michael Howard explains educational requirements, skills needed, misconceptions and other factors involved in his work as a forensic scientist.

Как началась Ваша карьера судебного эксперта?

I got into the forensic field by accident. I was working in the toxicology lab at the medical school in Portland, and the state police crime lab was upstairs. They'd come down and ask for assistance with blood alcohol or toxicity, so I got to know them. When they got a grant to expand the lab, I decided I'd just as soon not be a medical tech the rest of my life.

А что требуется, чтобы стать судебным экспертом?

The only requirement in many states for this work is to have a degree in science. I had a BS in General Science, and a BS in Medical Technology. I was working in a toxicology lab, so I knew how to do blood alcohol. I had a lot of training in the use of a microscope. After that it was on-the-job training, learning how to do bullet comparisons. I went to the FBI academy for training in hairs and fibers, instrumental analysis for paint chips, all that trace evidence.

Какое самое распространенное заблуждение относительно судебной экспертизы?

On television shows, they have criminalists interviewing and arresting people. In real life, criminalists do not do that. In some states we can only use the evidence that has been collected by police officers; in other states there are teams that process crime scenes. The person who collects the evidence may not be the one who actually analyzes it. Each piece of evidence goes to its own specialty: DNA, firearms, drugs, toxicology, trace evidence.

Что больше всего Вам нравится в работе эксперта?

What I enjoy most about forensic science is the problem solving. When you have a situation, you look at the evidence to see what it's telling you. How can you use the experts, scientific tests, and your own knowledge to answer questions and solve problems?

Что Вы считаете негативным в своей профессии?

Because I'm self-employed, I'm not the first at the scene, the state folks are. The challenge on my part as a defense criminalist is to go back and look at the photos, look at the write-ups, the lab notes, and decide if they actually collected all the evidence they needed. Why are the things in the crime scene the way they are? Are there problems in how they collected evidence? I see if there are unanswered questions or things that are being ignored.

Also, a lot of what I do deals with the underbelly of society and it's not necessarily fun to do that. I encounter bad stuff: mutilated bodies, child abuse, autopsies. Sometimes people say, "I can't do this anymore, I don't want to see any more dead bodies."

А как Вы справляетесь со стрессом?

In forensics we often develop a warped sense of humor; we find humor in grotesque things. Forensic folks together will laugh about stuff that would horrify people outside the field. You build your own defenses, and vent it at work.

Какие навыки считаются самыми важными для эксперта?

You need to understand scientific principles. You need to know how to conduct an experiment, generate a theory, and then see if you can make it fail. You need enough chemistry, biology, and physics to understand firearms and ballistics. In DNA, you have to understand enough biology to understand genetics. In firearms testing, you need know physics, math, how things ricochet and how trajectories can be figured out. You've got to understand the instrument you're using, how a mass spectrometer works, what it's doing, what it's telling you. How you might get a false positive or false negative reading. For a 10 page report, there might be 279 pages of notes. You have to take notes, write reports, and be articulate enough to explain complicated science to a jury.

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