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V. Enumerate all methods of sociological research. What method do you consider to be the most productive? Give your reasons.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is defined by a method?

2. What kind of method is an experiment?

3. What are experiments based on?

4. How would you define a hypothesis?

5. What is the goal of an experiment?

6. What steps does an experiment involve?

7. Where is it better to conduct an experiment?

8. In what way would you characterize a survey?

9. What research may be conducted by means of a survey?

10. What is a questionnaire?

11. What kinds of questionnaires may there be?

12. What is the difference between these two types?

13. How may a questionnaire be presented?

14. What is meant by a self-administered survey?

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an interview?

VII. Characterise each method of sociological research.

VIII. Make up a questionnaire on the topic «Who is the leading personality in the country?”

IX. Conduct an interview with:

1) One of the leading sociologists.

2) A university graduate who is looking for a job.

3) A researcher from the All— Ukrainian Public Opinion Poll Centre.

Word study

I. Find in the text English equivalents for:

Проводить исследования; в абсолютном смысле; лучше или хуже; сильные стороны и слабые; переменная; с учетом; испытуемые; во многих случаях; набор ответов; совершенно свободно; ставящий в тупик; по почте; слишком поздно; преимущество; недостаток.

II. Arrange the following words into the pairs of synonyms:

research to carry out

method especially

to conduct typically

to vary to select

definite technique

particularly certain

cause to take place

to occur effect

generally investigation

aim to differ

result reason

to choose goal

important significant

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian with:

in relation to

with regard to

with respect to

1. He treated this phenomenon in relation to the extreme environmental conditions.

2. They decided to change the experimental procedure with regard to the new circumstances.

3. They examined the given problem with respect to a new approach.

4. He didn't know anything at all in relation to her point of view.

5. He was very attentive with regard to her position.

6. With respect to his theory of cognition the issue was of certain interest.

7. He was quite right in relation to his treatment of their methods of inquiry.

8. They investigated human attitudes with regard to nonverbal communication.

9. The problem arose only with respect to his way of observation.

10. She made an interesting report in relation to the new data.

IV. Make up sentences with: To carry out — a research

… an experiment

… a public opinion poll

… an investigation

… a survey

… an inquiry