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1. The following words are either flowers or colours. Put them into the correct column. If you have a dictionary, use it to check new words.

tulip pink orange daffodil grey

rose red gold white snowdrop

yellow primrose brown




2. Read the text and answer the questions. If you have a dictionary, use it to help with new words.

1 What is Verena's job? What is her hobby?

2 Why did she spend thousands of pounds?

3 Which was the most colourful season in her garden?

4 Why did Verena want to move?

5 Did Mr and Mrs Grey like the cottage when they first saw it?

6 Why were they shocked when they arrived at the cottage?

7 How much did Verena pay to move her garden?

8 What are her plans for her new garden?

9 What are Mr and Mrs Grey going to do?

The Garden that Moved House!

Artist Verena Devoy loves gardening. It is her passion. Until three days ago she lived in a lovely little thatched cottage in a village near Cambridge. She spent ten years and thousands of pounds to make her garden there beautiful. She had flowers and plants for every season of the year.

In autumn, big orange chrysanthemums grew next to the gold of the trees and bushes. In winter, little white snowdrops grew in the grass and under the trees. In spring there were bright yellow daffodils all over her front lawn and tulips and primroses next to the path. And summer! Summer was the prettiest season of all! She bought hundreds of roses to fill every part of the garden: she bought climbing roses to put round the windows and doors, pink roses for the front garden, and red and white roses for the back. A lot of people came to the village especially to see Verena's garden. It was more beautiful than the park

Then last summer she decided that she would like to move to a bigger house. It was easy to sell her beautiful cottage. Mr and Mrs Grey from London came to see it. 'We fell in love with it immediately, especially the garden - we couldn't believe the colours of the roses. We wanted to move from London because we didn't have a garden there.'

Of course Mr and Mrs Grey bought the cottage and at the end of the summer they moved from London. They arrived at the cottage.

'There was no garden! There was a brown field with some stones and rocks. There weren't any flowers or trees and there wasn't any grass! It looked terrible! We couldn't believe our eyes!'

But it was true! Verena Devoy loved her garden so much that she took it with her when she left. Five large lorries carried all the flowers, trees, and plants to her new house five miles away. It cost £1,000! She says: 'I've got a much bigger garden now and I'm going to make it even more beautiful than my first garden. I'm going to plant all the flowers and trees again and this time I'm going to have a pond with some goldfish.' And Mr and Mrs Grey? What do they say? 'She can't do this! We bought the garden with the house! We're going to see our solicitor!'

Language work

3 Here are some answers. Complete the questions.

1 How much did she spend to make her garden


Thousands of pounds.

2 Which was________________________

Summer. Because of all the roses.

3 Why______________________

To see Verena's garden.

4 Was______________

Yes, it was. Very easy.

5 Why____________

Because they wanted to have a garden.

6 When_______________________________?

At the end of the summer.

7 What_____________________________like?

It looked terrible. There weren't any flowers, just stones and rocks.

8 Has Verena_____________________________now?

Yes, she has. It's much bigger.

9 What__________________

She's going to make it even more beautiful and she's going to have a pond.

10 Who________________________________?

Their solicitor.

4 Find examples of the following in the text. Underline them.

1 The present and past of have got

2 a comparative sentence

3 a superlative sentence

4 three irregular past tenses

5 three sentences about the future

6 an infinitive of purpose

7 a sentence with some

8 a sentence with any

Unit 13

How terribly clever.

1. Read the words and try to remember their Russian equivalents.

1. annoyed adj /q'nOId/

раздраженный, раздосадованный

2. arrive v /q'raIv/


3. badly adv /'bxdli/


4. behave v /bI'heIv/

поступать, вести себя

5. behaviour n / bI'heIvIq /


6. burglar n /'bE:glq/

вор взломщик, ночной грабитель

7. carefully adv /'keqfqli/

внимательно, аккуратно

8. change (= money) n /CeIndZ/

сдача, мелкие деньги, мелочь

9. depart v /dI'pRt/

отбывать, отправляться

10. elephant n /'elIfqnt/


11. explain v /Ik'spleIn/


12. fast adv /fRst/


13. fluently adv /'flu:qntli/

бегло (о речи)

14. fortunately adv /'fLCqnqtli/

к счастью

15. generation n /"dZenq'reISn/


16. gold medal n /'gqld 'medl/

золотая медаль

17. grass n /grRs/


18. guitar n /gI'tR/


19. leather n /'leDq/


20. marathon n /'mxrqTqn/

марафонский бег

21. migrate v /maI'greIt/

мигрировать, совершать перелет (о птицах)

22. moon n /mu:n/


23. pin v /pIn/


24. platform n /'plxtfO:m/

платформа, перрон

25. please v /plJz/

радовать, доставлять удовольствие

26. quietly adv /'kwaIqtli/

спокойно, тихо

27. return ticket n /rI'tE:n 'tIkIt/

билет в оба конца

28. ridiculous adj /rI'dIkjqlqs/

смешной, нелепый

29. rude adj /ru:d/

грубый, невоспитанный

30. sheep n /SJp/

овца, овцы

31. shout v /Sat/


32. slowly adv /'slqli/


33. station n /'steISn/

ж.д. станция, вокзал

35. support (a team) v /sq'pLt/

поддерживать, помогать

36. tell a lie v /"tel q 'laI/

говорить неправду

37. timetable n /'taImteIbl/


38. typical adj /'tIpIkl/


39. untidy adj /An'taIdi/

неопрятный, неаккуратный, в беспорядке

40. weigh v /weI/

весить, взвешивать(ся)

41. well-behaved adj /"wel bI'heIvd/

хорошо ведущий себя

42. whistle v /'wIsl/


43. wolf n /wlf/


44. worrying adj /'wAriN/



2. Give the correct adverbs for the following adjectives.

bad ___________

slow ___________

quick __________

quiet __________

careful _________

fluent __________

fortunate _______

easy ___________

! good _______

hard ________

fast _________

early ________

Check and practise saying them.

Catching a train

3. Match the English phrases with the Russian equivalents.

1. the train departs on time

2. the train arrives on platform 8

3. to get on the train.

4. the train is on platform 8

5. the train is a Tittle late

6. to get off the train

7. to find out train times

8. the train leaves from platform 8

9. I'd like a return ticket

а) поезд стоит на платформе 8

b) сойти с поезда

с) мне нужен билет в оба конца/туда и обратно

d) поезд отправляется с 8 пути

e) узнать расписание поездов

f) поезд отправляется вовремя

g) поезд прибывает на платформу 8

h) сесть на поезд

i) поезд немного опаздывает

Check and practise saying them.

4. Act out the following dialogues in English. Work with a partner.

1) — Скажите, пожалуйста, на какую платформу прибывает поезд из Лондона?

— На платформу номер 1.

— В котором часу он прибывает?

— В 10.30.

2) — Поезд прибывает вовремя?

— Я думаю, что да. Он прибывает в 2.35.

3) — Мы бы хотели принести извинения пассажирам, ожидающим поезд из Оксфорда. Он опаздывает.

— На сколько он опаздывает?

— На 20 минут.

4) — Поезд, отправляющийся в Оксфорд, находится на первом пути.

Он отправляется в 9.10..

— Поторопись, мы опаздываем на поезд.

5) — Поезд из Лондона прибывает на 7 путь в.10.45,.......

— Вы слышали? Он опаздывает на 25 минут!

6) — Есть какой-нибудь поезд, который отправ­ляется в Эдинбург днем?

— Да, есть поезд, который отправляется в 21.30 с б пути.

7) — Мне, пожалуйста, один билет до Оксфорда.

— Только до Оксфорда, или туда и обратно?

— Только в один конец, пожалуйста.

8) — Вы хотите обратный билет, действительный в течение одного дня или в течение какого-то периода?

— В течение недели, пожалуйста.

9) — Выясни, пожалуйста, расписание поездов из Лондона в Оксфорд. — Когда ты собираешься выезжать из Лондона?

— В понедельник утром.

Check and practise saying them.

5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box

at, from, about

What's the story ?

What happens the end of the story?

The train leaves platform 9.

Check and practise saying them.

Unit 14