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27 Make up a dialogue.

Student A

Student B

You are a famous label designer. You are interviewed by a journalist. You should speak about the principles you follow in you work that brought you success. Give advice to beginning designers.

You are a journalist. You take an interview from a famous label designer. Ask him/her about the principles he/she follows in work, personal traits, attitude towards his/her business that brought him/her success.

28 Comment on one of the following extract and discuss with your group questions below.

"Label Jars, Not People"- this slogan is often used by advocacy groups. But why are there labels in the first place? And where did they come from?

According to the dictionary, a label is a "Slip of paper for attaching to an object," but also a "Short classifying phrase or name applied to persons." When you label someone, you put that person in a group of other people with the same label. The group with the label can become more obvious than the individuals who share the label, and soon the label itself becomes more obvious than the individuals or even the group. Other people don't see the individual, just the label.

  • What kind of groups and/or subcultures do you know?

  • Do they have obvious peculiarities in their appearance, manners, behaviour? Can all these things serve as their label? Why do you think act that way? Describe at least two of them and give you interpretation of their motives.

  • Do people expect members of these social groups to act in a special way?

  • Do you agree with the slogan "Label Jars, Not People". Support your opinion with arguments.


29 Imagine you are going to get married and some design company was to create a label for your wedding party (they are usually placed on tables, candles, invitation cards). The agency demonstrated several variants. Now you should write if the represented sketches suit you. Support your decision with arguments.

W ord list

advertising (advertisement) – реклама; рекламная деятельность

clothing label – этикетка на одежде

container – контейнер

customer – покупатель

deciding factor – решающий фактор

fabric composition – состав ткани

Federal Trade Commission – Федеральная комиссия по торговле

garment – предмет одежды

handling requirements – требования по эксплуатации

intended life – срок годности

internationally standardized – в соответствии с международными стандартами

label – ярлык; этикетка; бирка

legend – информация на этикетке

mailing label – почтовый ярлык (этикетка с именем и адресом получателя, которая прикрепляется к почтовому отправлению)

maintenance – эксплуатация

manufacturer – производитель

purchase – покупка

set of instructions – набор инструкций

size – размер

symbols – символы

tag – ярлык;

to affix smth. to – прикреплять что-то к чему-то

to attach tag – прикреплять ярлык

to be stitched inside clothes – быть пришитым к изнаночной стороне одежды

to direct and control the textile apparel industry – направлять и контролировать текстильную промышленность

to grab the attention of customers – привлекать внимание покупателей

to increase sales greatly – значительно увеличивать объем продаж

to resist pilferage – препятствовать мелким кражам

to target different consumers – иметь целью различных потребителей

UPC identification (Universal Product Code) – универсальный код продукта штриховой код

usage guidance – руководство по эксплуатации

warning – предупреждающее сообщение

washing procedure – стирка




Package design


Ex.1. Discuss the questions with a partner.

  1. What does the saying ‘package design’ mean? How do you understand this term?

  2. What functions of package design can you think of?

  3. Have there been any situations when you bought anything based strictly on its packaging? What element of design attracted you attention?

E x.2. Look at the pictures what design components are represented there? Decide if each product is a luxury or everyday item. How can you tell from the package?


Ex.3. You are going to read a text about packaging. Before you read, look at the title of the text. Why do you think the author decided to call this text "It starts with design"?

Ex.4. Check that you understand these important words. Match the words to the definitions.

1. to retail

a) a name, usually a trademark, of a product or manufacturer, or the product identified by this name

2. expiry date

b) products that are sold quickly at relatively low cost.

3. typography

c) that which is contained; the thing or things held by a receptacle or included within specified limits

4. consumer

d) date on which a product becomes legally un-sellable and should be pulled off the shelves of its seller.

5. brand

e) to sell in small quantities directly to the ultimate consumer

6.fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)

f) the appearance of printed characters on the page

7. content

g) something that is advantageous or good; an advantage

8. benefit

h) a buyer of goods or services

Ex.5. Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Think carefully about both meaning and grammar.

  • TEXT 1.

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