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Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет

Харківський політехнічний інститут”

Напрям підготовки - 6.030601 “Менеджмент”

Спеціальність - 6.030601-01 “Менеджмент організацій”

Дисципліна – Маcroeconomics (Макроекономіка)


  1. Provide the correct open answer to the following questions:

  1. Describe the Aggregate Demand model

  2. Analise the possible Shifts and Points of The IS-LM Model

  1. Solve the task. Consider an economy that produces and consumes bread and automobiles. In the following table are data for two different years.

Year 2000

Year 2010

Price of an automobile, $



Price of a loaf of bread, $



Number of automobiles produced



Number of loaves of bread produced



Using the year 2000 as the base year, compute the following statistics for each year: nominal GDP, real GDP, price deflator for GDP.

  1. Tests (choose the only correct answer and explain it)

1. If GDP deflator is equal to 100%:

а) nominal and real GDP are equal; c) nominal GDP less real GDP;

b) nominal GDP greater than real GDP; d) no right answer.

2. Natural unemployment rate is:

а) factical – cyclical; c) cyclical + frictional;

b) cyclical + structural; d) frictional + structural.

3. If the persone lost a job because of decreased demand on his profession, it is :

а) structural; b) frictional; c) natural; d) cyclical.

Укладач: ас. Шипілова М.В.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри ЗЕТ НТУ “ХПІ”. Протокол № 4 від 15.11.2011

Завідувач кафедри ЗЕТ, професор Архієреєв С.І.

Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний технічний університет

Харківський політехнічний інститут”

Напрям підготовки - 6.030601 “Менеджмент”

Спеціальність - 6.030601-01 “Менеджмент організацій”

Дисципліна – Маcroeconomics (Макроекономіка)


  1. Provide the correct open answer to the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between Nominal and Real GDP. Call the Price indexes and write their formulas

  2. The definition of The IS-LM Model and its Incorporation Into Larger Models

  1. Solve the task. The economy is described by the following data: C=300+0,7Y; I=200-1000R; XN=100-0,05Y-550R; Md=(0,55Y-2000R)P; G=200 (Government spendings); t=0,25 (Income tax rate); Ms=550 (Money Supply); P=1(Price level). Define IS function, LM function, the equilibrium interest rate and income

III. Tests choose the only correct answer and explain it)

1. Consider the table below. Which country has an absolute advantage?

    1. B oth countries have an absolute advantage.

    2. Country B has an absolute advantage.

  1. Neither country has an absolute advantage.

  2. Country A has an absolute advantage.

2. Countries that have an absolute advantage over other countries usually have no interest in trading with those other countries.

a) True b) False

3. Which of the following is the closest definition of the term investment?

  1. Investment is the purchase of goods for present consumption.

  2. Investment is the purchase of financial assets, such as stocks and bonds, primarily by households, but also by business firms.

  3. Investment is the accumulation of previous capital.

  4. Investment is the process of using resources to produce new capital.

Укладач: ас. Шипілова М.В.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри ЗЕТ НТУ “ХПІ”. Протокол № 4 від 15.11.2011

Завідувач кафедри ЗЕТ, професор Архієреєв С.І.

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