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Intelligence [In`telIg(q)ns], exhaustion [Ig`zLsC(q)n], obey [q`beI], floor [flL]

All that was left of him was a fighting intelligence that was dimmed and clouded from exhaustion. The blow that was aimed for the jaw struck no higher than the shoulder. He had willed the blow higher, but the tired muscles had not been able to obey. And, from the impact of the blow, Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell. Once again he strove. This time his punch missed altogether, and, from absolute weakness, he fell against Sandel and clinched, holding on to him to save himself from sinking to the floor.

King did not attempt to free himself (Кинг не пытался освободиться). He had shot his bolt (он сделал все возможное: «пустил свою стрелу»; to shoot — стрелять). He was gone (он ушел = с ним было покончено). And Youth had been served (и Юность взяла свое). Even in the clinch he could feel (даже в клинче он мог чувствовать) Sandel growing stronger against him (как Сэндел становится сильнее по сравнению с ним). When the referee thrust them apart (когда судья растащил их; to thrust apart — растолкать), there, before his eyes, he saw Youth recuperate (там, /прямо/ перед глазами он увидел, как Юность восстанавливает силы). From instant to instant Sandel grew stronger (от секунды к секунде Сэндел становился сильнее; to grow — становиться). His punches, weak and futile at first (его удары, слабые и тщетные сперва), became stiff and accurate (становились крепкими и точными; to become — стать). Tom King's bleared eyes saw the gloved fist driving at his jaw (затуманенные глаза Тома Кинга видели, как рука в перчатке летит в его челюсть), and he willed to guard it by interposing his arm (и он хотел защитить ее, подставив руку). He saw the danger (он видел опасность), willed the act (хотел действовать: «действия»); but the arm was too heavy (но рука была слишком тяжела). It seemed burdened with a hundredweight of lead (она казалась обремененной центнером свинца). It would not lift itself (она не поднималась сама), and he strove to lift it with his soul (и он тщился поднять ее /усилием/ души; to strive — стараться). Then the gloved fist landed home (затем рука в перчатке попала в цель: «опустилась домой»). He experienced a sharp snap that was like an electric spark (он ощутил резкий щелчок = боль, которая была подобна электрической искре), and, simultaneously, the veil of blackness enveloped him (и в тот же момент пелена мрака окутала его).

serve [sWv], futile [`fjHtaIl], simultaneously ["sIm(q)l`teInIqslI], envelop [In`velqp]

King did not attempt to free himself. He had shot his bolt. He was gone. And Youth had been served. Even in the clinch he could feel Sandel growing stronger against him. When the referee thrust them apart, there, before his eyes, he saw Youth recuperate. From instant to instant Sandel grew stronger. His punches, weak and futile at first, became stiff and accurate. Tom King's bleared eyes saw the gloved fist driving at his jaw, and he willed to guard it by interposing his arm. He saw the danger, willed the act; but the arm was too heavy. It seemed burdened with a hundredweight of lead. It would not lift itself, and he strove to lift it with his soul. Then the gloved fist landed home. He experienced a sharp snap that was like an electric spark, and, simultaneously, the veil of blackness enveloped him.

When he opened his eyes again (когда он снова открыл глаза) he was in his corner (он был в своем углу), and he heard the yelling of the audience (и он слышал рев публики) like the roar of the surf at Bondi Beach (как рокот прибоя на Бонди-Бич). A wet sponge was being pressed against the base of his brain (мокрую губку прижимали к основанию его мозга = к затылку), and Sid Sullivan was blowing cold water (и Сид Салливен изливал холодную воду) in a refreshing spray over his face and chest (освежающими брызгами на его лицо и грудь). His gloves had already been removed (его перчатки уже были сняты), and Sandel, bending over him (и Сэндел, нагнувшись к нему), was shaking his hand (пожимал ему руку). He bore no ill-will toward the man who had put him out (он не испытывал ненависти к человеку, который устранил его; to bear — испытывать чувства; to put out — устранить), and he returned the grip with a heartiness (и он ответил на рукопожатие с сердечностью) that made his battered knuckles protest (который заставил его разбитые костяшки запротестовать = который причинил боль его разбитым костяшкам). Then Sandel stepped to the centre of the ring (затем Сэндел выступил на середину ринга) and the audience hushed its pandemonium (и публика угомонила свое беснование; pandemonium — ад, обитель демонов; столпотворение, скандал) to hear him accept young Pronto's challenge (чтобы услышать, как он принимает вызов молодого Пронто) and offer to increase the side bet to one hundred pounds (и предлагает увеличить ставку до сотни фунтов).

surf [sWf], remove [rI`mHv], heartiness [`hRtInqs], centre [`sentq], accept [qk`sept]

When he opened his eyes again he was in his corner, and he heard the yelling of the audience like the roar of the surf at Bondi Beach. A wet sponge was being pressed against the base of his brain, and Sid Sullivan was blowing cold water in a refreshing spray over his face and chest. His gloves had already been removed, and Sandel, bending over him, was shaking his hand. He bore no ill-will toward the man who had put him out, and he returned the grip with a heartiness that made his battered knuckles protest. Then Sandel stepped to the centre of the ring and the audience hushed its pandemonium to hear him accept young Pronto's challenge and offer to increase the side bet to one hundred pounds.

King looked on apathetically (Кинг смотрел апатично) while his seconds mopped the streaming water from him (пока его секунданты вытирали с него стекающую воду), dried his face (вытирали ему лицо), and prepared him to leave the ring (и готовили его к тому, чтобы покинуть ринг). He felt hungry (он чувствовал себя голодным). It was not the ordinary, gnawing kind (это был не обычный, грызущий голод: «разновидность»), but a great faintness (но страшная слабость), a palpitation at the pit of the stomach (дрожь под ложечкой: «в ямке желудка») that communicated itself to all his body (которая распространялась на все его тело). He remembered back into the fight (он вспомнил назад в бой = его мысли вернулись к бою) to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering (к моменту, когда он заставил Сэндела шататься и дрожать) on the hair-line balance of defeat (на тонкой грани поражения). Ah, that piece of steak would have done it (ах, этот кусок мяса сделал бы это)! He had lacked just that for the decisive blow (ему не хватило лишь этого для решающего удара), and he had lost (и он проиграл; to lose — проиграть). It was all because of the piece of steak (это все было из-за куска мяса).

apathetically [xpq`TetIk(q)lI], dry [draI], prepare [prI`peq], gnaw [nL], decisive [dI`saIsIv]

King looked on apathetically while his seconds mopped the streaming water from him, dried his face, and prepared him to leave the ring. He felt hungry. It was not the ordinary, gnawing kind, but a great faintness, a palpitation at the pit of the stomach that communicated itself to all his body. He remembered back into the fight to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering on the hair-line balance of defeat. Ah, that piece of steak would have done it! He had lacked just that for the decisive blow, and he had lost. It was all because of the piece of steak.

His seconds were half-supporting him (его секунданты наполовину поддерживали его) as they helped him through the ropes (помогая ему пролезть через канаты). He tore free from them (он вырвался на свободу от них = из их рук; to tear free — вырваться на свободу: «свободным»), ducked through the ropes unaided (проскользнул через канаты без помощи; to duck — нырять; duck — утка), and leaped heavily to the floor (и тяжело спрыгнул на пол), following on their heels (следуя за ними по пятам) as they forced a passage for him down the crowded centre aisle (пока они расчищали дорогу для него вдоль оживленного центрального прохода). Leaving the dressing-room for the street (на выходе из раздевалки на улицу), in the entrance to the hall (при входе в холл), some young fellow spoke to him (какой-то молодой парень заговорил с ним; to speak — говорить).

"W'y didn't yuh go in an' get 'im when yuh 'ad 'im (почему ты не бросился и не разделался с ним, когда он был у тебя /в руках/)?" the young fellow asked (спросил молодой человек).

"Aw, go to hell!" said Tom King (иди к черту: «в ад», — сказал Том Кинг), and passed down the steps to the sidewalk (и спустился по ступеням на тротуар).

support [sq`pLt]

His seconds were half-supporting him as they helped him through the ropes. He tore free from them, ducked through the ropes unaided, and leaped heavily to the floor, following on their heels as they forced a passage for him down the crowded centre aisle. Leaving the dressing-room for the street, in the entrance to the hall, some young fellow spoke to him.

"W'y didn't yuh go in an' get 'im when yuh 'ad 'im?" the young fellow asked.

"Aw, go to hell!" said Tom King, and passed down the steps to the sidewalk.

The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide (двери паба на углу были широко распахнуты), and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids (и он увидел огни и улыбавшихся барменш), heard the many voices discussing the fight (услышал множество голосов, обсуждавших схватку) and the prosperous chink of money on the bar (и веселое: «процветающее» звяканье монет на барной стойке). Somebody called to him to have a drink (кто-то позвал его выпить). He hesitated perceptibly (он заметно поколебался), then refused and went on his way (затем отказался и пошел дальше своим путем; to go on — идти дальше).

barmaid [`bRmeId], discuss [dIs`kAs], prosperous [`prOsp(q)rqs], perceptibly [pq`septqblI]

The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide, and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids, heard the many voices discussing the fight and the prosperous chink of money on the bar. Somebody called to him to have a drink. He hesitated perceptibly, then refused and went on his way.

He had not a copper in his pocket (у него не было ни одной медной монетки в кармане), and the two-mile walk home seemed very long (и двухмильный путь пешком домой казался очень долгим). He was certainly getting old (он точно старел). Crossing the Domain, he sat down suddenly on a bench (пересекая Домейн, он внезапно сел на скамейку), unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him (лишенный мужества при мысли о жене, не ложившейся в ожидании его; to sit up — не ложиться), waiting to learn the outcome of the fight (ждущей, чтобы узнать исход боя). That was harder than any knockout (это было потяжелее любого нокаута), and it seemed almost impossible to face (и казалось почти невозможным встретить это).

domain [dq(V)`meIn], outcome [`aVtkAm]

He had not a copper in his pocket, and the two-mile walk home seemed very long. He was certainly getting old. Crossing the Domain, he sat down suddenly on a bench, unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him, waiting to learn the outcome of the fight. That was harder than any knockout, and it seemed almost impossible to face.

He felt weak and sore (он чувствовал себя слабым и больным), and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him (и боль в его разбитых суставах предупредила его) that, even if he could find a job at navvy work (что даже если он сможет найти черную работу), it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel (пройдет неделя, прежде чем он сможет взяться за кирку или лопату). The hunger palpitation at the pit of the stomach was sickening (дрожь от голода под ложечкой была тошнотворной). His wretchedness overwhelmed him (его никудышность потрясла его), and into his eyes came an unwonted moisture (и в глаза пришла непривычная влага). He covered his face with his hands (он закрыл лицо руками), and, as he cried (и, пока он плакал), he remembered Stowsher Bill and how he had served him (он вспомнил Стоушера Билла и как он обошелся с ним) that night in the long ago (той ночью, давным-давно). Poor old Stowsher Bill (бедный старый Стоушер Билл)! He could understand now (теперь он мог понять) why Bill had cried in the dressing-room (почему Билл плакал в раздевалке).

moisture [`mOIsCq], cover [`kAvq]

He felt weak and sore, and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that, even if he could find a job at navvy work, it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel. The hunger palpitation at the pit of the stomach was sickening. His wretchedness overwhelmed him, and into his eyes came an unwonted moisture. He covered his face with his hands, and, as he cried, he remembered Stowsher Bill and how he had served him that night in the long ago. Poor old Stowsher Bill! He could understand now why Bill had cried in the dressing-room.

1 Джеймс Босвел (1740-1795), шотландский биограф и автор дневников.

2 Или, более литературно: «По ту сторону рва».

3 «Послание к Гарсии» — эссе (1899) американского писателя, философа, издателя и художника Элберта Хаббарда (1856—1915), в котором автор описывает идеального исполнителя (солдата или работника фирмы): он не задает вопросов, не возражает, не требует помощи — и любой ценой выполняет даже самое тяжелое задание. В первой половине 20 в. этот текст был популярен в США — его раздавали морякам и морским пехотинцам во время обеих мировых войн и даже заучивали в школе (здесь и далее примечания переводчика).

4 Речь идет о романе (1902) американской писательницы Элис Райс (1870—1942), в котором повествуется о семье на грани разорения, пытающейся свести концы с концами.

5 Представительный орган профсоюзов.

6 Речь идет о Поселенческом движении (Settlement movement): социальные работники (часто — молодые женщины из обеспеченных семей) поселялись в неблагополучных районах, чтобы участвовать там в жизни сообщества и помогать неимущим.

7 Новый Завет, Мф 12:25.


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