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    1. Match the two halves of these sentences:

  1. If you keep the receipt, … a) you must have a typhoid


  1. If I can’t get a flight home, … b) there are no hovercraft flights.

  2. If it’s 11 a.m. in London, … c) we’ll refund your travel expenses.

  3. If they’ve caught the 2.30 from Paddington, … d) she won’t be able to change it.

  4. If you haven’t got anything to declare, … e) how will you recognize him at the


  1. If you’re travelling to Mozambique, … f) you’d better hurry up.

  2. If the sea is rough, … g) she’ll be on the next one.

  3. If she bought a discount ticket, … h) go through the green door.

  4. If you’re travelling from London to I ) they’ll be here in half an hour.

New York, …

  1. If you have to be there by ten, … j) put your watch back five hours.

  2. If you haven’t met before, … k) it’s 8 p.m. in Tokyo.

  3. If she wasn’t on that flight, … l) I’ll have to stay overnight.

3 Fill in the correct word from the list.

Trip route voyage tour flight journey travel

    1. It’s a good idea to take breaks during a _______________ especially if you’re driving a long way.

    2. My daughter is going on a school _________________ next week.

    3. The _____________ from London to New York takes about eight hours.

    4. I felt seasick during the _________________.

    5. Do you prefer to __________________ by car or train?

    6. My parents have just come back from a ________________ of Scotland.

    7. I had to take a different __________________ to work this morning, due to road works.

4 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which irritate people when flying.

seats trolleys queues luggage room cancellations food jet

    1. Not enough leg ………………………….….

    2. Lost or delayed………………….…………..

    3. Long……………………………. at check-in

    4. Poor quality ……………………….and drink

    5. No baggage ………………………. available

    6. Overbooking of ………………………………

    7. Flight delays and …………………………….

    8. …………………………………….……...-lag

      1. Listen to three people talking about their travel experiences. Tick the problems in exercise above that they mention.

      1. Which of the things in Exercise 4 irritate you most? Which irritate you least? Discuss your ideas with a partner.


  1. Split into pairs. Imagine you are on the air in the TV show “For and Against”. One of you is the TV presenter, the other - the Minister of Transport of Ukraine. TV presenter is interested in the air travelling situation in our country. He presents the statement of the discussion. The Minister of Transport should either agree or disagree with it supporting his point of view with real facts and own ideas.

    Use these expressions to show your point of view:

1.Personal opinion

To my mind

In my opinion

As far as I am concerned

As for me

What concerns me

I am convinced that

It strikes me that

I am inclined to believe that

It seems to me that

I think that

2.To add more points to the same topic



In addition


As well


What is more

On the one hand

3.To make contrasting points



On the other hand



In spite of

4.To express effect


As a result



That’s why


5.To conclude



All in all

Taking everything into consideration

On the whole

All things considered

In conclusion

To sum up

  1. Statistics shows that the risk of an airliner accident is very small, so small that the chance of having an accident while driving to the airport in a car is higher than having an accident during the flight.

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