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методичка КС Найдёнова, Левченко, Толмачёва.doc
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1.. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы письменно:

  1. В чём проявился научный гений Лейбница?

  2. Какой вклад внёс в развитие систем счисления?

  3. В чём заключается принцип действия счётной машины Лейбница?

  4. Почему были забыты имена и машины учёных до Бэббиджа?

2. Напишите значение слов, которые Вы запомнили:

device, to expect, to express, to establish, to realize, multiplication table, to design, addition, subtraction, to consist of, of varying length, multiplicand, number, multiplier, a series of, important, century, unreliable, to leave, to be ready, to build, to employ, such, before (наречие), until.


1. Определите значения следующих слов и словосочетаний без словаря:

calculator, fact, concept, dispute, symbol, mechanical, publication, experiment, arithmetic, sort, modern, logic, analysis, limit.

2. Выберите русский эквивалент английским словам.

1) вводить 1) generally

2) действительно 2) produce

3) естественно 3) state

4) многочлен 4) naturally

5) занимать 5) reason

6) обычно 6) introduce

7) причина 7) actually

8) производить 8) to occupy

9) (зд.) состояние 9) polynomial

3. Напишите значение слов, которые Вы знаете:

to think – thought – thought, child, to produce, to design, however, man – men, before, early – earlier – the earliest, to see – saw – seen, to build – built – built, century, education, science – scientist – scientific, to use, between, to invent, calculus, mathematics – mathematical – mathematician, side, to feel – felt – felt, like (наречие), during, mistake, to discover, to begin – began – begun, several, first, never, to solve, in principle, ago, to stem.


Active Vocabulary.

brainchild – детище

stand (stood, stood) on the shoulders – стоять на плечах

to graduate from – заканчивать

to see (saw, seen) the necessity – видеть необходимость

counting tools – счётные приборы

in particular – в особенности

dissatisfied – неудовлетворённый

goal – цель

to get (got, got) to – заставить

to adopt – принимать

notation – счисление

in vogue – в моде

dot – точка

to denote – обозначать

difference – различие

to side with – поддерживать

to be behind – отставать

counterparts – коллеги

common – общий

letter – буква

sensible – разумный

to conceive – понимать

the notion – понятие

human – человеческий

to make (made, made) a mistake – делать ошибку

inevitably – неизбежно

further – следующий

to trust – доверять

to undermine – разрушать, подрывать

to discover – обнаруживать

error – ошибка

to rely upon – полагаться на

it was not until …. that – только в…..

Difference Engine – Разностная Машина

to complete – закончить

the rest of his life – всю оставшуюся жизнь

to succeed in – преуспеть в….

either – также

set – набор

necessary at all – вообще

to string together – связывать

to solve the problem – решать задачу

conceivable – возможный

flexibility – гибкий

though – хотя

speed- скорость

despite – несмотря на

innovative – новаторский

fertility – плодородие

to fail – потерпеть неудачу

The calculator is generally thought of as the brainchild of Charles Babbage, who produced his Difference Engine and designed his Analytic Engine some 150 years ago. In fact, however, Babbage stood on the shoulders of men before him who earlier saw the necessity for counting tools. Three men, in particular, had built operating calculators more than a century before Babbage built his.

Charles Babbage (1762-1871) graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge. There he immediately fell in with a circle of bright young men, including John Herschel, the son of the great astronomer Sir William, and George Peacock. The three remained friends for the rest of their lives. They vowed «to do their best to leave the world wiser than they found it». He was dissatisfied with the state of mathematics education there.

One of his goals was to get British mathematicians to adopt the scientific notation developed by Leibniz. The system then in vogue in Britain used Newton’s dots to denote mathematical concepts. The difference stemmed from the dispute between Newton and Leibniz over who invented the calculus. British mathematicians naturally sided with Newton and used his symbols. Babbage felt this was one of the reasons British mathematicians were behind their Continental counterparts. Leibniz’s method, common in Europe, used letters like «d» for notation. He thought this more sensible. During his time at Cambridge, Babbage may have first conceived the notation of a mechanical calculating machine.

Not only did human computers make mistakes … but the coping and publication of their tables (calculations) inevitably introduced further mistakes. None of these tables could be trusted, and many an experiment was undermined when the scientist discovered an error in a table he had relied upon.

Babbage first began thinking about mechanical computers in 1812. It was not until several years later that Babbage actually designed the first of his machines, the Difference Engine, which was completed in 1822. In 1833 Babbage conceived a new device, the Analytical Engine, which was occupied him for the rest of his life, and which he never succeeded in building either. The Difference Machine was designed to perform just the limited set of operations necessary in computing simple polynomials, the Analytical Engine was designed to perform any arithmetic operation at all and to string such operations together, to solve in principle and conceivable arithmetic problem. In fact, the Analytical Engine would have had the sort of flexibility that modern machines have though nowhere near their speed.

Babbage conceived the idea that mathematical computations, logic and even analysis could be mechanized. Despite the innovative fertility of his time, he failed.