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III. Language

Exercise 3. Find in the text and put down English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Глобалізація загальносвітового масштабу; світова спільнота; істотна реорганізація; економіка підприємств;проводить підготовку; фінансові відділи підприємств; більшість випускників; перехід до ринкової економіки; підготовка кадрів; користуються попитом; Державна митна служба; перевіряти (аналізувати) баланс; мінімізувати оподаткування; валовий внутрішній продукт.

Exercise 4. Make up the possible word combinations out of the following and translate them:













Exercise 5. Match the definitions to the economic terms in the left column:

  1. tax inspector

  2. ESTC

  3. tax advisor

a). європейська система переводу й накопичення кредитів;

b). an official whose job is to assess the amount of tax that is payable by a person or organization and ensure the tax is paid;

c). a financial expert especially trained in tax law;

IV. Text understanding

Exercise 6. Find in the text and translate a passage describing:

  1. general and special subjects

  2. tax advisor

  3. tax inspector

Exercise 7. Agree or disagree with the statements:

  1. Worldwide globalization of education and integration of Ukraine with the world community requires that the educational system should be adapted to new social and economic conditions.

  2. At the beginning of the last century Ukraine accepted Bologna model of education.

  3. The students study such general subjects as Budget system.

  4. Tax inspectors are officials whose job is to verify balance sheets.

  5. Transition to the market economy requires improvement of professional skill of employed economists.

  6. A tax advisor is a financial expert especially trained in financial management.

  7. Individuals usually require tax advisors to minimize taxation.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

  1. What is your future profession?

  2. What does worldwide globalization of education require?

  3. What special and general subjects do you have? What is your favourite?

  4. What does transition to the market economy demand?

  5. What are your possible places of work in future?

  6. Why do you wish to become a specialist in the sphere of taxes?

Exercise 9. Read the text:

Text В

Formation and development of the tax system in independent Ukraine.

On August 22, 1996, the President of Ukraine, L. Kuchma, issued the Decree “On the creation of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine and local state administrations.” On October 30, 1996, the President of Ukraine signed the Decree “The state tax administrations issues.” With the Decree signing tax service actually gained its organizational and structural definition.

On February 5, 1998, the Law “On introducing changes and additions” to the Law of Ukraine “On State Tax Service in Ukraine” was adopted.

During these years tax service structure was changed, the additional finance sources for the creation and development of the material and technical base, were allocated.

In order to increase the effectiveness of work in tax bodies, to ensure more rational use of the STA’s labour and finance resources, the Program of tax service modernization was developed, and the Department on the state tax service development and modernization was established. During these years the system of staff training and retraining was established. The proud of tax service is its educational establishment—The Academy of the State tax service of Ukraine, where the future tax specialists study.

For time being the state tax bodies provide receipts of about 80% of all state and local budget profits. Furthermore, they control and administer almost 100 kinds of taxes, duties and obligatory payments to the budgets at all levels and to the specialized funds. The most weighted source of incomes is enterprise profit tax; value added tax, individual profit tax, excise duties and fees for use of natural resources, land fee.

The STA of Ukraine initiated the Tax Code of Ukraine preparation.

On July 13, 2000 the President of Ukraine signed the Decree “On the State tax administration of Ukraine Provision ”, that points the STA of Ukraine supports the single state tax policy realization.

Exercise 10. Find in the text and put down English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Введення змін та доповнень; видав указ; додаткові джерела фінансування; податкові органи; забезпечити більш раціональне використання; відділ модернізації та розвитку Державної податкової служби; підготовка кадрів; обов'язкові виплати; Податковий кодекс України; єдина державна податкова політика.

Exercise 11. Answer the questions:

  1. What documents issued by L. Kuchma gave to tax service its organizational and structural definition?

  2. What was made in order to increase the effectiveness of work in tax bodies?

  3. How has tax service been changed

Exercise 12. Translate the text in writing.