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Governor Macquarie

The recipients included Aboriginal guides (проводники) who accompanied explorers on their journeys throughout the continent and those who were friendly towards the authorities, or helpful in some way to local magistrates, constables and settlers. The plates were issued at a dinner held each year. Through giving these dinners, the government hoped to foster (стимулировать) a better understanding between the two races in the Sydney region.

The plates were given to both men and women. Each bore the receiver's name, plus a title of "King", "Queen", "Prince" or "Chief". The recipients appeared to be very proud of their new ornaments and wore them at the end of a string or chain around their neck.

The system was not beneficial for many reasons. In Aboriginal culture there was no provision for such uplifted position. The terms "Kings" and "Queens" were foreign to Aboriginal society. Often, the services for which the plates had been awarded had not benefited the other group members, and many of the new "heroes" were not appreciated at all by their own people.

However the people who received them had the power of British guns to back (подкреплять) their position. Yet, many of the Aborigines who were awarded breastplates were also despised (презирать) by Whites in the colony. Often they were comical characters and did not fit into society. Instead, they were beggars and often drunks. The practice of issuing breastplates was discontinued in 1830.

Native police

The Native Police was formed in 1848. The aim of forming the Native Police was simple: to set Aborigine to kill another Aborigine. The method was to flatter (поощрять) Aborigines by providing them with a horse, local women, plenty of booze (выпивка), an attractive blue and white uniform, blankets and a carbine (карабин) and pistols and, in return, ask them to track and kill Aborigines with whom they had neither kinship (родство) nor allegiance (преданность). Members of one tribe had no compunction (угрызения совести) in destroying those who do not belong to their group. The result was a despised force who were known for their brutality. Governor Gipps was responsible for approving the formation of the force who were led by white officers. The Native Police's other duties included tracking runaway convicts and bushrangers (бандиты).

Pauperism (пауперизм, бедность, нищета)

Within a short time Aboriginal people were reduced to pauperism. They were restricted from moving around their territory because it was fenced off (огораживать) into farms, town grew up on traditional hunting grounds, animals and birds were scared away (распуганы) and their habitat (местожительство) reduced (in many cases) to nil (сводить к нулю). As a result, Aborigines were unable to live their hunter and gatherer lifestyle and were reduced to begging for food. They also stole cattle and sheep which soon brought the wrath (гнев) of the farmers who often massacred (истреблять) the culprits (преступники) or the first black person they saw.

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