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5. Укажите последовательность операций в производстве хлеба, используя следующие слова.

1. moulding. 2. cooling 3. intermediate proofing 4. mixing 5. slicing 6. rounding 7. fermenting 8. wrapping 9. baking 10. final proofing 11. scaling

6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What steps does bread production consist of? 2. Why is dough fermentation essential during its processing? 3. What machines are employed in bread production and what functions do they perform? 4. How does dough develop during baking? 5. What does the final processing of baked bread include?

  1. Кратко расскажите по-английски:

  • о технологии производства хлеба /о сущности каждого этапа/,

  • об оборудовании и его функциях,

  • о процессе выпечки.

Упражнения по грамматической теме «бессоюзное подчинение»

В английском языке союз может быть опущен в двух видах придаточных предложений – дополнительных и определительных. Если данные предложения вводятся союзным словом, то есть словом, являющимся членом придаточного предложения, оно не опускается.

В русском языке только дополнительные придаточные предложения могут употребляться без союза.

Дополнительные придаточные предложения

Признаки бессоюзного подчинения:

  1. Наличие двух пар главных членов предложения;

  2. Глагол-сказуемое главного предложения, выражающий умственное или

физическое восприятие или сообщение + существительное/местоимение в

Им. п. (подлежащее придаточного предложения)


We know a big bakery will be built in our city. - Мы знаем, (что) большой хлебозавод будет построен в нашем городе.

He says he has designed a new type of coolers. - Он говорит, (что) он сконструировал новый тип холодильной камеры.

1. Переведите на русский язык, выделив дополнительные придаточные предложения.

1. We know food supplies a human body with everything essential for its activity. 2. One may say life without food is impossible. 3. Nutritionists recommend human diet should consist of various foods in order to maintain good health of a person. 4. We know cooking was one of the first processes to make food more digestible. 5. It is known butter was used as medicine in ancient times. 6. Food technologists may say sugar manufacturing is a complicated process. 7. It is known the main raw material for sugar production is sugar cane and beet. 8. Scientists state sugar and starch belong to the group of carbohydrates. 9. We know dough undergoes great changes during its processing. 10. It is common knowledge wheat flour is most suitable for breadmaking. 11. It is interesting to note rye originally appeared as a contaminating cereal in wheat. 12. It is recognized salt and sugar improve the flavour of bread. 13. Bakers should remember the method of doughmaking depends on the raw material and the kind of baked product. 14. It should be noted the actual baking process is the most important in breadmaking.

2. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык и укажите номера тем, в которых союз можно опустить.

1. Many scientists of the past tried to find out what foods consist of. 2. For a long time chemists studied how food was digested by a human body. 3. Everybody is sure that food is essential to the nutrition of any form of life. 4. People do not know exactly when wheat cultivation began. 5. You should know that dough rises in the trough to several times its original size. 6. Don’t forget that dough troughs are wheeled into the fermentation room. 7. A technologist experienced in breadmaking immediately understands when dough becomes mature. 8. Do you know where moulded dough pieces are subjected to final proofing. 9. The tests were carried out to see what occurs when bread is wrapped without cooling. 10. It is interesting who will carry out these tests. 11. In their experiment they must explain why biological reactions are accelerated in the dough loaf during baking. 12. Close control shows that the crust of baked bread changes due to temperature rise in the oven. 13. It is known that bread cooling is carried out in two ways. 14. We’d like to know who has designed the equipment for this bakery and the slicer-wrapper in particular.