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Which courses are English and American students choosing?

In English secondary schools, it’s compulsory for 11-14-year-oids to study one foreign language. But at 14, many pupils drop foreign languages when they choose the subjects they want to study for their GCSE exams - General Certificate of Secondary Education. Pupils take these exams at 16. In the USA, foreign languages are not compulsory in most states.

Some English pupils go to mixed schools and some to single-sex schools but all pupils, boys and girls study Design and Technology (DT) which includes Cookery, sewing and woodwork. Many American high school students also learn accounting, car mechanics and even how to drive!

Drama, media and film studies are becoming popular subjects in English and American schools. In England, many pupils choose these courses for their A-levels – pupils need to pass these exams to go to university. Perhaps, that’s because 22% of English 16 to 19-year-olds want to be actors, pop stars or models! Only 8% are planning to become doctors, engineers or lawyers. But … the most popular courses at English universities are: 1) Law, 2) Design Studies, 3) Psychology, 4) Medicine, 5) Management Studies

Exercise 32Complete the text with these words.

compulsory course mixed pass A-levels secondary single-sex take drop marks

Hi! My name’s Neeraj and I’m 16 years old. I go to Woodland High School – it’s a large _____________ school near London with about 1500 students. It’s a ______________ school, so there boys and girls studying together. It’s better than going to a ____________ school - how do the boys ever meet any girls??!!

At the moment, I’m in year 10, so next year I’m going to _____________ my GCSE exams. Math, English, Science and a Foreign language are ______________ at my school – so I can’t ______________ French until next year! It’s my worst subject!

But I’m getting good _______________ in all my other subjects and I hope to ____________ all my exams.

Then I’d like to stay at Woodland and take my ______________ when I’m eighteen. Then I want to do a _________________ in journalism at university.

Exercise 33 Translate into English

    1. В нашей стране обучение в школе обязательное.

    2. Я готовлюсь к экзаменам.

    3. Русский, украинский, математика и английский – это самые популярные предметы в школе.

    4. Я хожу в смешанную школу – мальчики и девочки ходят в школу вместе.

    5. Я бы хотел изучать право, потому что хочу стать юристом.

Exercise 34 Underline the correct verbs

  1. get / go on with someone

  2. make / have an argument

  3. not take / not get any notice

  4. get / go into trouble

  5. go / have wrong

  6. do / go badly at school

Exercise 35 Match 1-6 with a-f to make sentences

1. People go a. on with them very well.

2. Last year I got b. wrong in life for many different reasons.

3. I have good relations with my parents. I get c. any notice.

4. I gave him some advice, but he didn’t take d. badly in his exams last year.

5. Mike did e. arguments with my sister.

6. I never have f. into trouble with police.

Exercise 36 Complete the text with the words below

doing badly wrong into trouble get on with take any notice of arguments

When Kate moved schools last year she had a lot of problems. She didn’t __________________

her new teachers and she got ______________ because she didn’t do her homework. When her teachers complained, she didn’t _______________ them. In fact, she had __________________

with most of them. She started ________________ at school and she didn’t pass all her exams. Finally, her teachers talked to her parents. They found out that Kate was unhappy because she didn’t have any new friends. She felt very lonely. Her teachers talked to the other students. Now Kate has lots of friends and she’s doing well. Now she talks to the other students who go ______

to help them solve their problems.

Exercise 37 Underline the correct word

  1. Martin did / had / made / took an argument with his parents and decided to leave home.

  2. After leaving school, Laura soon got / made / took / went into trouble with the police.

  3. Perhaps Lisa is doing / having / making / taking badly at school because of her problems at home.

  4. England started the game well but things started to do / get / go / make wrong after fifteen minutes.

  5. Sometimes people say unkind things but you shouldn’t do/ get / have / take any notice.

  6. Philip doesn’t do / get / go / take on well with his sister. They argue almost every day.

Exercise 38 Match each word with a definition

easy-going strict fair to punish to guide to control to bring up freedom

________________: to have power over what someone does

________________: to look after and educate children

________________: to make someone suffer because they did something wrong

________________: having a lot of rules for people to follow

________________: relaxed and calm – not often upset or angry

________________: being able to do what you want

________________: treating everyone in an equal way

________________: to teach or show someone how to do something

Exercise 39 Complete Sandra’s blog with could / couldn’t, had to / didn’t have to, was allowed to / wasn’t allowed to


In the summer holidays I had a temporary job in an office. I wanted to get some more experience but there were so many rules.

I ___________________ do anything very important. I ________________ sit at my desk and answer the phone all day. The first few days were very boring.

I __________________ make lots of tea for everyone and do all the little jobs that no one else wanted to do, for example, photocopying. I _______________ touch a computer and I ________

talk to the boss when I went to complain. I _______________ wear horrible smart clothes too and I _________________ wear trousers. I ___________________ take thirty minutes for lunch when everybody else got forty five minutes.

After about a week I _________________ do more and the job became more interesting. I _____

learn a lot of new things quickly. It was hard as I ___________ remember how to do all the new things. In my last two weeks, I ________________ do some really interesting things. I’m going to work there next year and it will be fun – and hard work!

Exercise 40 Match columns A and B


steal a crime

take some money

commit the army

join to prison

go a driving test

Exercise 41 Complete the crossword


1 In many countries you have to carry ID with you at all times.

4 Smoking is ____ in many public places in the UK.

7 Which politicians are you going to _______ for in the election?

8 Kate wants to _____ the army.

9 In the UK it is ____ to sell alcohol to people under the age of eighteen.

10 When you kill someone it is ______.


2 In some countries you can get the ______ if you commit a very serious crime.

3 To ______ means to take things without paying for them.

5 When I pass my _____ _____ , I want to buy a car.

6 In your country, do people go to _____ if they don’t vote in elections?


  1. Match the underlined laws with the pictures.

  2. Read the text. Tick true or false.

_____ All countries have laws.

_____ In Scotland, if people ask to use your bathroom, you must agree.

_____ Taxis in the city of London must only carry living people.

_____ You are not allowed to have a bath in winter in one American state.

_____ You can skateboard in police stations in Miami.

_____ You are not allowed to cut your grass on Sunday in Switzerland.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Will you go to prison for breaking these old laws?

  2. What must students at Trinity College have if they want a glass of wine in an exam?

  3. What is the punishment for stealing soap in Arizona?

  4. Can women in Michigan cut their hair when they want?

  5. Where are you not allowed to speak English?

  6. What household task can’t you do on Sunday in Switzerland?

  1. Match columns


to be the army

to commit sweets

to illegal

to go to your driving test

to join prison

to steal a crime

to take vote

Exercise 42 Read a page from an information booklet for students starting a secondary school. Tick true or false.

Dear Student

Welcome to St Luke’s School. This booklet has some useful information about your new school. Read it carefully.

Times of the School Day

Students should not arrive at school before 8.00 a.m. On most school days the school closes at 5 p.m. Students must leave the site before 4.00 p.m.


Students must wear the school uniform. All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the student’s name.

  • white shirt (boys), blue/white blouse (girls);

  • grey suit (boys), grey skirt and navy-blue pullover (girls);

  • blue and white tie (boys), ties not necessary (girls);

  • dark grey socks (boys), white/navy socks (girls);

  • black shoes (no trainers or boots).

School Lunches

We have a popular cafeteria which serves hot and cold meals. For a good midday meal you need to spend about $2. Students who bring their sandwiches/packed lunches can eat them in the dining hall. Students must not leave the school during the lunch hour.


The library is on the 1st floor. It is open Monday to Friday from 8.30 – 4.00 for students, teachers and parents.

Absence from School

When a child can’t come to school, we ask parents to phone the school on the first day of absence. When the student returns to school, he/she should bring a letter from their parents to explain their absence.

Unit 4

Exercise 43 Complete the sentences with the words below.

cakes ready meals vegetables sleep soft drinks exercise fresh fruit fast food water

  1. Doctors say it is good to eat five pieces of _____________ and ____________ every day.

  2. Swimming is very good ____________.

  3. I try to _____________ for eight hours every day.

  4. We should drink two litres of _________________ every day.

  5. All ________________ and _______________ are full of sugar.

  6. Pizza and hamburgers are __________________.

  7. you don’t have to cook _________________.

Exercise 44 Underline the correct words.

  1. Fast food makes you put on / lose weight.

  2. A lot of salt is good / bad for your heart.

  3. Water / sugar is good for your skin.

  4. Cakes contain / complain a lot of sugar.

  5. Jane eats lots of fruit and vegetables. She has healthy / unhealthy diet.

  6. Chocolate loses / gives you lots of energy.

Exercise 45 Complete the text with the words below.

fresh fruit exercise vegetables low fat weight sugar healthy diet sweets energy milk

Gemma is seventeen years old and she loves gymnastics. She started classes when she was six years old. She has a big breakfast every morning. First, she has ________ and then she has cereal with __________. This gives her ________ she needs to do a lot of __________ at the gym. She trains every day and it’s very important that she doesn’t put on to much _________. If she needs an energy boost in the afternoon she sometimes eats a few ___________ because they contain a lot of ___________ and drinks _________ milk because it’s important to her to have a _______.

Exercise 46 Read the dialogue and translate.

Danny: Welcome back, Danny Baily here on Breakfast Radio and now we have health expert, Julie Maitland. Hi, Julie, how are you today?

Julie: I’m really well, thank you, Danny.

Danny: Good. You are looking fantastic, as usual. So, what’s the secret, Julie? How can I look like you?

Julie: There’s no secret, but there are some simple things we can all do to look and feel better. And, of course, live longer.

Danny: Right.

Julie: Number one is breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! You mustn’t miss breakfast. Experts say that people who have a good breakfast live longer than people who don’t, and they stay slimmer, too!

Danny: Really? So, what should I eat? I just have a pastry in the car on the way to work. Is that OK? Or should I eat fruit or something instead?

Julie: Well, pastries contain a lot of fat, not very good for your waistline, Danny. They also contain a lot of sugar. Sugar gives you energy for a short time but two hours later, your energy is down again, so sugary breakfasts are not the best. Of course, everyone should eat plenty of fruit, but again it doesn’t give you energy all morning. If you want energy till lunchtime, you should have some low fat protein. Eggs with toast or bread is perfect.

And it’s not just eating the right things. What you drink is important, too. You should drink at least two litres of water every day, that’s about eight glasses.

Danny: I drink about eight cups of coffee every day – that’s not the same, is it?

Julie: No, it isn’t! Water’s the thing! Water’s good for your skin, it’s good for your digestion and it also helps you to stay slim. Fizzy drinks and coffee are not really good for you.

And, of course, we should all be more active. Tell me, Danny, do you exercise regularly?

Danny: Yes!

Julie: That’s good for you! What exactly do you do?

Danny: I walk to the car every morning, then I drive to the studio. OK, maybe it’s not very mush. What do you recommend?

Julie: The government recommends that the adults should get 30 minutes of exercise a day… cycling, walking, anything that you enjoy doing. And for teenagers, they recommend an hour of exercise a day. So, perhaps you should leave the car at home, Danny.

Danny: Anything else that makes us feel better?

Julie: There’s one other thing. Sleep is really important. You must get a good night sleep. People who sleep well live longer than people who don’t. How many hours do you sleep every night, Danny?

Danny: Sometimes I sleep five hours and sometimes fourteen, but I’m always tired.

Julie: That’s not good! You need to get into a good routine – go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. You shouldn’t stay in bed too late in the morning; it’s more difficult to sleep at night if you get up late. Adults should sleep seven to nine hours. It’s a little more for teenagers, maybe nine and a half hours. Then you won’t feel so tired, Danny.

Exercise 47 Translate into English.

  1. Зарядка помогает сбросить вес.

  2. Завтрак – это наиболее важный прием пищи в день.

  3. Фрукты и пирожные на завтрак – это не очень хорошо. Пирожные содержат много сахара и жиров, а после фруктов хочется есть через 2 часа.

  4. Завтрак должен содержать протеины, поэтому яичница на завтрак – это идеальная еда.

  5. Надо выпивать, по крайней мере, 2 литра воды в день. Газированные напитки и кофе вредны для здоровья.

  6. Вода хорошо действует на пищеварение, помогает поддерживать форму, и хороша для кожи.

  7. Надо больше двигаться, чтобы быть здоровым.

  8. Сон также очень важен.

  9. Надо придерживаться распорядка – вставать и ложиться в одно и тоже время.

  10. Я плохо сплю, поэтому постоянно чувствую себя уставшим.

Exercise 48 Complete the advice with should or shouldn’t.

  1. Robbie smokes three packs of cigarettes a day.

  2. Marian sleeps for 14 hours every night.

  3. Jenny never stays in and is doing badly at school.

  4. Peter has a bad heart.

  5. Polly can’t get up in the morning.

  6. Colin is always hungry in the morning.

Exercise 49 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning is the same.

It’s a good idea – you should

It’s important – you must

  1. It’s a good idea to wear comfortable shoes when you do sport.

  2. It’s very important to follow the rules in sport.

  3. It’s against the rules to pick up the ball in football.

  4. It isn’t a good idea to go out the night before the exam.

  5. It’s a good idea to do some exercise every day.

  6. It’s very important to have a healthy diet.

  7. It’s a good idea to sleep eight hours every night.

Exercise 50 Complete the sentences with the words below.

contain energy healthy heart skin lose put on complain unhealthy sweets exercise vegetables

  1. I don’t have any ____________ at the moment – I just want to stay in bed all day!

  2. If you want to ___________ weight, you should do more exercise.

  3. Put some cream on your _____________ before you go out in the sun.

  4. My grandfather went into hospital for a _________ operation.

  5. Eating fresh fruit is an important part of a __________ diet.

  6. Potato crisps _________ a lot of salt.

  7. I love chocolate but if I eat a lot of it, I ___________ weight.

Exercise 51 Complete the sentences with the words below.

bar loaf glass piece cans packets carton plate bottle box

  1. I need a _________ to pour my lemonade into.

  2. There’s a _________ of cheese on the table.

  3. I bought a _________ of bread at the supermarket.

  4. There are some ____________ of lemonade in the fridge.

  5. Can you buy a ____________ of milk when you go shopping?

  6. I’m having a __________ of cake with my coffee.

  7. The ___________ of cornflakes is on the table.

  8. I had a ____________ of chocolate after my lunch.

  9. Can you buy two _________ of rice today, please?

  10. The children had a __________ of orange juice for their breakfast.

Exercise 52 Match numbers and letters.

1. Sam wants to have a healthy lunch. a. some cereal with milk

2. Mario wants a snack and a drink. b. a bottle of water

3. Zoe needs to have breakfast in a hurry. c. a biscuit and a milkshake

4. Ben is very, very thirsty. d. a steak and chips

5. Susan is in a fast food restaurant. e. a plate of salad and a piece of fruit

Exercise 53 Rearrange the letters to find food and drinks

1. l i m e r a n r a t e w 5. b a b e c a g 9. k a s t e

2. k i l m h a s e k 6. n i o n o s 10. b o n a c

3. m a l e d o n e 7. w a r t s b i s e e r r 11. k i c c h e n

4. r a g e n o c u j i e 8. p a g r e s 12. u s e a g s s a

Exercise 54 Match columns





































Unit 5

Exercise 55 Complete the sentences with the words below.

digital camera console hairdryer flat screen answering machine alarm clock MP3 player

  1. I bought a new ______________ to take pictures on holidays.

  2. Anna always listens to her ____________ when she goes running.

  3. I need an _________________ to wake me up in the morning.

  4. Leave a message on the _____________ if Peter’s not at home.

  5. Alex has got a modern TV – it’s a ___________ TV.

  6. My __________ has broken, so I can’t dry my hair.

  7. We need a games _________ for this new game

Exercise 56 Read the descriptions of the gadgets. What are they?

You plug it in to the TV and press buttons or use the controls to play.

It’s got batteries, but it doesn’t have a charger. It hasn’t got a control button for volume and it’s very loud. You have to set the time. I switch it on every night and it helps me wake up.

It’s got a battery and it has a menu. You don’t use a remote control to switch it on and off, you just press a button. Some people have one on their mobile phone, but I don’t.

It hasn’t got any batteries. You plug it in and use a remote control to switch it on and off. You watch things on it. You can select from the menu, but you can’t record messages.

Exercise 57 Underline the correct pronoun to complete the sentences.

  1. A teacher is someone which / who / where helps students to learn about different subjects.

  2. A radio is a machine that / who / where allows us to listen to different programmes and music.

  3. A football stadium is a place who / which / where footballers play matches.

  4. An encyclopedia is a book that / who / where we can find information on almost everything.

  5. An actor is a person that / where / which appears in films.

  6. A school is a place which / where / who students go to learn.

Exercise 58 Complete he text with which, where, that, who

This is a fantastic gadget for people _______ love swimming and listening to music. The people ________ invented it wanted to give swimmers a gadget _______ allowed them to listen to their favourite songs under water. Now swimmers can listen to music in places ________ it was impossible to listen before, such as in the sea or at the bottom of a pool. In 2009 the company developed a more advanced product _________ makes the music sound even better. It sends special sound waves _______ give very clear sound to the ear. The underwater MP3 player is now used by more than 35000 people ______ never go swimming without it.

Exercise 59 Match phrases and add who, which, where.

1. An Internet café is a place ______ a. likes creating new gadgets.

2. A washing machine is a gadget _____ b. people can go to use the computer.

3. A calculator is a machine _____ c. saves time cleaning dirty clothes.

4. An IT consultant is someone ____ d. people usually meet at airports.

5. A meeting point is a place _____ e. can help you to do Maths.

6. An inventor is a person _______ f. solves problems with computer


Exercise 60 Join the sentences using the correct pronoun.

  1. That’s the boy. He’s in my class at school.


  1. A scientist is a person. He/she does experiments.


  1. A hairdryer is a gadget. It dries wet hair.


  1. That’s Mr. Rad. He is a teacher in my school.


  1. A hot spot is a place. People go there to connect their computer to the Internet.


  1. A computer mouse is a thing. It lets you move around the computer screen.


Unit 6

Exercise 61 Put the words into the categories.

a desert a mountain range an ocean a sea a forest a coast a volcano a lake a river an island a continent waves a jungle the Earth

Words connected with land

Words connected with water

Words connected with land and water

Which of the words are/aren’t in your country?

Exercise 62 Underline the odd word out and explain your answer.

Example: The Earth / The Mars / The Venus / The Moon

The Moon is odd word out, because it’s not a planet. The others are planets.

  1. Argentina / Africa / Europe / Antarctica

  2. the Nile / the Amazon / the Sahara / the Mississippi

  3. the Caribbean / the Baltic / The Atlantic / the Mediterranean

  4. Switzerland / Japan / Great Britain / New Zealand

  5. the Andes / the Pyrenees / the Alps / the Canaries

Exercise 63 Read the text. Which facts do you find most surprising?