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Tcp/ ip protocol – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol – протокол управления передачей / межсетевой протокол

SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol - простой протокол пересылки электронной почты

WAN – Wide Area Network – глобальная (вычислительная) сеть

LANLocal Area Network – локальная (вычислительная) сеть

ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network – цифровая сеть с интегрированными (комплексными) услугами

5. Find Infinitives in the following sentences and translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the functions of the Infinitives.

  1. It is a collection of computers that can understand one another because they are connected using the same TCP/ IP protocol connection and client-server software standards like HTTP, FTP and SMTP.

  2. Networking allows almost any types of computers, anywhere in the world to connect and communicate with someone on the other side of the globe who may use completely different equipment.

  3. A server can be set up to route signals and data to other computers on its LAN, or local network.

  4. This allows people to use dialup to connect to a server computer in order to receive Internet data.

6. Read and translate the text

7. Fill in the gaps

Words to be used: communicate, TCP/ IP protocol connection, a vary fast connection, completely different equipment, an open world-wide WAN, computer network, local network, in the world, to use dialup, client-server software standards, the Internet backbone, a collection of computers, ISDN dialup system, a permanent Internet connection, very large Server computers, a modem, to route signals and data

The Internet is much the same as any other______. It is _______that can understand one another because they are connected using the same ________ and ______ like HTTP, FTP and SMTP. Networking allows almost any types of computers, anywhere ______ to connect “reliably” and ______ with someone on the other side of the globe who may use_____. The World Wide Web is just one part of the Internet.

The Internet is based on______, usually located at the Universities and large government agencies, which are running and maintaining ______ between one another 24 hours a day, known as______. Other servers are then connected to this backbone, and even more servers are connected to these servers. Together they form _____, or Wide Area Network, called the Internet.

A server can be set up _______ to other computers on its LAN, or ______. This allows people______ to connect to a server computer in order to receive Internet data. Due to the cost of ______, most users decide on a dialup connection to an ISP using _____ or _______ .

8. Which statement deals with the content of the whole text?

  1. The text headlined “How the Internet Works” is devoted to the connection and communication of different computers.

  2. The text under consideration touches upon the problems of the Internet’s protocol connections and client-server software standards.

  3. The text under the headline “How the Internet Works” deals with the definition of the Internet.

  4. The text under discussion is concerned with the functions of the Internet.

  5. The text headlined “How the Internet Works” deals with the structure of the Internet.

  6. The text under consideration is devoted to the principles of the Internet work.

9. Give rendering of the text.



Companies, individuals, and institutions use the Internet in many ways. Companies use the Internet for electronic commerce, also called e-commerce, including advertising, selling, buying, distributing products, and providing customer service. In addition, companies use the Internet for business-to-business transactions, such as exchanging financial information and accessing complex databases. Businesses and institutions use the Internet for voice and video conferencing and other forms of communication. The use of electronic mail (e-mail) speeds communication between companies, among coworkers, and among other individuals. Media and entertainment companies use the Internet for online news and weather services and to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television programs. Online chat allows people to carry on discussions using written text. Scientists use the Internet to communicate with colleagues, perform research, distribute lecture notes and course materials to students, and publish articles. Individuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, and buying and selling goods and services.


  1. Transcribe the words and give their Russian equivalents

  1. company (n.)

  2. commerce (n.)

  3. advertising (n.)

  4. distribute (v.)

  5. transaction (n.)

  6. financial (adj.)

  7. colleague (n.)

  1. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations

  1. to use the Internet in many ways

  2. electronic commerce (e-commerce)

  3. businesses and institutions

  4. online news

  5. online chat

  6. weather services

  1. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  1. распространять товары (продукцию)

  2. обеспечивать обслуживание клиентов

  3. кроме того

  4. взаимодействия между компаниями

  5. обмениваться информацией

  6. сложные базы данных

  7. для голосовой и видео конференц-связи

  8. другие формы связи

  9. электронная почта

  10. ускорять связь (коммуникацию) между компаниями

  11. сотрудники

  12. средства массовой информации

  13. компании индустрии развлечений

  14. передавать (транслировать) аудио и видео

  15. радио в прямом эфире

  16. телевизионная программа

  17. осуществлять обсуждение

  18. общаться с коллегами

  19. выполнять исследование

  20. рассылать (распространять) лекции и курсовые материалы

  21. публиковать статьи

  22. покупать и продавать товары и услуги

4. Read and translate the text

5. Define the term «e-commerce»?

6. Match A and B


1. Companies use the Internet

2. Institutions use the Internet

3. Scientists use the Internet

4. Individuals use the Internet


  • for electronic commerce

  • for advertising products

  • for selling and buying goods and services

  • for distributing products

  • for providing customer service

  • for business-to-business transactions

  • for institution-to-institution transactions

  • for exchanging financial information

  • for exchanging scientific information

  • for exchanging information

  • for accessing complex databases

  • for voice and video conferencing

  • for different forms of communication

  • for electronic mail

  • for online news

  • for weather services

  • for broadcasting audio and video

  • for broadcasting live radio and TV programs

  • for communication with colleagues

  • for communication with other people

  • for performing research

  • for distributing lecture notes to students

  • for distributing course materials to students

  • for publishing articles

  • for entertainment

  • for searching for information

7. Tell about the use of the Internet

8. Tell about the Internet according to the plan given


  1. From the history of the Internet.

  2. How the Internet works

  3. The Use of the Internet.




Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, образованная с помощью окончания – ing и имеющая характеристики существительного и глагола.







being written


having written

having been written


Герундий используется:

1) после глаголов:

admit deny go on

appreciate enjoy keep (on)

avoid excuse mind

burst out forgive postpone

cannot help give up resist

2) после глаголов и словосочетаний с предлогом:

to accuse of to be aware of

to approve of to be busy in

to complain of to be capable of

to feel like to be fond of

to insist on to be guilty of

to look like to be pleased at

to object to to be astonished at

to prevent from to be proud of

to rely on to be sure of

to speak of to be surprised at

to suspect of to be worth (while)

to succeed in to give up the idea of

to thank for to look forward to

to think of to miss an opportunity of

После следующих глаголов и словосочетаний используется как герундий, так и инфинитив:

to be afraid to forget to prefer

to begin to hate to propose

to start to intend to remember

to continue to like (to dislike) to recollect

can (cannot) afford to neglect to stop




1. Подлежащее

Obtaining these data is necessary for our research.

Получение этих данных необходимо для наших исследований.

2. Часть сказуемого

The only way out is searching for new methods.

Единственный выход – это поиск новых методов.

3. Дополнение

I love solving arithmetic problems.

Я люблю решать арифметические задачки.

4. Определение

There were the sounds of the discussion being heard behind the door.

Слышались звуки обсуждения, доносящиеся из закрытой комнаты.

5. Обстоятельство

On leaving the laboratory I switched the light off.

Уходя из лаборатории, я выключил свет.




1. именем существительным

Reading is useful for everyone.

Чтение полезно для каждого.

2. неопределенной формой глагола

They should have been examined the machine again before putting it into operation.

Им следовало проверить машину снова перед тем, как ее включить.

3. деепричастием

And without waiting for the answer he left the room.

И, не дожидаясь ответа, он вышел.

4. придаточным предложением

I remember having used this method before.

Я помню, что я уже использовал этот метод.


1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the tense and voice distinctions of the gerunds.

1. He likes being invited to scientific conferences. 2. On returning home I found a message on my table. 3. He thinks of completing the experiment in time. 4. After having spoken with the advisor I cheered up. 5. He is afraid of getting bad marks that is why he is always busy in reading for his exams. 6. The machine needs repairing. 7. Everybody was surprised at seeing him here. 8. The students can improve their pronunciation by reading aloud. 9. He does not like being interrupted. 10. Excuse my having interrupted you. 11. It is impossible to discuss a picture without seeing or having seen it. 12. He succeeded in mastering his specialty. 13. Would you mind switching the light on? 14. Your having been late was unexpected. 15. His being late is a usual thing. 16. When will you finish reading this book? 17. We heard of his having been sent to the students’ conference. 18. I remember having seen this device at the laboratory. 19. We can calculate the perimeter of a circle by measuring its radius. 20. On being told the news, she showed no surprise. 21. Students master the subject matter not only by reading and learning, but also by proving theorems and solving problems.

2. Use gerund or infinitive in the following sentences.

1. He began (deliver) the lecture. 2. I couldn’t help (criticize) his point of view concerning the computer games. 3. I know that he intends (invite) me. 4. This book is worth (read). 5. He prefers (learn) the English words. 6. I don’t like (interfere). 7. I don’t like (interfere) with. 8. I feel like (show) you my latest publications. 9. I disliked (argue) with him. 10. I didn’t want (discuss) the problem. 11. He proposed (consult) the professor. 12. His proposal is worth (consider). 13. The student neglected (take) the dean’s advice. 14. It is no use (work) at this problem.

3. Use the necessary preposition.

1. I’ll look forward ______ seeing the results of calculations. 2. I thought ______ taking a trip after final examinations. 3. He is good _____ programming. 4. He succeeded _____ programming. 5. They insisted _____ my accepting the invitation to the conference. 6. He prevented her ___doing this work. 7. They accused me ____ being rude. 8. She was fond _____ reading English books in the original. 9. They were afraid____ being late. 10. I’m proud _____ having solved this problem. 11. I don’t know if he is capable _____ making decisions. 12. After half an hour he was tired _____ searching for information in the Internet. 13. We are sure___ his having passed the examination successfully. 14. Do you object ___ my taking part in the research? 15. I am busy ____ compiling the program. 15. She gave ___ thinking of that idea. 16. We rely ___ his coming in time. 17. We knew ___ his having done it. 18. It’s worth ____ discussing the phenomenon. 19. I was astonished ____ having heard the news. 20. I don’t approve ____your missing the classes.



Some viruses are programmed specifically to damage the data on your computer by corrupting programs, deleting files, or erasing your entire hard disk. Many of the currently known Macintosh viruses are not designed to do any damage. However, because of bugs (programming errors), an infected system may behave erratically. Computer viruses don’t infect files on write-protected disks and don’t infect documents, except in the case of Word macro viruses. They don’t infect compressed files either. However, applications within a compressed file can have been infected before they are compressed. Viruses also don’t infect computer hardware, such as monitors or computer chips; they only infect software. In addition, Macintosh viruses don’t infect DOS-based computer software. For example, the famous Michelangelo does not infect Macintosh applications. Again, exceptions to this rule are the Word and Excel macro viruses, which infect spreadsheets, document and templates, which can be opened by either Windows or Macintosh computers.


  1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and transcribe them.

  1. virus (n.)

  2. specifically (adv.)

  3. spreadsheet (n.)

  4. template (n.)

  1. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations.

  1. to damage the data

  2. to corrupt programs

  3. to delete files

  4. to erase hard disk

  5. programming errors

  6. an infected system

  7. to infect files

  8. write-protected disks

  9. in the case of

  10. compressed files

  11. in addition

  12. DOS-based computer software

  13. the Word and Excel macro viruses

  14. to infect spreadsheets, document and templates

3. Translate the text into Russian in a written form. Then translate it into English.