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Naked Heat - Richard Castle.doc
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As a writer, I can think of no greater terror than confronting a blank page, except perhaps the terror of being shot at. This past year I've faced both. Fortunately, I didn't have to face either circumstance alone. When bullets are flying, whether literal or metaphoric, it's good to have trusted friends watching your back.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank the dedicated members of the NYPD's 12th precinct for allowing me access to their world. Many of the details in this book are a direct result of my experiences watching New York's finest in action. Special thanks are due to Detectives Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito, Kevin Ryan and Captain Roy Montgomery for not simply putting up with me, but including me in their professional family.

I'd also like to thank Dr. Lanie Parish and her staff at New York's Office of Chief Medical Examiner for their infinite patience in the face of my endless and no doubt occasionally stupid questions like, "If he's dead, why is he still moving?"

A debt is owed to my associates on the third floor Clune. You guys never cease to amaze me with your imagination and insight. I wouldn't be half the writer I am without your support. Actually, I would be half the writer I am, which would make me too short to ride the rides at Disneyland. Hence my gratitude.

To Terri E. Miller, my co-conspirator, and to Nathan, Stana, Seamus, Jon, Ruben, Molly, Susan and Tamala--your tireless professionalism makes every day a joy.

Thanks to Richard Johnson of the The New York Post's "Page Six" for generously sharing his time and expertise in my background research. For the parts of covering the celebrity journalism beat I got right, I owe gratitude to Richard and thank him for his kindness.

Many thanks to my friends at Black Pawn Publishing, especially Gina Cowell for staying on top of me through the final stages of writing. A huge tip of the hat to my editor, Gretchen Young, for her insight and patience, to Elizabeth Sabo Morick and the crew at Hyperion for all their support, and to Melissa Harling-Walendy at ABC for her guidance along the way.

Thanks to my agent, Sloan Harris at ICM. He's taken many a bullet for me in his time, and shot quite a few back, I dare say. My deepest gratitude goes to my lovely and loving daughter, Alexis. You are my greatest joy and the source of so much of my strength. And thanks to my mother, Martha Rodgers, as well, for providing me with the sort of fiery childhood that inevitably forges novelists.This book would not be what it is without two very dear friends. Andrew Marlowe guided, led, held both compass and flashlight, and steered me from cliff and ditch. His inspiration is cherished as much as his friendship. Somehow he even managed to make confetti and streamers shower down at the conclusion of that first story conference. And Tom was there early morning and late at night, helping me confront the terror of the blank page and inspiring my pen to work whatever magic is found within these pages.

To the remarkable Jennifer Allen, I can only say it's such a lovely ride-along.

And to you, the fans, my very special appreciation. Your belief and your standards bring the heat to every page.

The Hamptons, July 2010

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