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I had been looking for it.

The truth of my situation now sits nearer the surface. It is possible that one day I will wake up and know it already. Things will begin to make sense.

Even then, I know, I will never be normal. My history is incomplete. Years have vanished, without trace. There are things about myself, my past, that no one

can tell me. Not Dr Nash – who knows me only through what I have told him, what he has read in my journal and what is written in my file – and not Ben,

either. Things that happened before I met him. Things that happened after but that I chose not to share. Secrets.

But there is one person who might know. One person who might tell me the rest of the truth. Who I had been seeing in Brighton. The real reason my

best friend vanished from my life.

I have read this journal. I know that tomorrow I will meet Claire.

Friday, 23 November

I am writing this at home. The place I finally understand as mine, somewhere I belong. I have read this journal through, and I have seen Claire, and

between them they have told me all I need to know. Claire has promised me that she is back in my life now and will not leave again. In front of me is a tatty

envelope with my name on it. An artefact. One that completes me. At last my past makes sense.

Soon, my husband will be home, and I am looking forward to seeing him. I love him. I know that now.

I will get this story down and then, together, we will be able to make everything better.

It was a bright day as I got off the bus. The light was suffused with the blue coolness of winter, the ground hard. Claire had told me she would wait at the

top of the hill, by the main steps up to the palace, and so I folded the piece of paper on which I had written her directions and began to climb the gentle

incline as it arced around the park. It took longer than I expected, and, still unused to my body’s limitations, I had to rest as I neared the top. I must have

been fit once, I thought. Or fitter than this, anyway. I wondered if I ought to get some exercise.

The park opened out to an expanse of mowed grass, criss-crossed with tarmac, dotted with litter bins and women with pushchairs. I realized I was

nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. How could I? In the images I had of Claire she was wearing a lot of black. Jeans, T-shirts. I saw her in heavy boots

and a trench coat. Or else she was wearing a long skirt, tie-dyed, made of some material that I suppose would be described as floaty. I could imagine

neither vision representing her now – not at the age we have become – but had no idea what might have taken their place.

I looked at my watch. I was early. Without thinking, I told myself that Claire is always late, then instantly wondered how I knew, what residue of

memory had reminded me. There is so much, I thought, just under the surface. So many memories, darting like silvery minnows in a shallow stream. I

decided to wait on one of the benches.

Long shadows extended themselves lazily across the grass. Over the trees rows of houses stretched away from me, packed claustrophobically

close. With a start I realized that one of the houses I could see was the one in which I now lived, looking indistinguishable from the others.

I imagined lighting a cigarette and inhaling an anxious lungful, tried to resist the temptation to stand and pace. I felt nervous, ridiculously so. Yet

there was no reason. Claire had been my friend. My best friend. There was nothing to worry about. I was safe.

Paint was flaking off the bench and I picked at it, revealing more of the damp wood beneath. Someone had used the same method to scratch two

sets of initials next to where I sat, then surrounded them with a heart and added the date. I closed my eyes. Will I ever get used to the shock of seeing

evidence of the year in which I am living? I breathed in: damp grass, the tang of hot dogs, petrol.

A shadow fell across my face and I opened my eyes. A woman stood over me. Tall, with a shock of ginger hair, she was wearing trousers and a

sheepskin jacket. A little boy held her hand, a plastic football in the crook of his other arm. ‘Sorry,’ I said, and shuffled along the bench to allow room for

them both to sit beside me, but as I did so the woman smiled.

‘Chrissy!’ she said. The voice was Claire’s. Unmistakably so. ‘Chrissy darling! It’s me.’ I looked from the child to her face. It was furrowed where

once it must have been smooth, her eyes had a downturn to them that was absent from my mental image, but it was her. There was no doubt. ‘Jesus,’ she

said. ‘I’ve been so worried about you.’ She pushed the child towards me. ‘This is Toby.’

The boy looked at me. ‘Go on,’ said Claire. ‘Say hello.’ For a moment I thought she was talking to me, but then he took a step forward. I smiled. My

only thought was, is this Adam? even though I knew it couldn’t be.

‘Hello,’ I said.

Toby shuffled his feet and murmured something I didn’t catch, then turned to Claire and said, ‘Can I go and play now?’

‘Don’t go out of sight, though. Yes?’ She stroked his hair and he ran over to the park.

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