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8) Crime and punishment 2: guilty as charred

- Who were the new invaders coming in 1066? Where did they come from?

- What was their way of achieving divine justice?

- What’s vigilantism?

- What was the murdrum fine?

- What was the Dooms Book?

- Henry II and his revolution in English justice.

- English Common Law – how did it appear? What is its significance?

- What kind of revolution a woman called Alice cause accidentally in 1220? How did that new system work at the beginning?

- Magna Charta – when? How? Why so important?

- What’s Habeas Corpus?

9) Nuclear power debate

- Summarise arguments for by Stewart Brand, the environmentalist

  • Sustainability - NP provides constant supply of energy (electricity f.e.)

  • Waste from nuclear is quite small and it’s stored in dry cask storages and stays where it is (carbon dioxide from traditional sources of energy is exhausted in the atmosphere)

  • Relatively small footprint

  • NP – the best disarmement (turning decomissioned warheads to electricity)

  • There’s new generation of safe reactors (small/floating NPP)

Arguments by his supporters:

  • Risks of overheating the planet overweigh the risks of nuclear incident

  • The solar, wind, tidal power simply aren’t enough.

- Summarise arguments against by Professor Mark Jacobson, Stanford University

  • Nuclear energy has higher rates of air pollution

  • Time factor (long time is needed to establish a NPP – 10-19 years + 3.5-6 years for a site permit)

  • Nuclear weapon proliferation is associated with nuclear energy proliferation

  • Wind power has the smallest footprint (people confuse footprint with spacing)

  • Global warming

Arguments by his supporters:

  • There’s a propaganda of nuclear energy

  • Waste from NPP will go in trains across the country. Who can guarantee that there won’t be an accident or it won’t be a terroristic target.

  • Alternative energy is developing fast – they’ll have much more energy in some years to come.

10) Devdutt pattaniak: myths that mystify

- The world vs My world (provide characteristics given in the talk)

The world is objective, logical, universal, scientific. It explains HOW the world functions. My world is subjective, emotional, it’s belief system. It explains WHY the sun rises etc.

- My world vs Your world (provide characteristics given in the talk)

My world is rational, it’s always better than Your world, which is supersticious. That leads to clash of civilizations.

- What is culture? How is it transmitted from generation to generation?

Culture is a reaction to nature. It’s transmitted in the form of stories, symbols, rituals.

- West vs East (name the values and differences)

West has a linear system in mind, is has 1 life. Value of western’s life is sum total of his achievements, that’s why they try to do more in this life. East – has a cyclical mentality, infinity in mind. No matter what they do, it is always zero, because there’s not 1 life but infinity.

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