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Теор. фонетика.docx
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30. The notion of speech style. Phonetic style-forming means in English.

A number of functional styles: publicistic style, newspaper style, the style of official documents.

The main circumstances of reality that cause phonetic modifications in speech are as follows:

  1. the aim of speech

  2. the extent of spontaneity of speech

  3. the use of a form of speech which may either suggest only listening, or both listening and exchange of remarks

  4. social and psychological factors

These are extra linguistic factors.

Phonetic style is a different ways of pronunciation, caused by extra linguistic factors and characterized by definite features.

The degree of assimilation, reduction and elision may serve to distinguish phonetic styles.

Besides these segmental features, there are prosodic features which enable people to distinguish between different phonetic styles.

Each speaker has a norm of loudness. Each speaker has a norm of speech tempo as well. Pauses also help to distinguish different varieties of speech.

Each style of pronunciation is characterized by a relatively high proportion of definite segmental and prosodic features which are not typical of other styles.