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22. Oe preterite-present & anomalous verbs & their further development

OE: The preterite-present verbs had the following characteristics: 1) Their Present-Tense forms resembled Past-Tense forms . (Germ. “Präteritum” = past tense, that’s why they were called so);Later they acquired present meaning but preserved many features of the past. 2) Some of these verbs did not have a full paradigm and were called “defective”; 3) These verbs expressed attitude and were followed by the Infinitive without “to” (NB! Most of these verbs are present-day modal verbs); 4)Out of 12 preterite-present verbs only 6 survived in ModE: ought, can, dare, shall, may, must. Some of the verbs acquired forms of the verbals infinitive+ participle.

ME: The following changes happened to the preterite-present verbs: 1) They lost their Verbals (participle and infinitive) (non-finite forms) ; 2) They lost the Number and Mood distinctions

NE: The paradigm of the preterite-present verbs (that had already become modal verbs) was reduced to one or two forms (e.g. must (just one form), can, could (just two forms), etc.).

Anomalous Verbs: They were irregular verbs that combined the features of the weak and strong verbs. There were 4 of them – willan (will), bēon (to be), ζān (to go), dōn (to do). Will :1) had the meaning of volition; 2) resembled the preterite-present verbs in meaning (attitude) and in function (was followed by the Infinitive without “to”); 3)eventually became a modal verb and also together with sculan developed into an auxiliary for the formation of the Future-Tense forms. To do: This verb combined the features of the weak and strong verbs. Can: This verb was suppletive and also combined the features of the weak and strong verbs. To be: This verb was highly suppletive and in OE employed two separate words/roots (Infinitives).

23. Changes in the verb conjugation in the e

Verbal Categories:Grammatical classificTense2(pr. Past), Mood(indicative.imperative,subjunctive),

Person(1,2,3)consistently was shown only in the pres ind mood sg,in the past sg of the ind mood, the 1 &3 p coincided & the 2 p had a distinct form., p was not distinguished in the pl,&in the sudjunctive mood, Number(sg&pl), Voice, Aspect, Order, Posteriority.

morphological classif -Strong and Weak Verbs: Strong Verbs: Number(300), Type/Origin (Indo-European (reveals suppletivity), Formation of Past Tense forms (by changing the root-vowel (ablaut), Formation of Participle2 forms (with the help of the suffix –en (+ sometimes root-vowel interchange), Derivation (Strong verbs were root-words/non-derivatives (i.e. they were not derived from some other words/roots but were the words/roots from which other words were derived), Productivity (unproductive type (no new words employed this type of form-building), Principle Forms (Infinitive Past Sg Past Pl Participle 2), Classes (subdivided into 7 classes). Weak Verbs: Number (900), Type/Origin (Germanic (reveals dental suffix), Formation of Past Tense forms (with the help of the dental suffix -t/-d), Formation of Participle2 forms (with the help of the dental suffix -t/-d), Derivation (Weak verbs were derivatives from nouns, adjectives, strong verbs), Productivity (productive type (new words that appeared employed this type of form-building), Principle Forms (Infinitive Past Sg Participle 2), Classes (Classes).

Changes in the verb conjunction in ME&NE.

Many markers of the grammatical forms of the verb were reduced, leveled&lost in ME&early NE → growth of homonymy: 1)number distinctions were neutralized in many positions(15 th c.)

In 13th 14th c. the ending –en turned into the main, almost universal marker of he pl forms of the verb. But in 15th –en was dropped. The sg forms were marked by –est and –eth/-es. 2.the differences in the forms of Person were maintained in ME. 3. OE ending of the 3rd p. sg -þ,-eþ,-iaþ→ -(e)th → (e)s

4.Past Tense: -1 st p.sg.-d,-ed

-2 nd p.sg.-de,des/edest

5.str. In ME the final syllables of the stems were weakened, early NE – were lost. 6. the root–vowels underwent the regular changes of stressed vowels.

7..ME weak verbs are the source of Mod. standard(regular)verbs. 8. a few weak verbs adopted str.forms. 9.In ME many str.verbs → intj weak: they began to use dental suf. instead of the toot-verb change; 10. structural changes:

-the root vowels in the Past Sg.&Pl. often fell together. In the 15 th. c. one stem is used:in NE 3 forms of str. verb are distinguished

-the inflexion of the pl were reduced and lost.

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