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Пособие по английскому.doc
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1. A) answer the following questions:

Text A: l. How does an Englishman's day begin? 2.What is his favourite breakfast? 3.When does he in fact get such a breakfast? 4.When does he leave home in the morning? 5.How does he get to his place of work? 6.How many breaks does he have during the working day? What are they for? 7.What does an Englishman usually have for his mid-day meal? 8.What food are the English fond of? 9.At what time does an Englishman finish work? 10.What does he like to do when he comes home from /. work? 11 .What sort of meal does he get in the evening? 12. What does an Englishman usually do in the evening? 13.What is a "local"? Why do people like to go there? 14.How does an Englishman's day end?

Text B: l. When does Bob usually get up on weekdays? 2.Why does he get up so : early? 3.What does he do after he gets up? 4.Bob takes a bath every morning, doesn't; he? 5.Who makes breakfast for him? 6.Does Bob help his mother to clean up after breakfast? 7. (At) what time does he leave home? 8.How long does it take him to get to the University? 9.Does he walk to the University or does he take a trolley-bus?/ 10.He goes home right after classes, doesn't he?

b) pick out words and phrases from Text A, and group them under th following headings:

1. Meals. 2. Dishes. 3. Games. 4. Pastimes.

c) find the English for:

Text А: утренняя газета; просматривать газетные заголовки; кроме суббот" и воскресенья; ехать на работу; идти пешком; во второй половине дня; где-то, между четырьмя и шестью; рабочий день; говорить о погоде; обсужда-текущие события.

Text В: вставать в семь часов утра; иметь много дел; делать зарядку; как правило; заправлять постель; принимать ванну (душ); чистить зубы; причесываться; сразу после занятий; идти прямо домой.

2. Read the dialogue:

- Hello, Pat. You didn4 phone me yesterday.

- No, I didn't. I was very tired last night. -Why?

- I had such a busy day.

- Did you? What did you do?

- I woke up at 6 and went to the station to meet my mother-in-law.

- Why didn't your husband do that?

- He went to Paris on business.

- I see.

- Then we had breakfast. I left her at home and went to my office. I was 15 minutes late because I was in a hurry and a policeman stopped me. So it took me an hour to get to my


- Oh, my! I hope you didn't have much work at the office.

- Yes, I did. We had a long meeting in the morning, then I had a lot of visitors, and at the end of the working day I wrote some business letters.

- Did your daughter cook dinner for you?

- No, she didn't. She was busy at the University and came home very late.

- Poor thing! I hope you are not so busy tomorrow.

3. Match the following proverbs and their meanings:

1. Early to bed, early to rise makes a

man healthy, wealthy and wise.

a) The person who gets up early to work

will be successful.

2. Never put off till tomorrow what

you can do today.

b) To take a stroll is the best thing to do

after having a meal.

3. After dinner sit a while, after

supper walk a mile.

c) Carry out a task or duty as soon as you

can, preferably today. If you leave it

till tomorrow, it may never be done.

4. Lost time is never found again.

d) Early rising makes a man sound in a

body and mind, and rich.

5. An hour in the morning is worth

two in the evening.

e) The person who gets up early to work

will be more successful than the one

who gets up late and works late in the


6. The early bird catches the worm.

f) Do everything in time.