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  • en: darken


  • ly: warmly


  • are numerous in the English vocabulary;

  • are borrowed not in the same way and for the same reasons as words;

  • begin an independent and active life in the recipient language;

  • take part in the word-making processes of the language;

  • the total number of words with the affix is great in the recipient language;

  • the native speakers no longer realize their foreign origin.

Lаtin аffixes:


  • ion: opinion

  • tion: relation


  • ate: appreciate

  • ute: contribute

  • ct: collect

  • d(e): applaud, divide

  • dis: disable


  • able: detestable

  • ate: accurate

  • ant: important

  • ent: absent

  • or: major

  • al: cordial

  • ar: familiar

French аffixes:


  • ance: endurance

  • ence: intelligence

  • ment: appointment

  • age: marriage

  • ess: actress


  • ous: curious


  • en: enable

Affixes may be:

  1. productive - new words in this particular period of language development

  2. non-productive

Nonce-words and neologisms

It is an unputdownable thriller (a nonce-word):

Borrowed suffix -able & the native prefix un- are highly productive


Noun-forming suffixes

-er, -ing, -ness, -ism, -ist, -ance

Adjective-forming suffixes

-y, -ish, -ed (learned), -able, -less

Adverb-forming suffixes


Verb-forming suffixes

-ize/-ise, -ate


un- (unhappy), re- (reconstruct), dis- (disappoint)


Noun-forming suffixes

-th, -hood

Adjective-forming suffixes

-ly, -some, -en, -ous

Verb-forming suffix


Frequency of occurrence:

The adjective-forming native suffixes: -ful, -ly

The adjective-forming suffixes of Latin origin -ant, -ent, -al which are quite frequent.

Meanings of affixes

  • are specific & considerably differ from those of root morphemes

  • widely generalized:

The adjective-forming suffix -ful has the meaning of "full of", "characterized by"

Beautiful, careful

The meaning of the suffix – y:

"Characterized by or inclined to the substance or action of the root to which the affix is attached” (The Random-House Dictionary).


fishy — improbable, hard to believe

touchy — apt to take offence on slight provocation, i. e. resenting a touch or contact (not at all inclined to be touched)

A (root) + B (suffix)

A (root) + C (suffix)

The difference lies in the meaning of the suffix

  • womanly — womanish

  • reddened — reddish

  • shortened — shortish

the meanings of the suffixes are distinct

they colour the whole words

ex.: womanly is used in a complimentary manner about girls and women; womanish is used to indicate an effeminate man and certainly implies criticism.


-man: chairman, clergyman, fireman, fisherman

-like: ladylike, childlike

-worthy: noteworthy

-wise: otherwise, clockwise, crosswise

-way(s): anyway(s), always, crossways

-proof: damp-proof, fire-proof, bomb-proof, waterproof

-monger and –wright: completely dead as independent words

The existing combinations with the element -monger have a strongly humiliating character: fashionmonger, scandalmonger. Only the words that existed in the language from before 1500 are emotionally neutral: fishmonger, ironmonger

-wright occurs in playwright, shipwright, wheelwright.

In pre-position like prefixes: mini-bus, mini-skirt, midi-coat, maxi-coat, self-help.

The factors conducing to transition of free forms into semi-affixes are high semantic productivity, adaptability, combinatorial capacity (high valency), and brevity.

2. АЯ в США. Грамматические и фонетические особенности языка.

Phonetic peculiarities of American English AmE is marked by certain phonetic peculiarities. They include different pronunciation of the words and different intonation patterns. The system of phonemes is the same as in BrE, with the exception of the American retroflexive [r]-sound, and the labialized [h] in such words as what, why, white, wheel, etc. The following phonetic differences should be mentioned:

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