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  1. Describe the basics of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The hierarchy of needs is a theory about the way in which people are motivated. In it Maslow postulated that human needs fall into five different categories. Needs in the lower categories have to be satisfied before needs in the higher ones can act as motivators.

Physiological needs. These are basic human needs for survival. They include the need for food, drink, shelter or air to breathe. If these needs aren’t satisfied, a human being might die.

Safety needs. These are the needs for security and protection against danger. People want to be protected against danger in their environment, such as fire in their homes and accidents on roads and in the workplace.

Social needs. People are social animals. They want to belong to families, tribes and nations. They value friendship and seek contact with other human beings. In the workplace, they want to be part of a group or team.

Esteem needs (also called ego needs). People need to have self-respect and sense of achievement. They want to be confident individuals who have status within their families, at work and within society.

Self-actualization (also called self-fulfillment) needs People want to fulfill their potential and ‘become everything that one is capable of becoming’. This involves doing things such as going to art galleries, climbing mountains and writing novels. Self-actualization is different from the other levels of need in at least one respect. It is never finished, never fully satisfied.

  1. Define theory X and theory y. Compare them.

Theory X and Theory Y were devised by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book The Human Side of Enterprise.

Theory X is the authoritarian style where the emphasis is on “pro­ductivity, on the concept of a fair day’s work.

Theory X assumes that individuals are base, work-shy and constantly in need of a good prod. It always has a ready-made excuse for failure - the innate limitations of all human resources.

Theory Y is the participative style of management which “assumes that people will exercise self-direction and self-control in the achievement of organizational objectives to the degree that they are committed to those objectives”. It is management’s main task in such a system to maximize that commitment.

Theory Y, however, assumes that individuals go to work of their own accord, because work is the only way in which they have a chance of satisfying their (high-level) need for achievement and self-respect.

Theory Y gives management no easy excuses for failure. It challenges them “to innovate, to discover new ways of organizing and directing human effort. McGregor urged companies to adopt Theory Y. Only it, he believed, could motivate human beings to the highest levels of achievement. Theory X merely satisfied their lower-level physical needs and could not hope to be as productive. “

  1. Describe the essence and strategies of tqm.

TQM is a process-oriented system built on the belief that quality is simply a matter of conforming to a customer's requirements.


  • The excellence of all managerial, operational and administrative processes.

  • A culture of continuous improvement in all aspects of the business.

  • An understanding that quality improvement results in cost advantages and better profit potential.

  • The creation of more intensive relationships with customers and suppliers.

  • The involvement of all personnel.

  • Market-oriented organizational practices.

Common failings include the following.

  • Insufficient executive commitment.

  • Unrealistic expectations.

  • Failure to set priorities.

  • Poor measurement methods.

  1. Describe the essence of MBWA, its principles and objectives.

Management by wandering about, or management by walking around frequently goes together with an open-door management policy, because Managers consistently reserving time to walk through their departments and/or to be available for impromptu discussions.

Individuals forming networks of acquaintances throughout their organizations. There are Lots of opportunities for chatting over coffee or lunch, or in the corridors.

Managers getting away from their desks and starting to talk to individual employees. The idea is that they should learn about problems and concerns at first hand. At the same time they should teach employees new methods to manage particular problems. The communication goes both ways.

MBWA has been found to be particu­larly helpful when an organization is under exceptional stress; for instance, after a significant corporate reorganization. The difficulty with MBWA is that employees sus­pect it is an excuse for managers to spy and interfere unnecessarily.

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