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In 2008 the elections of president took place in the usa. The Rep. Party has nominated John McCain, Senator of State Arizona. The Dem. Party nominated the Senator of State Illinois Barack Obama.

The Civil War: reasons, economic and social results.

The conflict between 2 antagonistic economic and social systems in the USA: the capitalist System in the north and the Slavery System in the South. (slavery as specific form of am.feudalism) For capitalism to develop slavery should be abolished and political power of planters in the south must be broken + the problem in new territories in the west (slavery or freedom?!), esp. after the Mexican war (1848).

NORTH: industry & manufacture (clothing, furniture), NO slaves, produced expansive products and had the protectionist tax on ones from other countries; larger population=>more representatives in Congress; the Union!; supported Lincoln. SOUTH: agriculture (cotton)=> needed slaves; preferred cheap European products, had smaller population => lost power in the House of Representatives; opposed the Union, created The Confederate States of America; chose Davis Jefferson as the Pr.of Confederation.

1854 – the Republican Party is founded by the northern Capitalists (antislavery and progressive course). 1860 – Lincoln won the Pr.Elections stating that slavery was to continue where it already existed but the new ter-ries were free. Before he took office 11 southern states separated from the Union and formed the Confederate States of Am.with Jefferson Davis as the Pr. April 1861 The Confederate Gov.demanded the evacuation of Fort Sumper in Charlsetone Harbour garnisoned by federal troops. The commander of the fort refused and the southerners opened fire – the war began! The North had the advantage but the South had the support of the br.ruling class cuz it was necessary for the br. cotton industry + talented generals of the south Robert Lee and “stonewall” Jackson + the unity of purpose in the south while the ruling class in the north was confused as Lincoln hesitated to abolish slavery completely. January, 1 in 1863 the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION was issued (all slaves are FREE!) It was a turning point, cuz the war now had the revolutionary basis. A military turning point was the Battle at Gettysborough in 1863. (famous address of Linc after that: Government of the people, by the people, for the people). In 1864 General Grant was appointed by Linc. as the Commander of the Union Forces=> no doubt as to the victory of the Union, but the south kept on fighting. April,1 in 1861 the northern troops captured Richmond (the capital of the Southern Confederacy). April, 9 in Gen.Lee surrendered to Gen.Grant=the end of the Civil War. 14 April Lincoln – assassinated. Results: 215000 lives, the defeat of the Revolution in the South + abolition of slavery => a slow and long consequence – the reconstruction of the economic and political structure of the Southern States (Henry Johnson – a new Pres.). The Per.of Reconstruction lasted for 12 years, progress of democracy (the Blacks could vote), economic development, bought Alaska in 1867 for 7 mln 200 tsd, in 1869 the first Transcontinental Railway opened the way to a rapid exploitation of the West. By 1890 the Us surpassed Britain and became the leading world power.

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