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  1. Fill in at, on, in where necessary.

  1. ... Easter

  2. ... Tuesday

  3. ... 1994

  4. ... the evening

  5. ... Friday evening

  6. ... May

  1. ... next Wednesday

  2. I don’t know ... what time

  3. …supper time

  4. ... this Sunday

  5. ... that afternoon

  6. ...Sunday afternoon

  1. Only one of these expressions has a preposition.

  1. I’ll see you ... next Monday.

  2. I’m not free ... this Tuesday.

  3. Tell me ... what time it starts

  1. The exam’s ... my birthday.

  2. Let’s meet ... one weekend.

  3. I train... every day.

  4. She phoned ... this evening.

  1. Read the information about John F. Kennedy and then answer the questions.

John F. Kennedy was born into a famous American family. His date of birth was 29 May 1917. The year 1961 saw him become the 35th President of the US. Kennedy was killed as he drove in an open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Friday, 22 November 1963 was a sad day for America. It was 12.30 when a gunman opened fire and shot the President dead.

When was John F. Kennedy born?

............... On 29 May 1917……………………..

  1. When did he become President?


  1. When was he killed?


  1. What time was he shot?


  1. Fill in at, in, on where necessary.

Mark: I’m sorry I was out when you called ...-... yesterday afternoon, Alice. Look, I’m free ...on… the fifteenth of March. Can we meet then?

Alice: I’m pretty busy ... next week, I’m afraid. I can’t see you ... Friday.

Mark: I’d like to have a meeting ... this month if possible.

I’ll be very busy ... April.

Alice: I’m going away ... Easter, so how about a week later?

Shall we meet ... the twenty-seventh? That’s a Wednesday.

Mark: I’ve got an appointment ... the morning but nothing ... the afternoon.

Let’s meet ... Wednesday afternoon ... half past two.

  1. On time or in time? Fill in correctly.

If the plane is late, we won’t get to Paris …in time... for our connecting flight.

  1. We were up very early, …………………….... to see the sun rise.

  2. How can the buses possibly run ………………………... with all these traffic jams?

  3. The post goes at five. I’m hoping to get this letter written ………………………...

  4. The coach will be here at 12.13 if it’s .................................................

  1. Fill in at, on, or in where necessary.

- You only bought that book ...on… Saturday. Have you finished it already? (surprise)

  • I read it ...in… about three hours yesterday evening

1: - Will the bank be open ……….. half past nine?

  • Yes, it always opens absolutely ……….... time.

2: - We’re leaving ……….. half past, and you haven’t even changed.

  • It’s OK. I can easily shower and change ……….... ten minutes.

3: - Your Mother’s birthday ………... Monday, isn’t it?

  • Yes, I just hope this card gets there ……….... time.

4: - If we ever go camping again, it’s going to be …………... summer, not autumn.

  • Never mind. We’ll be home …………. two days, and then we’ll be dry again.

VII. Fill in during or while.

Did you take notes ... during… the lecture?

  1. Shall we have a coffee ………………..…. we’re waiting?

  2. Try not to make any noise …………..... the baby’s asleep.

  3. The fire alarm rang ……………….... yesterday’s meeting

  4. Trevor tried to fix the shelves ……………….... Laura was out shopping.

  1. Fill in by or until.

  • You’ll need to hand your project in ...by… the end of the week. I’d like to have it ………….... Friday, ideally.

  • Well, I’m going on a three-day study trip tomorrow. I’ll be away ………………... Thursday. The project will probably take me …………... the middle of next week. I can finish it …………………... the end of the week.

  • Well, let me have it ……... Wednesday of next week, please.

  1. Add the appropriate preposition to these phrases.


..............the beginning


..............a moment

............... 6.30

............. last

............... Wednesday afternoon

............. the year 2000

............... an hour

............. midnight

............... weekends

............. March 25

............... weekdays

............. a winter’s night

............... a cold day

............. times

............... a week

......... …the summer

...............5 o’clock




..............12 March 1999

............. Christmas Day


.............my birthday



.............. the 1970s

.............the past

...............the future

.......... ..present

...............the moment

.............the Middle Ages

.............. the weekend

........... .the same time


.............Christmas Day

...............the morning

.............the evenings

...............Saturday morning

.............Saturday evenings

Предлоги места.





- В/внутри (нахождение чего-либо внутри, в пределах определенных границ) – предлог

(c глаголом BE и глаголами движения)

- как наречие после глагола с глаголами движения, состояния, местонахождения

Устойчивые сочетания:

  • Домашние предметы, книги, газеты

  • Город, сельская местность, континент, мир

  • Части света, природа и окружающая среда

  • Учреждения, заведения

  • места, имеющие линейное расположениe

  • изображение

In the room, inside the cage. The bird is in the/inside the cage.

She is in the room. No running is allowed in the building.

Come in the office.

Come in, please ( = come into the room).

Get in. (= get into the car)

I’d rather stay in. (stay at home)

Stay tuned in. (Don’t switch over to another programme)

Is Mr. Brown in? – Мистер Браун у себя?

Is Johnny in? - Джонни дома?

In bed, in a chair, in an armchair, in a book, in (a) paper, in a magazine, in a letter, in the cupboard, in the corner

In town, in the city, in the centre of the town, in the city centre, in a street, in the streets, in the middle of the road, in London, in Minsk, in Europe, in Africa, in the world, in a place/area. In the pub, in the cinema, etc.

In the north/west (на севере/западе; to the north – на север), etc., in the open air, in the sky, in the mountains, in the suburbs, in the park, in the river, in the lake

In a hotel, in (a) prison, in (a) hospital, in the office , in/at the lesson, in class

In a line (US), in a queue, in a row ( в ряд; подряд, последовательно), in the back of a car, in a front of a car ( на переднем сиденье машины)

In a mirror, in a picture, in a photograph, in a poster


На (поверхности) чего-либо

Устойчивые сочетания:

  • протяженная поверхность, длинные улицы, автострады

  • вершина, верх чего-либо

  • другие устойчивые выражения

  • на бумажной поверхности

  • поездки

  • средства информации (кроме печатных)

  • средства передвижения

Другие словосочетания с предлогом:

On the floor, on the door, on the wall

The book is on the table.

On the beach, оn the coast, on the Pacific Highway, on the motorway, on a river

On a stool, on a mountain, on top of

On the left/ on the right

On the ground floor/first floor, etc.

On a map, on the menu, on a list, on a page, on the front/ on the back of a letter (piece of paper)

On a farm, on the way to (school) BUT on the way home

On the corner/ at the corner (of the street) BUT – in the corner (of a room), on the pavement, on a platform

On the island, on the outskirts, on a campsite, on the border, on Earth

On board a (the) ship, on a cruise, on an excursion, on a trip, on a tour, on a journey

On TV/television, on the screen/on the radio/ on the news/ on the phone

On a bus, on a train, on a plane, on a ship, on a bicycle, on a horse

BUT in a car, in a taxi

Примечание: by bus, (by train, by plane) – refers to using buses as a means of transport. E.g. I usually go to work by bus.

On the bus, (on the train etc) – for specific journeys to particular destinations. I saw Jane this morning. She was on the bus.

Did you come home on the train? – I came home on the bus.

On arrival - по приезду, приехав On average - в среднем

On behalf of - от имени On business - по делам ( в командировку)

On condition that - при условии, что

On the contrary - наоборот On demand - по требованию

On a (slimming) diet – на диете (для похудания)

On the dole - на пособии ( по безработице)

On duty - на дежурстве On an expedition - в экспедиции

On fire - в огне (гореть) On foot - пешком

On the one hand - с одной стороны On the other hand - с другой стороны

On horseback - на лошади (верхом) On one’s knees - на коленях

On (sick, maternity) leave - на больничном./в отпуске по уходу за новорожденным

On the market - продаваться On one’s mind - (быть) на уме

On one’s own - (быть) одному (дома) On purpose - специально

On sale - быть в распродаже (по сниженным ценам) BUT for sale

- быть в продаже (продаваться)

On strike - бастовать On the whole - в целом

On good/bad terms – на хороших/плохих условиях


На, в (точка в пространстве), не внутри

  • общественные места, точки пересечения

  • здания, учреждения, заведения, места пребывания, адреса, дома

  • At + название улицы или города, вместо названия учреждения:

  • остановки во время поездок, путешествий

  • сфера обслуживания, развлечения


  • at + крупные магазины

  • другие сочетания:

аt the bus stop,

at the crossroads

at the traffic lights,

at/on the corner of the street

at the bridge

at the post –office, at the station, at the airport , at a hotel, at the seaside;

at school, at work, at home, at church, at school, at college, at university,

at a party, at a wedding, at the funeral,

at number 18 Hill Street, at 65 Shirley Road, at the company’s headquarters

at Mike’s (at Mike’s house) ,

There is an important meeting at Downing Street. (10 Downing Street, the residence of the British Prime Minister)

He is at Manchester studying linguistics. (a student at Manchester University)

To stop at New York BUT to live in New York

At Alex’s (У Алекса – название бара или кафе)

at the doctor’s, at the hairdresser’s, at the watchmaker’s, at a cafe, at a pub, at a restaurant etc.

at a concert, at a football match, at the theatre, at the cinema

There are 400 seats in the cinema. It was raining, so we waited in the pub.

We use “in” when we mean inside a building.

I was at the cinema. (= watching a film) We were at the pub. (= having a drink)

But we normally use “at” when we are talking about what happens there.

He works at Marks and Spencer. BUT She works in a shoe shop.

at (the)table, at the desk, at sea (as a sailor or passenger)

at the top/bottom of a hill (mountain) BUT on the top of the mountain BUT on top of smth. – на поверхности

at the front/back of the room/building/house

at the end/beginning of the book, corridor, etc.


Снаружи, у, на улице (зависит от контекста)

Outside the house, outside the bank, outside the school

He left the car outside the house (UE outside of the house)

I’ll be waiting outside.

Next to

Рядом с

Jessica is sitting next to Andrew

Near/not far from

Возле, недалеко

The airport is near Manchester.



  • двумя вещами, людьми

  • между двумя группами, рядами

  • большее количество, если мы знаем их точное число

It’s between you and me. (2 people).

The house is between a hill and a river. (2 things)

I saw something between the wheels (2 rows)

Luxemburg lies between Belgium, Germany and France



  • имеется в ввиду неопределенн. количество вещей, людей

The house stood among trees (amongst – literary)

He was happy to be among friends again.

In front (of)

Перед, впереди (чего-либо, кого-либо)

  • предполагается близкое расстояние

She sat with a book in front of her. She put a plate in front of him.

A lady was sitting in front of me in the first row. (спиной)

A cyclist is in front of the bus. (спиной)

At the back of

Сзади (чего-либо) (антоним)

There’s a car park at the back of the hotel.

At the back of the classroom there is a large wall unit.


За, (чем-либо, кем-либо)

He hid behind the tree.

Mary is behind Tom.

Behind the house there was a garage.


Напротив (чего-либо, кого-либо)

  • лицом друг другу (большее расстояние)

There is a bus stop opposite our house. She sat opposite me.


Над (чем-либо, кем-либо)

  • подразумевает неопределенную площадь

A plane was flying above us.


  • То же самое, только имеется в виду более конкретная площадь. Часто не видно разницы.

Другие значения:

  • На (накрыть, покрыть)

  • Через (речку)

  • За (горами)

  • Свыше (с числами)

  • Над (кем-то, начальник)

  • За (приемом пищи)

  • Выражение take time over smth/doing smth.

  • Выражения:

The helicopter hovered over us (or above us).

Flags waved over our heads (above our heads)

We put a rug over him.

There is a bridge over the river.

He lives over the mountains.(beyond the mountains, beyond the lake)

The population of Minsk is over 1mln.

He is over me. (He is above me)

They had a chat over a cup of tea.

He doesn’t take long over lunch. – It doesn’t take him long to have lunch.

He took ages over the job. (It took him ages to do the job).

The above address – вышеуказанный адрес

The above-mentioned – вышеупомянутый


Ниже, под

  • большее расстояние между предметами

They live below us. (We live above them)


  • Под ( может обозначать контакт между двумя предметами)

  • Below/under могут обозначать младший по рангу, должности и т.д.

She put the letter under her pillow.

The ice crackled under his feet.

I’m under him. – Я работаю под его началом


  • Под, ниже

Часто в переносном смысле и для выражения абстрактных понятий

Beneath criticism – ниже критики

She married beneath her. – У нее был неравный брак. (вышла замуж за человека ниже ее по социальному положению)


Под (подразумевает соприкосновение с предметом)

He crawled underneath the wire fence ( or under the wire fence)


Рядом, у


  • кроме

  • кроме того

Sit beside me. We camped beside the lake. (at the lake)

The table is by the bed.

Besides doing the cooking, I help Tom. (I help Tom and do the cooking besides.) Besides Tom, there were his friends in the room

We can’t afford oysters. Besides, Tom doesn’t like them.

Attention! Кроме слова besides есть слово except (for) – за исключением, кроме. Обратите внимание на разницу:

Besides обозначает кроме, в придачу, а except (for) – кроме, за минусом.

Besides Pete, there were four more people in the room. (включая)

There was nobody in the room except (for) Pete. (исключая)

I. Add the appropriate preposition of place.

............... corner of the road

.............the streets

............... the back

............ work all day

.......... ….the crossroads

............ the open air

............... the television

............ home

............... a journey

............ the park

............... the bus stop

............ a chair

............... hospital

............ the door

.............. Europe

........... .a queue

.............. Earth

............ the bottom

.............. the north

............ top

II. Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + one of the following

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