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Political System of Great Britain (2)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the sovereign reigns but does not rule.

Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.

Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords; and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power.

The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is expected to be politically neutral and should not make political decisions.

The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.

The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are 650 of them in the House of Commons. They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies. All citizens, aged 18 and registered in a constituency, have the right to vote. But voting is not compulsory in Britain. Only persons convicted of corrupt and certain mentally ill patients don't take part in voting.

There are few political parties in Britain thanks to the British electoral system. The main ones are: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal / Social Democratic Alliance.

Each political party puts up one candidate for each constituency. The one who wins the most votes is elected MP for that area.

The party which wins the most seats in Parliament forms the Government. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister. His first job is to choose his Cabinet. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.

The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and scrutiny of government activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. The Speaker is appointed by the Government.

The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers. It is presided by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory council. It's in the House of Commons that new bills are introduced and debated. If the majority of the members are in favour of a bill, it goes to the House of Lords to be debated. The House of Lords has the right to reject a new bill twice.

But after two rejections they are obliged to accept it. And finally a bill goes to the monarch to be signed. Only then it becomes law.

Parliament is responsible for British national policy. Local governments are responsible for organizing of education, police and many others.


Политическая система Великобритании (2)

Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии является конституционной монархией. Это значит, что монарх является главой государства, но не управляет им.

В Британии нет написанной конституции, но есть свод законов.

Парламент — главный государственный орган Британии. Он состоит из трех частей: Монарх, Палата Лордов и Палата Общин. Палата Общин — фактически единственный государственный орган, обладающий реальной властью.

Монарх формально является главой государства. Монарх должен быть политически нейтрален и не должен принимать политических решений.

В настоящее время королева Елизавета II. Она была коронована в Вестминстерском аббатстве в 1953 г.

Палата Общин состоит из парламентариев. Их 650. Они избираются тайным голосованием. Всеобщие выборы проходят каждые пять лет. Страна делится на 650 избирательных округов. Все граждане, достигшие возраста 18 лет, регистрируются в избирательном округе и имеют избирательные права. Но голосование в Британии не обязательно. Преступники и душевно больные не принимают участия в голосований.

Благодаря британской избирательной системе в Британии существует мало политических партий. Основные это консервативная партия, лейбористская партия и либерально-социал-демократический альянс.

Каждая политическая партия выдвигает одного кандидата от каждого избирательного округа. Тот, кто наберет большинство голосов, становится членом парламента от этого округа.

Партия, которая получает большинство мест в парламенте, формирует правительство. Его лидер становится премьер-министром. Его главная задача — сформировать Кабинет министров. Премьер-министр обычно принимает политические решения с согласия Кабинета.

Функции Палаты Общин — законотворчество и проверка деятельности правительства. Палату Общин возглавляет Спикер. Спикера назначает правительство.

В Палате Лордов около 1200 пэров. Председательствует Лорд-канцлер. У палаты Лордов нет фактической власти. Она служит скорее консультативным советом.

Ukraine is a republic.

Legislative power belongs to the parliament that is called "Verkhovna Rada." The deputies are elected by secret ballot all over the country. They have meetings when they discuss the problems of the country and new laws.

Ukrainian radio and television broadcast the meetings of Verkhovna Rada and everybody can learn what problems the deputies solve. Our people usually listen to the meetings of Verkhovna Rada. You can see and listen to radio sets, that are switched on, in many offices, in buses, in kitchens and many other places. They do not speak loudly and the people do their work and listen to the meetings. The leader of the Verkhovna Rada is called "Holova". He is elected by the deputies. Now the Holova is Alexander Alexandrovich Moroz.

Besides, there is a President too. He governs the country with the help of his administration and the Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime-Minister. The first president of Ukraine was Leonid Makarovych Kravchuke. Now Viktor Yanukovuch is the president of Ukraine. He is from Donetsk and we are proud the fact. In each region there is regional Rada. It governs the region.

How to spot a liar

The techniques below will show you how to tell if you are being lied to. These techniques are used by government agencies for interrogation. They can easily be utilized in relationships and in business situations. To learn more about these and other techniques, I recommend you pick up a copy of Bust Liars - this guide will teach you everything you need to know about catching liars in the act!

To make successful use of these indicators, it helps to know the suspect's 'normal' body language and reactions to different situations.

  1. Movements - Expressions will be stiff. Liars will use fewer hand movements and take up less space. All physical actions will generally take up less space than usual.

  2. Face touch - Liars will touch the area around their lower face, i.e. scratching the nose, touching the lips or chin. This is an instinct from birth, much like when a child covers his own mouth after a lie, only it has developed through age into less obvious actions.

  3. Eye movement - The eyes of dishonest people will tend to move around a lot to avoid meeting your gaze. However, staring at your eyes for prolonged periods is also an indicator of a lie. This is often because liars have learned that their eye movements are a giveaway and they are trying to control them.

  4. Pupils - Pupils will dilate when a lie is told; this is due to the adrenalin being pumped into the body. This factor will also depend on the severity of the lie. Small white lies may not dilate the pupils.

  5. Stance - Liars often feel uncomfortable standing directly in front of an accuser and may avoid standing with their shoulders squared to yours. Instead, they might stand slightly to the side or with their shoulders offset.

  6. Expressions - Expressions are limited to the mouth, e.g. if a liar fakes a smile, he will only use selected muscles whereas a natural smile utilizes muscles over the whole face.

  7. Palms - Liars often try to hide the palms of their hands. This is also instinctive. Hands behind the back or in the pockets are also positive indicators.

  8. Objects - Liars will play with objects in their possession such as a handbag, bracelet, mobile phone or hair. They may also put an obstruction between themselves and the other person, often something as simple as a coffee cup. This is a subconscious way of attempting to ‘barricade' themselves to relieve the tension of lying.

  9. Tone - A liar's tone of voice is often not consistent with his/her gestures or statements.

  10. Sarcasm - Dishonest people will often use sarcasm when answering accusations.

  11. Answers to questions - A liar uses your words to answer questions, e.g. Q: "Did you have sexual relations with this woman?" A: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

  12. Too many details - Dishonest people will add unnecessary detail to the conversation; this is an attempt to comfort the other person.

  13. Nonsensical - Often liars' words won't make sense and their grammar may be incorrect. This is because a liar's mind is racing in search of a convincing answer and the signals to the mouth are sent incorrectly.

  14. Avoiding direct answers - Liars sometimes imply answers instead of denying something directly. This allows them to avoid lying by not making admissive statements. By doing this, it gives them the possibility of going back on their answers and changing them.

  15. Defensive - Guilty people usually get defensive at the first indication of an accusation whereas honest people will get offensive.

  16. Pupils - Pupils will dilate when a lie is told; this is due to the adrenalin being pumped into the body. This factor will also depend on the severity of the lie. Small white lies may not dilate the pupils.

  17. Subject - A liar will often change the subject; a liar will be comfortable with the change with the belief that his lies have been believed. If honest, a person would be confused as to why a potentially serious subject would be changed. He would be more likely to disregard the subject change and pursue the original conversation.

It's important to note that these indicators experienced individually may not indicate a lie. You will need to look for several consistent indicators, or a combination in a short space of time.  Lastly, you may want to take a look at one of the higher quality dating blogs for more advice...

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