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7. Money

Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don’t care too much for money. What can you say for and against the idea that money is the main thing in one’s life?

It is impossible to imagine now that people used to live without money. Money has become a natural part of life.

Money can buy free time, entertainments, expensive clothes and tasty food and drinks. Many people think that’s enough to be happy so they associate money and happiness. And they have their point. Very few people can be happy living in an old, breaking house without modern conveniences with the perspective of growing food themselves. Money helps people choose their professional field and get paid for doing what they like to do. Money helps people be healthier and more beautiful.

But money can’t buy you love. That’s why many people think it is good to have enough money to lead a modest life with those whom they love – parents, children, pets – instead of making more and more money. They think that financial bosses are miserable people who sold their souls for money and can’t relax. Most businessmen have a timetable which starts at 6 a.m. and lasts till late at night without any holidays. They only think of earning as much money as possible not paying attention enough to the members of their families, even to their own health.

That’s why people are advised to use money as a servant but not to make it their master. People should remember that we earn money to live, but not live to earn money.

8. Solving problems of earth or space exploration

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth. What’s your opinion? What problems should humanity solve first of all?

In today’s world there are a lot of problems to be solved on Earth first but a great deal of money is spent on space exploration projects. Some people believe that the cosmos could contribute to improving mankind’s standard of living though.

As for me, I consider that the problems on our planet should be taken into account in the first instance. For example, such disasters as starvation, lack of fresh water and ecological crisis are to be paid attention to urgently since they can lead to the disappearance of the humanity itself. For all these reasons, I think the problems of Earth have an advantage over space exploration in their being realized in the first line.

In spite of the fact that some scientists are trying to discover the space’s possibilities to ensure earth dwellers with place for living because of Earth’s getting overcrowded with great temps people mustn’t forget about the danger of fatal ending of the planet. No person can live without food, water and fresh air either for more than several minutes or some days.

All in all, the priority of the Earth’s problems may arouse mixed feelings, but still their being solved by all means would save human beings from death.