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Билет № 12

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Most people in Britain work a five-day week, from Monday to Fri­day, schools are also closed on Saturdays. How do the English spend their weekend?

Those who live in cities and towns like to go away for the weekend. They may go to stay in the country or at the sea. Every Englishman is fond of the countryside. His idea of the countryside is a nice thatched cottage with roses round the porch and the garden, the fresh air and bright sun, no wind or rain. No crowds of people, silence and leisure. And he goes away to the countryside, though it is often not like he expects it to be.

Those who stay at home at the weekend try to do all the jobs they were too busy to do during the week. Some go shopping on Saturday morning (the shops in the centre of big cities usually close at one o'clock in the afternoon on Saturdays and shops are closed all day on Sundays), some do the house - washing, cleaning, gardening. Some men go and watch the most important sporting events (football, rugby, horse-racing and others) that take place only on Saturday afternoon, others sit and watch the sport programmes on television.

Saturday evening is the best time for parties, dances, going' to the cinema or theatre.

Sunday is a day for inviting friends and relatives to afternoon tea.

Зав. кафедрой Полушина Л.Н.

Билет № 13

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The history of London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower is one of the most ancient buildings of London. It was found­ed by William the Conqueror. For many centuries the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum.

The grey stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories of violence and injustice. Many saddest and cruelest events took place within the walls of the Tower. It was here that Thomas Moore, the greatest humanist, was falsely accused and condemned to death. Many people were executed there. Some ravens, whose forefathers used to find blood in the Tower, still live here. There is a legend that the Tower will fall if it loses its ravens. The birds therefore are carefully guarded. On a hill on the green lawn stands the main White Tower, the oldest and the most important building. It is surrounded by other towers, which all have different names.

One can see the Crown Jewels in Wakefield Tower and a valuable collection of arms and armour in the White Tower.

The Tower is guarded by the Yeoman Warders. Their uniform is black and red. Every night at 10 p.m. at the Tower the Ceremony of the Keys or locking up the Tower for the night takes place.

Just outside the Tower, on Tower Hill, is a traditional open-air meet­ing place at which political meetings are held.

Зав. кафедрой Полушина Л.Н.