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Skills_Business Letters.doc
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Invitation to pay a visit

Dear Mr Smith,

We are pleased to extend a formal invitation for you to visit our company in the first week of May to discuss the program of our future cooperation.

We would be grateful if you could inform us whether the time of the visit is suitable. If not, please suggest an alternative date.

We would appreciate a prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,

Sean Greenfield

Invitation to attend a conference

Dear Ms Glenfield,

I am writing on behalf of the Organizing Committee to invite you to the 2nd Global Young Leaders Conference which will take place in Moscow from March 2 to 5, 2011.

A detailed programme of the Conference will be sent later. We hope you will be able to accept our invitation and would appreciate your confirmation by letter.

Sincerely yours,

Maria Masarskaya

Proposal to pay a visit of a Sales Rep

Dear Olga,

John Smith, one of our sales representatives, will be visiting Moscow between February, 23 and 25. He has a rather heavy itinerary but he will be happy to meet you or do something that would help the sales of our products, if it were appropriate.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Best regards,


Request to attend a conference

Hi Tom

As you know, the annual Global Leadership Fair is scheduled for the first week in September.

Alexander Dougherty will be attending, but as he is not well informed on all issues, I’d like you to attend as well. Our umbrella theme for 2011 is ‘Competing for Global Leadership in Emerging Economies’. I’ll get Johnny to message you with details.



Accepting an invitation

Dear Mr Evans

Thank you very much for your e-mail of June 6 inviting me to visit your company. I accept it with great pleasure. I would be very glad to discuss the plans for our further cooperation as my company is interested in extending its activities to foreign markets.

I will be staying at the Metropol Hotel and I expect to meet you at your office on Monday, as planned.

Yours sincerely

Lynn Korston

Refusing an invitation

Dear Mr Ivanov

Thank you very much for your invitation to visit Moscow.

Unfortunately, I find it impossible to leave Paris in the first half of the year. My enterprise is involved in a big project, which requires my presence and supervision. However, I will be glad to visit Moscow at a later date.

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely

Marie-Odile Gerard

Postponing a visit

Dear John,

Following our telephone conversation I confirm that my proposed visit to London will have to be postponed.

As I have suggested, I can come to England around March 17 if that fits in your time schedule.

I hope these changed arrangements will not cause any serious problems for you.



Thanking for hospitality

Dear Mr Petrov

Now that I am back in London, I feel that I must write to thank you most warmly for all the kindness and hospitality shown to me in Moscow. It was great pleasure to have the opportunity of meeting the directors of Russian Standards and of talking things over personally.

Could you, please, convey my thanks to Mr Ivanov for the trouble he took in his technical explanations?

I hope I will be able to reciprocate your hospitality in the near future.

Let me thank you again.

Yours sincerely

Rodger Hunt

Useful phrases

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