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Солонович Т.Ф. Виршиц Н.И._Успешный бухгалтер_Ч...doc
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M d Tippet

The Tippet Partnership

2. We notice from our files that your 2007 Income Tax return has not been completed yet.

3. Yours faithfully

M D Tippet

The Tippet Partnership


4. We would recommend that you make payments on account of $2.345 on 1 January 2007 and $2,346 on 1 July to avoid interest charges.

5. Dear Sir/Madam

6. Dear Mr. Pendergast

7. We also enclose the Corporation Tax return and trust that you will be able to agree our figures in due course.

8. Dear Ms Post

We have recently received a copy of your 2006/2007 tax assessment.

As this is incorrect we have lodged a Notice of Appeal.

9. On behalf of Collins Enterprises Ltd. we enclose a copy of the financial accounts for the year ended 30 March 2007 together with a copy of our Corporation Tax computation.

10. We would like to complete it and would be grateful if you could let us have the details of dividends received from your UK shareholdings for the year ended 5 April 2007.

Yours sincerely

Md Tippet

The Tippet Partnership

2. Put them in the correct order to produce three correct letters.

Letter 1: 6. … …

Letter 2: … … 7.

Letter 3: 8. … …

Unit 9 accounting ethics


1. Why do ethical issues of business draw so much attention in the society nowadays? Discuss the question with your partner and then compare your findings with the information below.

The fear of losing a job, the need to earn a profit to keep a project going, stealing a competitor’s secret formula, and inflating a budget proposal are not new feelings and behaviours. They are, however, indicators that meeting goals in tough and competitive economic times can lead to cutting ethical corners. The ethical crisis is infecting business, politics, education, law, medicine, and every other industry and occupation worldwide.

Broadcast and print media repeatedly uncover unethical behaviour. Some 200 major U.S. firms have appointed ethics officers to serve as ombudsmen and encourage whistleblowing (the reporting of unethical practices to outsiders such as government officials, the press, or organization managers). Almost every day a news story informs us about a business manager or employee caught doing something illegal or unethical. But how many unethical acts aren’t reported? No one knows for sure.

2. Look at the cartoons below and in small groups discuss the messages they convey. Get ready to report your findings to others.

a) b)



juggle n, v 1. 1) фокус, ловкость рук, трюк 2) обман, плутовство 2. 1) показывать фокусы; жонглировать 2) обманывать, вводить в заблуждение,


code of ethics

code of conduct

моральный (этический) кодекс

кодекс поведения

integrity n


(in)compatible with a


wrongdoing n

проступок, правонарушение, преступление

fraud n

обман; мошенничество, жульничество; подделка

fraudulent a

жульнический, мошеннический

scam n

афера, жульничество

sleaze n

аморальность (особенно о политике)

creative accounting

манипуляции с бухгалтерской отчетностью (в целях скрыть или приукрасить реальное положение дел)

embezzlement n

растрата, хищение, присвоение (обманным путем)

overstate v


insider trading

инсайдерные торговые операции с ценными бумагами (незаконные торговые операции с ценными бумагами на основе внутренней информации о деятельности компании-эмитента)

money laundering

отмывание денег

cook the books

делать приписки в отчетности

bribe n

syn kickback, sweetener, backhander


market rigging

манипулирование рынком, искусственно повышая или понижая цены (курсы)

price fixing

фиксация (фиксирование) цен(ы) (установление и поддержание цены на определенном уровне, часто не соответствующем реальной рыночной конъюнктуре; обычно по договоренности нескольких фирм, действующих как единый монополист)


Text 1

1. Read the following article and find out what organizations are involved in establishing codes of ethics for accountants in the USA and internationally.