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7.1. Прочитайте новые слова, пользуясь тран­скрипционными знаками, и переведите предложения:

1. to fabricate ['faebnkeit] Goods are fabricated at the

изготовлять, производить 2. (to) need [ni:d] нуждаться, потребность


Plants need watering. There is always a need for skilled specialists in industry. He quickly found the way to solve the problem

3. way [wei]

путь, способ, образ (действия)

4. to respond [ns'pond] Materials respond to

отвечать, отзываться, реагировать

  1. external [iks'tstnl] внешний, наружный

  2. force [fo:s] сила, усилие

  3. elastic [i'lasstik] упругий, эластичный

external forces in different ways.

My TV works better with external antenna. Force of gravity is different on the Poles and on the Equator. Rubber is the most commonly used elastic


  1. permanent f'paimanent] Permanent magnets are постоянный used in loudspeakers.

  2. volume ['voljum] The volume of the container is 100 объем, емкость cubic meters.

5. 3at 434.

10. (to) cause [ko:z] Rainy weather was caused by a vast вызывать, cyclone.

причина External forces are the cause of


  1. to subject [sAb'^ekt] The specimen was subjected подвергать to high stresses.

  2. to disappear ['disa'pis] The plane disappeared from исчезать the radar screens.

13. to decrease [di'krkzj The volume of the gas


  1. to increase [in'kri:z] увеличивать(ся)

  2. to remain [n'mein] оставаться

  1. to exceed [ik'si;d] превышать

  2. to support [ss'poit] поддерживать

decreases as the temperature drops. The population of the world increases every year. The doctors advised the patient to remain in bed for two more days. The speed in towns should not exceed 60 km per hour. Russia supports friendly relations with all countries

18. to eliminate [I'limineit] Digital recording of устранять, sound eliminates noises

ликвидировать from the musical records.

%■ 7.2 Прочитайте следующие слова, пользуясь знаками транскрипции, и найдите их русские экви­валенты:

laboratory [1э'Ьэгз1эп] material [тэ'пэпэ!] maximum ['maeksimsm] bolt [bolt] energy ['ensdji] defect [di'fekt] synthetic [sm'Oetik]

polymer ['poUnw] parallel ['ра?гэ!е1] perpendicular [,ps:'pendikjula] coefficient [,koui'fiJ"3nt] equator [ik'weita] limit ['limit]

7.3 Найдите в правой колонке перевод анг- лийских слов:

1- cause А. внешний

  1. elastic В. исчезать

  2. external с. объем

  3. force D. оставаться

  4. to decrease е. подвергать

  5. to disappear j-. поддерживать

  6. to eliminate превышать

  7. to exceed н. причина

  8. to increase j. реагировать

  1. to remain j, сила

  2. to respond К. способ

  3. to subject L. увеличивать

  4. to support M. уменьшать

  5. volume jj. упругий

  6. way 0_ устранять

C_§V 7.4. Прочтите и переведите следующие слово­сочетания на русский язык: modern technology laboratory techniques external forces elastic deformation original size permanent deformation tensional force metal bar

pulling force

maximum stress

small localised cracks

cross-sectional area

cyclic force

resistance of materials

steady force acting on a material

deformation of components

rupture of the material

resistance to deformation

rigid structure

to deform without breaking

absorb energy by deformation

inversely proportional

brittle materials

operate at high temperatures


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