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Семинар на тему «Стилистические аспекты перевода» (2 часть).

1. Приемы перевода метафорических единиц (читать Казакова т.А. «Практические основы перевода» стр. 237-246).

Предложите ваш вариант перевода предложений, содержащих метафору, определите прием перевода: 1. The tool business is one of the most competitive industries in America – dog eat dog down to the puppies. 2. The owners of the coal mines knew which side their bread was buttered on. 3. Jolyon stood a moment without speaking. Between this devil and this deep sea – the pain of a dreadful disclosure and the grief of losing his wife for two months – he secretly hoped for the devil, yet if she wished for the deep sea he must put up with it. 4. Any artefact made of or covered with gold could start the gossip mills grinding and lead to the usual exaggeration. 5. The racists in South Africa began to feel the waves of Africa liberation lapping round their ankles.

2. Приемы перевода метонимии (читать Казакова т.А. «Практические основы перевода» стр. 259-265).

Предложите ваш вариант перевода предложений, содержащих метонимию, определите прием перевода: 1. I think I’ll go to Globe. They’re performing Shakespeare today. 2. His last conscious vision was that of Carl waving a despairing handkerchief. 3. So the pink muslin and champagne voile ran downstairs in a hurry. 4. This time America won six golds. I dare to assume, they were all over the moon. 5. The previous night I was running of wheels, that’s why I had to wait till she was free. 6. I was not so thriving on my drawing classes, but there were only rembrandts in my group. I still wonder why they put me in this group. 7. I had not the vaguest notion why he was always acting with all this “I’m super cool Mr. Beckham”.

3. Приемы перевода сравнений.

Сопоставьте следующие примеры переводов сравнения, определяя переводческие приемы: 1. I will roller-skate you—or I will throw you and you will fall slowly like a feather. Или мы вместе съедем на роликах, или я вас столкну, и вы полетите вниз, легко, как пушинка. 2. ‘Boy, the way you holler, you’re like a rooster.’ «Да ты орёшь, точно какаду». 3. The truant passenger dodged a hansom and then floated past, like a leaf on a stream between a furniture van and a florist's delivery wagon. Нерадивый экскурсант увернулся от экипажа и, точно листок в потоке, проплыл куда-то мимо между мебельным фургоном и повозкой с цветами. 4. When he asked about them Mrs. Gerber said they were migrants, just like some kinds of birds —always on the move, picking whatever crops had just come ripe. Он спросил у миссис Гербер, что это за люди, а она сказала, что это сезонники, ну, вроде перелетных птиц — они все время перебираются с места на место, собирая урожай чего бы то ни было, когда он созревает. 5. Ted was still rubbing his eyes, his hand hovering over his narrow nose like a spider. Тед все еще протирал глаза, и его кисть нависала над узким носом, будто паук. 6. He studied the face and neck, the soft mass of brown, sensuous hair massed at the back of the head, the flowerlike lips and soft cheeks. Он смотрел, не отрываясь, на это лицо и шею, на пышный узел чувственных каштановых волос, на губы, раскрытые, словно лепестки, на нежные щеки. 7. We must all live together like birds, as you say. Все мы должны жить, как птички в гнездышке, по твоей поговорке.

Предложите ваш вариант перевода предложений, содержащих сравнения, определите прием перевода: 1. Upon it floated swans like boats and boats like swans, both lost in the nothingness of the heartless beauty. 2. To Bobby the laugh sounded about as real as a wooden leg. 3. "Oh," she exclaimed; "you're terrible. You're like steel." "And you're like a big red rose. 4. A little ringlet on her forehead beckoned him like a golden finger. 5. One girl whose yellow hair lay upon her neck in great yellow braids like ripe corn, was constantly in his thoughts. 6. This girl was fine, delicate, pink, like porcelain. 7. He was a tight, smiling youth, as sound as oak, as clear as good water. 8. The anger arched out of her like a great fiery tongue. 9. Her body rigid as driftwood. 10. Baseball was our country, and without, it, we drifted like two boats with the oars pulled in.