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Занятие 5 Словарь к информационным сообщениям 5

  • to make final appeals to the voters, campaigning, amid mounting violence

  • a freighter, crew (n), to go missing, the Cape Verde Islands, the Arctic Sea, to baffle

  • Zambian, Frederick Chiluba, to clear smb. of corruption charges

  • a suicide bomb attack, Ingushetia, an attacker, a truck packed with explosives

Словарь к интервью (часть 1)

a “Cold Warrior”

to reverse the whole trend in the world

a Defense Secretary

to give up nuclear weapons

a goal

to follow the lead

to get the loose nukes under control

to take the leadership


to bring the nuclear weapons down

to made very good progress

the International Luxembourg Forum


to be dedicated to

in the area of nuclear elimination


to reverse

to get their hands on

to build up tensions

nuclear disarmament

to develop a much stronger tie

START treaty

a nuclear power

in and of itself

to reduce one’s nuclear stockpiles

to make an indispensable contribution

Занятие 6 Словарь к информационным сообщениям 6

  • To blow oneself up, at the height of Russia, Russia’s security service the FSB, preliminary findings suggest, to boost security

  • Hamid Karzai, to stress the need, governance (n)

  • the stern of a warship, in mysterious circumstances, an explosion

Словарь к интервью (часть 2)

START treaty

disastrous consequences

to conclude a treaty

unintended consequences

the most important point

far reaching in significance

to deal together from a position of trust

bilateral talks

to resolve major issues

a tête-à-tête


diplomacy has not yet run its course

right away

to achieve a goal

in sequence

to abandon one’s nuclear weapons


What would be the best way to go about it?

an option

to persuade

Let me be more specific

a certain amount of pressure

a “virtual nuclear capability”

an incentive

the worst case scenario

the Six-Party Talks

the international community

to conduct unprovoked military attacks

to intervene militarily

Занятие 7 Словарь к информационным сообщениям 7

  • On the eve of smth., to disrupt smth., to stop people voting, a polling day

  • A gun battle, Kabul, to fight insurgency, to raid a bank, the presidential compound

  • Liftoff (n), to suspend a mission to launch a rocket, to launch a satellite

  • A public statement, Dr. Conrad Murray

Словарь к интервью (часть 3)

to launch a nuclear attack

a land route

a domino effect

common interests

minuscule (adj)

to gain influence over smth.


a haven for terrorist groups to train

nuclear fission material

to provide assistance

to establish themselves as a nuclear power

to contemplate Russia sending its troops

to restore law and order

an anti-missile defense shield

a troop surge

to establish not only very good bilateral relations

to resolve things

to provide security

the intent of

a common security treaty

to have a government that is enabled

an integral part of NATO

to prevent the reintroduction of terror camps

Занятие 8

Словарь к информационным сообщениям 8

  • Speculation, the Arctic Sea containership, whereabouts, Benjamin Netanyahu, media outlets, transfer of missiles

  • Tamil civilians, a civil war

  • To deploy troops, Uganda, Kampala, a clash, a tribal chief, to postpone, to give rise to

  • To mark the moment, the World Trade Center

Перевод с листа (1 занятие в неделю)

Занятие 11

Словарь к ИС1 (РЯ-АЯ)


почтить память жертв взрывов

to pay tribute to victims of the explosions

возложить цветы к месту трагедии

to lay flowers at the spot


to emphasize

организаторы взрывов

those behind the terrorist attacks

найти и уничтожить

to track and eliminate


to be accompanied by

по последним данным

according to the latest data


лично передать слова сочувствия и поддержки

to personally convey his sympathy and support

бесчеловечные акты терроризма

the outrageous terrorist acts

направить письменное соболезнование

to send written condolences

по возвращении из Афганистана

on his return from Afghanistan

поддерживать борьбу с терроризмом

to support the fight against terrorism

справиться с этим злом

to defeat this evil

выразить признательность за искренние соболезнования

to express one’s appreciation for the sincere condolences

наиболее востребованные сферы взаимодействия

the most useful areas of cooperation

объединить усилия

to work together

чтобы террористическая угроза не оккупировала всю планету

to ensure that the terrorist threat does not take over the entire planet

подтвердить намерение

to reaffirm one’s intention