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4. Вопросительные слова

How значит как, но тут оно встречается в сочетании how many (букв, как много?) и переводится сколько: «How many are they»? «Сколько их»? Обратите внимание на то, что так же переводится и how much: «How much is the rent»? «Сколько составляет квартплата»? Разница в том, что how many употребляется с исчисляемыми, a how much с неисчисляемыми существительными.

Разница между русской и английской конструкциями есть и в другом сочетании - how old (букв, как стар?): How old are they? Сколько им лет? How big is it? Насколько большая (семья?)

Whom - форма косвенного падежа от who. В разговорной речи who не изменяется по падежам.

5. Вопросы к подлежащему и группе подлежащих

Who owns our apartment? Как видим, в вопросах к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов и не требуется никаких вспомогательных глаголов, т. е. такие предложения отличаются от утвердительных только тем, что вместо подлежащего ставится «who?» (кто?) или «what»? (что?).

Обратите внимание, что когда неизвестно число, то, так же как и в русском, подразумевается единственное (owns владеет).

Под группой подлежащего подразумеваются его определения:

How many people share it?

6. Have и have got

В современном языке глагол to have в значении иметь употреб­ляется довольно редко. Вместо него употребляется выражение have got (в 3 л. ед. ч. has got). В быстрой речи have сокращается в 've, a has в 's. Поэтому:

She's got a camera = She has got a camera = She has a camera.

7. Возвратные местоимения

Richard often asks me about myself. Ричард часто спрашивает меня обо мне самом. I tell Richard about myself. Я рассказываю Ричарду о себе.

Местоимения такого типа называются возвратными. Обратите внимание на то, что в английском местоимения меняются по лицам, в то время как в русском употребляется со всеми лицами.

8. Даты

Существует несколько способов чтения дат. Например: 1 января можно прочесть так: the first of January, January the first, January first.

Название года читается как две двузначные цифры, слово (год) употреблять не нужно.

1984 (nineteen eighty-four), 1992 (nineteen ninety-two)

В датах лучше писать название месяца не цифрой, (обычно сокращено: Jan. = January, Feb. = February), в Англии и в США порядок написания цифр дня и месяца отличается. Так, 1/9/90 может быть понято как 1 сентября в Англии и как 9 января в США.

9. Обратите внимание на предлоги.

Sitting next to me

Richard waits for me

He is coming out of the elevator

in 1945

in May

on the ninth of May или on May on Sunday

at six o'clock

10. Члены семьи

Родственники по браку обозначаются общим словом in-laws (букв, по закону). Обратите внимание, что, например, mother-in-law - это мать жены (теща), а для жены - это мать мужа (свекровь). Таким же образом, sister-in-law может означать и сестру мужа, и сестру жены, и жену брата.

11. Эти выражения помогут вам больше узнать о своем собеседнике

I was born

Не was born

She was born

Не is married

She is divorced

Не is single

Не is retired

Я родился

Он родился

Она родилась

Он женат

Она разведена

Он не женат

Он в отставке

Речевые формулы


Can I (May I?).

Sure (you can).

Sure. Why not?

Of course, you can.

No, you can't.

I'm afraid, you can't.

Please don't.


Можно (мне)?

Конечно (можно).

Конечно. Почему бы и нет.

Конечно, можно.

Нет, нельзя.

Боюсь, что нет.

Пожалуйста, не нужно.



Take/catch a taxi, bus, trolley­bus, streetcar, metro

Get on off

Take a/the number ...


It takes … (minutes to get to)

How much (what) is the fare?



Ехать на такси, трамвае, метро

Входить, выходить

Сесть на номер ...


Это займет …(минут)

Какова плата за проезд?



Excuse me

Pardon (me)

Sorry (употребляется реже)


Can / could you direct me to...?

Can / could you tell me the way to ...?

How do / can I get to...?

Does this street go to / lead




Thank you (very much).

You're welcome.

Don't mention it.


Go (walk) down, up, along, across, past, straight (on)

Turn (to the) right, left

Take the (first, second, ...)

turning on the right, left

on the right, left


in front of






II. СПРАШИВАЕМ ДОРОГУ. Скажите, как мне добраться до...?

Как мне добраться до...?

Эта улица приведет меня к…?


Спасибо (разг.).

Спасибо (большое).


Не за что.


Идите вниз, вверх, вдоль, через прямо

Поверните направо, налево

(Первый, второй и т. д.) поворот направо, налево

справа, слева

в центре



Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Who are they waiting for?

2. What is Vera's hobby?

3. What is Richard asking Victor about?

4. How old is Victor's wife (Alex, Vera, Boris)?

5. Does Michael Basov work?

Упражнение 2. Сравните столбики первый и второй. Что собираются сделать наши герои и что они уже делают? Повторите эти предложения несколько раз.

Vic is going to meet Richard.

Vera is going to meet him, too.

I am going to meet him.

They are going to take the sub­way.

You are going to cook.

We are going to ask him about America.

Now he is meeting him.

Now she is meeting him.

Now I am meeting him.

Now they are taking the sub­way.

Now you are cooking.

Now we are asking him about America.

Теперь задайте вопросы сами: Предложения 1 и 4 образцы.

1. Is Vic meeting Richard?

2. Is Vera ... Richard too?

3. Are they ... Richard at the hotel?

4. Is Vera going to take pictures?

5. Is Vera ... to photograph in the street?

6. Are they ... to take the metro?

Упражнение 3. Обратите внимание на отрицательную форму глагола. Прочтите предложения несколько раз и впишите нужные формы вместо точек: Предложения 1 и 5 образцы.

1. Lucy is cooking. She isn't going to meet Rich.

2. Vera is meeting Rich. She ... going to cook.

3. Is Vera helping Mom (маме)? Vera ... helping her now.

4. Is Vic taking a taxi? He ... taking a taxi.

5. Are they going to the theater? They aren't going to the theater.

6. Are they going to the museum? They ... going...

7. Are they asking Rich about England? They ... asking...

Упражнение 4. Внимательно прочтите и сравните предложения. В пер­вом столбике действия происходят обычно, а во вто­ром - в данную минуту.


I always take the subway.

He always takes the subway.

She walks to the office every day.

They usually wait for me.

She sometimes takes pictures.

They always help Mom.


Now I'm taking a taxi.

Now he's taking a taxi.

Now she's going by bus.

Now they are going out.

Now she's asking me to take pictures.

Now they are playing.

Упражнение 5. Несколько раз повторите названия дней недели и подставьте их в предложения и вопросы

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

I work on...

He works on...

They work on...

I don't work on...

He doesn't work on...

They don’t work on...

Do you work on...?

Does your friend work on...?

Does your boss work on...?

Do your friends work on...?

Упражнение 6. Спросите, умеет ли он (она, они) делать это? Спросите, нравится ли им это делать?


Can you take pictures?

Do you like to take pictures?

...he cook?

...she play volleyball?

...he play the piano?

...you play the guitar?

...you drive?

...you swim?

Does he like to...?


Do you like...?


... ... ...to...?

Упражнение 7. Воспользовавшись подсказками, ответьте на вопросы

How are you going to get to Vic's place?

(Take the number ... bus, transfer to the metro, walk)

How long does it take to get there?

(40 minutes)

At what bus stop are you going to get off?

(Gostiny Dvor)

At what metro station are you going to get off?

(Victory Park - Парк Победы)

Is this house near the Park?

(five minutes' walk)


Can you speak English?

May I ask you a question? Can you speak English? I can, but some of my friends can't. Do you know why? Because they're afraid of making a mistake. But I'm not. I also have a little secret: my wife is an English teacher. So I can learn English at home. That's why my children can speak English too. Of course, Lucy speaks English the best. I speak it worse than her but better than my children. My in-laws know English worst of all. They can't speak it at all. They can only understand a few words. I always tell them: if you want to speak English, speak it! Nowadays everybody must know English.

There's no place like home.

Our apartment is on the fifth floor. We come out of the elevator and ring the bell. All my family, my boss, and his wife are here. I introduce Richard to everybody. My wife shows him our apartment.

There's a housing shortage in Leningrad. But we're very lucky. We've got a large apartment not far from downtown. We used to live in a very small one. It was very far from my office. My wife's parents used to live in an even smaller apartment. It was very crowded. Now we all live together. Our apartment has four bedrooms and a living room. The smallest room is my son's bedroom. The biggest one is, of course, the living room. There is also a very big kitchen. We use it as a dining room too.

We take Richard to the living room and offer him a drink. Most of the people are new to him, and so we ask him to play a little game: he has to guess their names, their ages, their jobs and their hobbies. Some of Richard's guesses are right and others are wrong. Everyone is having fun. We laugh a lot.

Soon my mother-in-law calls us to dinner. She can cook very well but my father-in-law cooks much better. We eat a lot and drink a little wine. Richard proposes a toast to our new friendship.


Rich, Vic and Vera are coming to the house where the Kuznetsovs live.

— This is our apartment complex.

— There a lot of trees here. Where's your apartment?

— On the fifth floor.

— Is there an elevator?

— Sure. Here it is. Come in.

— Is your apartment large?

— It's larger than our old one. We used to live in a small apartment.

— With your in-laws?

— No, my in-laws used to live in a very crowded apartment too. It was smaller than this one. This one is bigger, nicer, and more comfortable.

— Are there many rooms in your apartment?

— There are four rooms and a kitchen. Come in. Rich.

— Hello. Good to see you. Come into the living room, please. Can you guess who's who?

— Is it a game? Okay. This is Nina Basov. Right?

— Yes, and this is my grandfather. It's easy.

— Glad to meet you, Mr. Basov. Do you speak English?

— Sorry, I don't. I speak German.

— Oh, I see. Are these women sisters?

— Ha-ha-ha ... No, we aren't.

— Well, let me see ... Ah, you are Mary, Lucy's sister?

— Yes, I am.

— And you are Mrs. Smirnov, aren't you?

— Yes, I am. Pleased to meet you, Richard.


Could you open the window?

Could you pass me the tea?

Could you open the door for me?

Would you go to the ballet with me?

Could you show me the way to the bathroom?

Could you wait a minute?

Pass me the wine, would you?

Could you give me his address?

Would you wait for me here?

Would you tell me your sec­ret?

Could you say it in English?

Yes, certainly.

Yes, of course.


Yes, I'd love to.

Sure, it's there on the right.

(All right) Okay.

Yes, of course. Here you are.

I'm afraid, I can't.

I'm sorry, I can't. I'm late.

No, I won't.

No, I can't.


Would you mind closing the door? No, I wouldn't.

Would you mind my smoking? Not at all.

Would you mind telling Mr. Johnson Okay.

that I'm waiting for him?

Would you mind coming to the All right.

office a little earlier?

Would you mind walking to the offi­ce? Not at all

Would you mind not opening the window? No, not at all.


— Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

— Yes, certainly,

— Where would you like to go?

— Could we go to some quiet little place off Nevsky?

— Sure. Why not?

— Do you like it here?

— Yes, I do.

— Where would you like to sit?

— Could we sit there by the window?

— Sure. Would you like some wine with your dinner?

— Could I have some juice or mineral water instead? You see, I don't drink, could I have just vegetables? I'm vegetarian.

— Oh, I see. Do you mind if I smoke?

— I'm afraid I do. I wonder if we could ask them to stop that loud music.

— I'm afraid we can't.

— I wonder if we could go home.

— Would you like to go home already?

— Yes, I would. Thank you for the evening.

— You're welcome. And thank you.